Batwing boots
200 coins
120 coins
80 coins
Supple, stylish footwear for mages.
The batwing boots are magic armour worn in the boot slot . Players can make them by using a needle and thread on one piece of batwing , requiring 31 Crafting and giving 12 Crafting experience.
Creation [ ]
Required materials:
- - - - - - - - - -
Production JSON:
{ "product": "Batwing boots", "image": "[[File:Batwing boots.png|link=Batwing boots]]", "mats": [ { "name": "Batwing", "quantity": "1", "image": "Batwing.png" } ], "skill": "Crafting", "level": "31" } Batwing boots- 12 XP - 950 Requirements Crafting level31 Members onlyNo Materials Item Quantity Price Total Batwing 1 4,254 4,254
Store locations [ ]
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Base stock
Disassembly [ ]
Defined properties:
All Junk chance: 67
Junk chance: 67
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Trivia [ ]
During the Evolution of Combat beta , this item's examine text was "Kapow!" This is a reference to the original Batman television series, in which fight scenes were comically covered with similar text.
These boots are the only piece of the batwing set that does not have a distinct purple colouration.