RuneScape Wiki
For other uses, see Beans (disambiguation).

Beans detail

Beans are currency used in the player-owned farm. They can be exchanged for certain animals, items, and unlocks at the Farmers' Market. 500 are initially obtained during the tutorial at Manor Farm. They can be stored in the currency pouch, however they can not be withdrawn once added.

  • At level 99 Farming, an additional 100 beans are given by Granny Potterington.
  • At level 120 Farming, an additional 500 beans (total: 600) are given by Granny Potterington.
  • At 200M Farming experience, an additional 1000 beans (total: 1600) are given by Granny Potterington.
  • VIP members for 2018 receive 500 free beans from the VIP area at the Grand Exchange.

To obtain more beans past these, the player must sell animals to their respective buyers. Depending on the size of animal the npc is buying, they will appear and stay for different lengths of time. It is recommended to force the particular buyer you want to appear by placing those animals in pens before the reset happens.

Reset timers
Update table timers (last updated: 05:02:35, 8 February 2025 (UTC))
Buyer Last spawned (ago) Next spawn
Small February 08 2025 00:00 UTC February 09 2025 00:00 UTC
Medium February 07 2025 00:00 UTC February 09 2025 00:00 UTC
Large February 06 2025 00:00 UTC February 09 2025 00:00 UTC

Experience Value[]

The value of beans in term of experience can be derived from the following tables

If purchasing Magic bean (woody)

Level Tree Base experience for checking health Experience/Bean
15 Oak tree 467.3 0.11
30 Willow tree 1,456.5 0.36
45 Maple tree 3,403.4 0.85
60 Yew tree 7,069.9 1.76
75 Magic tree 13,768.3 3.44
83 Spirit tree 19,301.8 4.8
90 Elder tree 23,241 5.8

If purchasing Magic bean (fruity)

Level Tree Experience (base experience for checkling health) Experience/bean
27 Apple tree 1199.5 0.49
33 Banana tree 1750.5 0.73
39 Orange tree 2470.2 1.02
42 Curry tree  2906.9 1.21
51 Pineapple  4605.7 1.91
57 Papaya tree 6146.4 2.56
68 Palm tree  10150.1 4.22
72 Calquat tree  12096 5.02

If growing animals upto elder, the beans potentially lost have the following value

Animal Experience gained (from adolescent to elder) Beans lost Exp/Bean
Rabbit 400 7 57.14
Chicken 1875 12 156.25
Chinchompa 24000 75 320
Sheep 1812.5 24 75.52
Spider 15000 75 200
Zygomite 64000 255 251
Cow 4000 51 78.43
Yak 52000 225 231.11
Dragon 150000 600 250

Monetary value[]

If using Magic bean (sundry) to grow Morchella mushroom[]

Base 113.47
Morytania Elite tasks completed 226.94
Player-owned farm zygomite perk tier 1 121.41
Player-owned farm zygomite perk tier 2 124.81
Morytania Elite tasks completedPlayer-owned farm zygomite perk tier 1 242.82
Morytania Elite tasks completedPlayer-owned farm zygomite perk tier 2 249.63

This gives a base experience of 859.3 Farming experience per cycle, unaffected by task set or zygomite perks, but affected by various experience boosting sets, such as the Farmer's outfit and its elite version, the Master farmer outfit

If using Magic bean (fruity)[]

  • At level 27 : Apple trees: 1.25
  • At level 33 : Banana tree: 0.73
  • At level 39 : Orange tree: 5.17
  • At level 42 : Curry tree: 6.34
  • At level 51 : Pineapple plant: 1.33
  • At level 57 : Papaya tree: 13.91
  • At level 68 : Palm tree: 18.89
  • At level 72 : Calquat tree: 0.9 (has a different patch)

By using a giant ent familiar, the harvest can be increased by 50%, so the average values would be

  • At level 27 : Apple trees: 1.87
  • At level 33 : Banana tree: 1.1
  • At level 39 : Orange tree: 7.75
  • At level 42 : Curry tree: 9.51
  • At level 51 : Pineapple plant: 2
  • At level 57 : Papaya tree: 20.86
  • At level 68 : Palm tree: 28.34
  • At level 72 : Calquat tree: 1.34 (has a different patch)

If using Magic bean (leafy) to grow herbs[]

When planted in a herb patch, the following values can be expected, based on the player's level To maximise profit, use the following items to maximise the crop yield:
Magic secateurs from Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains, which boosts yield 10%.
Greenfingers aura, which boosts yield 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, or 15% depending on tier.
Juju farming potion from Herblore Habitat, which gives a 33% chance of picking double herbs, effectively increasing yield by 33%.
Scroll of life, which gives a 10% chance of returning your seed after you've harvested it.
The hard Wilderness Tasks will make the patch disease-free, increasing your overall profits.

Base rates (without any bonuses)[]

  • At level 20, Harralander : 5.04
  • At level 25, Ranarr: 12.65
  • At level 30, Toadflax: 76.5
  • At level 35, Spirit weed: 112.71
  • At level 40, Irit: 34.05
  • At level 41, Wergali: 18.37
  • At level 48, Avantoe: 7.09
  • At level 54, Kwuarm: 80.12
  • At level 57, Ranarr: 12.65
  • At level 59, Bloodweed: 112.76
  • At level 65, Snapdragon: 12.17
  • At level 67, Cadantine: 29.39
  • At level 70, Lantadyme: 51.35
  • At level 70, Dwarf weed: 57.64
  • At level 75, Torstol: 36.65
  • At level 91, Fellstalk: 46.65

Rates with all of the bonuses mentioned above[]

  • At level 20, Harralander : 7.26
  • At level 25, Ranarr: 18.23
  • At level 30, Toadflax: 110.25
  • At level 35, Spirit weed: 162.44
  • At level 40, Irit: 49.08
  • At level 41, Wergali: 26.47
  • At level 48, Avantoe: 10.22
  • At level 54, Kwuarm: 115.46
  • At level 57, Ranarr: 18.23
  • At level 59, Bloodweed: 162.51
  • At level 65, Snapdragon: 17.53
  • At level 67, Cadantine: 42.36
  • At level 70, Lantadyme: 74
  • At level 70, Dwarf weed: 83.06
  • At level 75, Torstol: 52.81
  • At level 91, Fellstalk: 67.23

For more accurate numbers of harvest, refer [1]
