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RuneScape Wiki
Bronze battleaxe Iron battleaxe Steel battleaxe Black battleaxe White battleaxe Mithril battleaxe Adamant battleaxe Rune battleaxe Corrupt dragon battleaxe Dragon battleaxe
Slot main hand (has off-hand variants)
Style Slash
Average (3.6s)

A Battleaxe is a one-handed slash weapon. They possess high damage ratings, but have a relatively slow attack speed. Players can buy battleaxes at Brian's Battleaxe Bazaar in Port Sarim, at Bob's Brilliant Axes in Lumbridge, or at the Grand Exchange, or from trading with other players.

Battleaxes have a damage bonus tied with their crushing counterpart, the warhammer.

In RuneScape Classic, they were stronger than swords but not as accurate. Battleaxes were pointed before the RuneScape HD graphics update, then became rounded in RuneScape High Detail. All battleaxes outside of Daemonheim received a complete graphical overhaul with the release of the Evolution of Combat.

Main hand battleaxes[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus Price
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Bronze battleaxe Bronze battleaxe 1 Slash 74 150 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 1,439
Iron battleaxe Iron battleaxe 10 Slash 149 202 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 2,545
Steel battleaxe Steel battleaxe 20 Slash 298 316 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 1,929
Black battleaxe Black battleaxe 25 Slash 372 381 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 7,052
White battleaxe White battleaxe 25 Slash 372 381 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 3,525
Mithril battleaxe Mithril battleaxe 30 Slash 447 454 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 3,550
Adamant battleaxe Adamant battleaxe 40 Slash 596 628 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 5,541
Rune battleaxe Rune battleaxe 50 Slash 745 850 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 24,988
Dragon battleaxe Dragon battleaxe 60 Slash 894 1132 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 119,464
Corrupt dragon battleaxe Corrupt dragon battleaxe 60 Slash 894 1132 - - - 0 0 0 - - - 70,380

Off-hand battleaxes[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus Price
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Off-hand bronze battleaxe Off-hand bronze battleaxe 1 - - - Slash 37 150 0 0 0 - - - 300
Off-hand iron battleaxe Off-hand iron battleaxe 10 - - - Slash 74 202 0 0 0 - - - 900
Off-hand steel battleaxe Off-hand steel battleaxe 20 - - - Slash 149 316 0 0 0 - - - 1,587
Off-hand black battleaxe Off-hand black battleaxe 25 - - - Slash 186 381 0 0 0 - - - 3,155
Off-hand mithril battleaxe Off-hand mithril battleaxe 30 - - - Slash 223 454 0 0 0 - - - 2,954
Off-hand adamant battleaxe Off-hand adamant battleaxe 40 - - - Slash 298 628 0 0 0 - - - 4,218
Off-hand rune battleaxe Off-hand rune battleaxe 50 - - - Slash 372 850 0 0 0 - - - 24,327
Off-hand dragon battleaxe Off-hand dragon battleaxe 60 - - - Slash 447 1132 0 0 0 - - - 118,128

Dungeoneering battleaxes[]

These battleaxes can only be obtained and used during Dungeoneering.

Table of battleaxes
TierItemLevels to use
1Novite battleaxe Novite battleaxe1 Attack-icon Attack
2Bathus battleaxe Bathus battleaxe10 Attack-icon Attack
3Marmaros battleaxe Marmaros battleaxe20 Attack-icon Attack
4Kratonite battleaxe Kratonite battleaxe30 Attack-icon Attack
5Fractite battleaxe Fractite battleaxe40 Attack-icon Attack
6Zephyrium battleaxe Zephyrium battleaxe50 Attack-icon Attack
7Argonite battleaxe Argonite battleaxe60 Attack-icon Attack
8Katagon battleaxe Katagon battleaxe70 Attack-icon Attack
9Gorgonite battleaxe Gorgonite battleaxe80 Attack-icon Attack
10Promethium battleaxe Promethium battleaxe90 Attack-icon Attack
11Primal battleaxe Primal battleaxe99 Attack-icon Attack
Table of battleaxes
TierItemLevels to use
1Novite battleaxe Novite battleaxe1 Attack-icon Attack
2Bathus battleaxe Bathus battleaxe10 Attack-icon Attack
3Marmaros battleaxe Marmaros battleaxe20 Attack-icon Attack
4Kratonite battleaxe Kratonite battleaxe30 Attack-icon Attack
5Fractite battleaxe Fractite battleaxe40 Attack-icon Attack
6Zephyrium battleaxe Zephyrium battleaxe50 Attack-icon Attack
7Argonite battleaxe Argonite battleaxe60 Attack-icon Attack
8Katagon battleaxe Katagon battleaxe70 Attack-icon Attack
9Gorgonite battleaxe Gorgonite battleaxe80 Attack-icon Attack
10Promethium battleaxe Promethium battleaxe90 Attack-icon Attack
11Primal battleaxe Primal battleaxe99 Attack-icon Attack


  • In the God letters, Zamorak mentions his favourite weapon is his bloodied battleaxe and he likes the sight of it embedded in someone's skull.
  • Formerly, only the Dragon battleaxe and Corrupt dragon battleaxe appear to have a shapened blade. All the battleaxes from ranging from Bronze to Rune appeared to have a very dull and blunt blade. This is no longer the case since they received a graphical rework.
  • The battleaxes used in Dungeoneering were the first battleaxes to have an updated chop attack. Before the Evolution of Combat, they were also faster than regular battleaxes (equivalent speed to longswords).