RuneScape Wiki

Black spear detail

The black spear is a two handed melee weapon. It requires an attack level of 25 to wield.

It is a possible reward from looting a chest in the shade catacombs of Mort'ton while participating in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame.

As with all black equipment, this item cannot be made using the Smithing skill.

During Tai Bwo Wannai Trio, the black spear may be used with poison karambwan paste to create the black spear (kp). The (kp) spear has no use after the quest, but can be cleaned with a cleaning cloth to get back the black spear.

Combat Stats
RequirementsBlack spear equipped
25 Attack
Attack Melee2h slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Former vampyreN/A1Rare
Vampyre Juvinate58; 61; 63; 841Rare
Black key blackN/A1Uncommon
Black key brownN/A1Uncommon
Black key crimsonN/A1Uncommon
Black key purpleN/A1Uncommon
Black key redN/A1Uncommon
Bronze key blackN/A1Uncommon
Bronze key brownN/A1Uncommon
Bronze key crimsonN/A1Uncommon
Bronze key purpleN/A1Uncommon
Bronze key redN/A1Uncommon
Shade Catacombs/RewardsN/A1Uncommon
Silver key blackN/A1Uncommon
Silver key brownN/A1Uncommon
Silver key crimsonN/A1Uncommon
Silver key purpleN/A1Uncommon
Silver key redN/A1Uncommon
Steel key blackN/A1Uncommon
Steel key brownN/A1Uncommon
Steel key crimsonN/A1Uncommon
Steel key purpleN/A1Uncommon
Steel key redN/A1Uncommon


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • There is no white spear. This makes the black spear one of only a few pieces of black equipment that has no white equivalent.
  • There used to be glitch in which if the player didn't have the 10 Attack requirement to wield the spear and attempts to wield it, a message in the chat box would appear saying: 'You need a Ranged level of 10.'
  • Originally, although other metal spears had an attack speed of 5, the black spear only had an attack speed of 4. This was most likely an oversight by Jagex that occurred when they first increased the attack speed of spears with the release of Barrows.
    • When poisoned however, the black spear had the correct attack speed of 5.
  • Before the Evolution of Combat, this item only required 10 Attack to wield. Now it requires 25 Attack.