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RuneScape Wiki
This article is about the basic item. For other uses, see Battlestaff (disambiguation).

Battlestaff detail

A battlestaff is a members only staff which boosts Magic and requires 30 Magic to wield.

If a player uses the appropriate (earth, water, fire, or air) charge orb spell on an obelisk with an unpowered orb in their inventory, they can make an elemental orb, which can then be attached to the top of the battlestaff.

Players who have completed the Scorpion Catcher quest can take their battlestaff to Thormac who will turn it into a mystic staff for 40,000 coins.

Players who have completed Ritual of the Mahjarrat and have 77 Crafting can combine a battlestaff with an orb of Armadyl to produce an Armadyl battlestaff.

Combat Stats
RequirementsStaff equipped
30 Magic
Magic Magic2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Crafting battlestaves[]

Battlestaff crafting

A player attaching an orb to a battlestaff.

Crafting Type XP
Orb Battlestaff
54 Water orb Water Water battlestaff Water 100.0
58 Earth orb Earth Earth battlestaff Earth 112.5
62 Fire orb Fire Fire battlestaff Fire 125.0
66 Air orb Air Air battlestaff Air 137.5
77 Orb of Armadyl Armadyl Armadyl battlestaff Armadyl 150.0

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?

The amount a player can purchase from Naff's Knockoff Staves depends on how much progress has been made in the Varrock achievements.

Stock per day
Tasks complete # Profit/Loss
None 8 −31,904
Easy tasks 16 −63,808
Medium tasks 32 −127,616
Hard tasks 64 −255,232
Elite tasks 80 −319,040

Battlestaves can also be purchased from the Rewards Guardian in the Mage Training Arena with pizazz points. It has a stock of 100 battlestaves and costs 1 telekinetic point, 2 alchemist points, 20 enchantment points, and 1 graveyard point.

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Barrows: Rise of the SixN/A35–45Common
Crystal Shapeshifter1122Common
Muddy chestN/A2Common
Raptor keyN/A100–200Common
Elite Dark Mage981Rare
Ferocious barbarian spirit1061Rare
Greater reborn mage821Rare
Icefiend (Ghorrock)1071Rare
Locust rider751Rare
Scabaras mage771Rare
Skeleton Mage19; 491Rare
Skeleton brute881Rare
Skeleton heavy891Rare
Skeleton thug851Rare
Skeleton warlord911Rare
TzHaar-Hur86; 981Rare
Waterfiend102; 1071Rare
Waterfiend (elite)1111Rare
Angry barbarian spirit1061Uncommon
Ankou60; 61; 631Uncommon
Ankou (elite)721Uncommon
Beastmaster Durzag2000104–139Uncommon
Berserk barbarian spirit1061Uncommon
Cadarn magus1222Uncommon
Cockroach worker301Uncommon
Commander Zilyana5962Uncommon
Enraged barbarian spirit1061Uncommon
Gold keyN/A1Uncommon
K'ril Tsutsaroth98; 6508–10Uncommon
Locust lancer775Uncommon
Otherworldly being631Uncommon
Rare drop tableN/A180–220Uncommon
Scabaras lancer771Uncommon
Scabaras ranger771Uncommon
Scarab mage751Uncommon
Shade Catacombs/RewardsN/A1Uncommon
Silver key blackN/A1Uncommon
Silver key brownN/A1Uncommon
Silver key crimsonN/A1Uncommon
Silver key purpleN/A1Uncommon
Silver key redN/A1Uncommon
Skeleton hero741Uncommon
Solak2000; 700076–121Uncommon
Soulgazer (elite)1351–2Uncommon
Spiritual mage49; 982Uncommon
The Magister89915Uncommon


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