The binding necklace is enchanted jewellery that gives the wearer a 100% success rate in making combination runes through the Runecrafting skill. It has 15 charges and will be destroyed once all are used. One charge is used per batch of combination runes crafted, instead of each time the altar is entered or for each rune crafted.
It currently costs 125.4 coins for each use of a binding necklace.
The enchanted necklace has a slightly different appearance than its normal counterpart. A binding necklace is given to the player during the quest Rune Mechanics.
The binding necklace's charge is tracked by player instead of by item.
The binding necklace does not negate the need of the opposing talisman, which is achieved with the Lunar spell Magic Imbue.
If the player crafts combination runes without wearing a binding necklace, they will receive the message "You attempt to bind the Runes." If they are wearing one, it becomes "You bind the temple's power into [type] runes."