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Black mask detail
Black mask chathead

A black mask requires 10 Defence, 20 Strength, and 40 Combat to wear. Similar to the focus sight and hexcrest, when worn it gives the player a 12.5% Melee damage increase and 12.5% Melee accuracy bonus against their current Slayer task. Black masks are dropped by cave horrors (level 58 Slayer required), found in the Mos Le'Harmless Caves. They can also be purchased from the Grand Exchange with either 0 or 10 charges.

The black mask has ten charges that are supposed to be invoked at random against any combat opponents, not just slayer task monsters. A charge reduces the opponent's Defence level by 3-10. However, currently black mask charges may be bugged and will not be used. Once the charges are gone, there is no way to recharge it, although its Attack and Strength bonuses remain after being uncharged. The charge is only lost when initiating combat, so fighting a single opponent cannot be used as a way of uncharging it. As of 2 November 2010, the charges can be removed with the "remove-charges" option. Note that the removal of charges is permanent and cannot be reversed.

With the release of Smoking Kills, players were allowed to craft a black mask and other slayer items into a slayer helmet, provided they had acquired the ability to make the helmets. Slayer helmets are valued because of their effects and the fact that they are not tradeable. The black mask has been steadily increasing in price due to the update which added the hexcrest and focus sight used in the making of the full slayer helmet which also requires a black mask to make.

Combat Stats
RequirementsBlack mask equipped
10 Defence 20 Strength 40 Combat
Attack MeleeHead slot
10Tank armour
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour40PvM: 0.4%PvP: 0.75%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Cave horror771Very rare
Cave horror (elite)861Very rare
Unspeakable horror1051Very rare
Unspeakable horror (elite)1121Very rare


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