All Life points: 2,500
Life points1: 2,500
All Life points: 4,000
Life points2: 4,000
All Life points: 4,160
Life points3: 4,160
All Life points: 2,500
Life points4: 2,500
All Life points: 4,000
Life points5: 4,000
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 63.9
Combat experience1: 63.9
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience2: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience3: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience4: 0
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience5: 0
All Release date: 23 July 2002
Release date: 23 July 2002
All Combat level: 28
Combat level: 28
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 22787
NPC ID1: 22787
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID2: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All NPC ID: 17302
NPC ID3: 17302
All NPC ID: 221
NPC ID4: 221
All NPC ID: 14436
NPC ID5: 14436
The Black Knight Titan is a giant that is encountered during the Holy Grailquest. He will prevent players from passing the bridge in the Fisher Realm until Sir Percival becomes the new king, and as such is immobile. A halberd can also be used from two squares away to melee him without taking damage. A simple tactic to defeat him is to use poison to lower its life points before killing it in close combat. If the last blow dealt to him is not done with Excalibur, he regenerates all his life points and players must kill him again.
The Black Knight Titan can be fought multiple times, and must be defeated in order to pass. When Sir Percival becomes king, the Black Knight Titan can no longer be fought. When he is killed, a message appears that says: "Well done, you have defeated the Black Knight Titan!"
The Black Knight Titan is fightable as a class E boss monster in the Dominion Tower minigame if the player has completed Holy Grail. In the tower, the titan can be slain without using or needing Excalibur.
A graphically reworked Black Knight Titan also acts as the final boss of Gower Quest, where he must be fought off at the life altar multiple times. He killed the cabbagemancer tending to the altar in order to lure the player there, so he could take their disk of returning and replace his outdated counterpart in Gielinor. After he is defeated, Andrew will give him a disk, and he will replace the outdated titan. His outdated counterpart can be spoken to in Behind the Scenes to toggle between his original and updated appearance.
He is based on the black knight from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" who guards a bridge.
The Black Knight Titan does not drop Big Bones, despite its classification as a Giant.
Due to the Black Knight Titan using the old graphics, it has turned into an inside-joke among Jagex and the community, with Jagex moderators being on the side of not updating the Black Knight Titan's graphics.
After the completion of Gower Quest, one of the rewards is to switch between the original and a new, graphically updated titan.
He used to have a combat level of 40 and before then 126.