All Life points: 7,400
Life points1: 7,400
All Life points: 50,000
Life points2: 50,000
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 622.8
Combat experience1: 622.8
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience2: 0
All Release date: 10 January 2011
Release date1: 10 January 2011
All Release date: 31 January 2017
Release date2: 31 January 2017
All Combat level: 108
Combat level1: 108
All Combat level: 124
Combat level2: 124
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 13458
NPC ID1: 13458
All NPC ID: 24009
NPC ID2: 24009
Blood reavers is the name of a pack of Viriidemons in the service of the Zarosian general Nex[1]. They are found in the Ancient Prison within the God Wars Dungeon and are weak to arrows. They attack using magic, and their attack can splash onto nearby players who are not being directly attacked.
Blood reavers inside the Ancient Prison will be tolerant to the player if they have equipped the Shard of Zaros.
Blood reavers are summoned by Nex when she yells "A siphon will solve this!", summoning up to three normal blood reavers (two in a team of 5 or less). These reavers are unaffected by the Shard of Zaros' tolerance effect, and when they successfully attack a player, Nex will heal 92 life points. Any leftover reavers left in the room when Nex calls for another siphon will be killed, and the health they had left upon their death is converted to health for Nex.
Nex: Angel of Death[]
Blood reavers make an appearance again in the extension fight with Nex. Three are always summoned when Nex says "The elements, they call to me...", after the icicles burst and divide the chamber into four segments. Blood reavers never spawn in the segment that Nex is staring at after her attack. Unlike the standard blood reavers, these reavers are slightly stronger, and boast much more health.
These reavers will move towards Nex and ignore attacks that players deal to them unless certain situations cause them to use fairly weak magic attacks. If the reaver touches Nex, it automatically dies and allows Nex to perform a "true blood sacrifice", dealing damage to the whole team based on how much health the reaver(s) had when they touched Nex. They also add some enrage stacks for her.
Blood reavers in Nex's blood phase and the encounter in Nex: Angel of Death do not drop any items.
Despite being a follower of Zaros, blood reavers summoned in Nex's room do not count towards the killcount.
Despite the term "blood reavers" being confirmed to be the title of the specific pack of Virii in the service of Nex[2], Virii encountered in the Heart of Gielinor are also referred to as Blood Reavers.
^Mod Jack, Runefest 2013 & In-game. "In my current history, "Virii" is the name of the creatures, "Blood Reavers" is the name for Nex's pack of those creatures" [1]