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Baby bloodpouncer
Bloodpouncer adult icon
Release date 19 December 2012 (Update)
Members No
Race Bloodpouncer
Source Game card
Interface Yes
Category Legendary
Food None
Growth time 900 minutes
Colour variations 16
Examine Cute to a point. And those points are likely to be plunged into your neck.
Adolescent bloodpouncer
Bloodpouncer adult icon
Release date 19 December 2012 (Update)
Members No
Race Bloodpouncer
Source Game card
Interface Yes
Category Legendary
Food None
Growth time 1500 minutes
Colour variations 16
Examine Meal of choice: AB+ with a dash of tomato ketchup.
Adult bloodpouncer
Bloodpouncer adult icon
Release date 19 December 2012 (Update)
Members No
Race Bloodpouncer
Source Game card
Interface Yes
Category Legendary
Food None
Growth time None
Colour variations 16
Examine Leaves puncture wounds on the neck that you're unlikely to recover from.

Bloodpouncers are pet released as a promotional item awarded to people who redeem 90-100 membership days, or red pre-paid game cards at any retailer. They were also given away to "qualified adventurers" a few days before the method of getting them via game card was made known. On 22 October 2013, they were given to all players who had purchased the Gold Premier Club. They cannot be purchased from the Solomon Store with RuneCoins. They are shown in the customisation interface. It seems to be the Vyrewatch equivalent of the Skypouncer.

A bloodpouncer has three stages of growth. It will take approximately 15 hours to reach the adolescent stage and an additional 25 hours to reach the adult stage, though this can be sped up by interacting with the pet. Stages can be skipped by using a Growth Surge on the pet, e.g. baby to adolescent or adolescent to adult.

A bloodpouncer does not need to be fed like a normal pet, although feeding it Tasty Treats will increase the rate at which it grows by 50%, and feeding it Jelly Treats will increase it by 100%.

Like all pets and summoning familiars, it cannot enter or use its abilities in certain areas. When a current member visits a free to play world, the player is able to use the customisations interface to summon the pet, and the pet does still acquire pet points and is capable of maturing to the next stage on the free to play world. That is because the Bloodpouncer, like the other pets from Solomon's General Store, are available to Free-to-play, and so are available for usage in these worlds.


Legendary pets have several unique abilities, described below. Pets in the baby stage can have one active ability, adolescent pets can have two, and adult pets can have three. Abilities can be switched out at any time unless that ability is on cooldown. Active abilites are switched via the pet interface by clicking on the "Abilities" button at the bottom right corner.

Life Saver, Slayer Finisher, Repair Item and Fertiliser are not available for Ironman accounts.

Ability Description
Forage ability icon Forage The pet can randomly forage items when they are summoned. This can also be triggered actively. The foraged item is always one of the following:
Banking ability icon Banking The pet is able to take an item to your bank; they can take one item every 10 minutes, and a stack of noted items are banked all at once. The pet's ability to bank does not work beyond level 1 Wilderness. If one just crosses the Wilderness wall (and the Wilderness level display does not actually appear; thus can be considered "Wilderness level 0") and does not walk north, then the pet's banking ability still can be used.
Scavenge ability icon Scavenge The pet is able to scavenge dropped items from the moment it is obtained. To access the scavenge feature, 'Interact' with the pet and select 'Convenience', then select 'Scavenge'. When scavenge is selected, a menu interface will appear; the pet will automatically collect charms, but is able to pick up other items too. You can make the pet scavenge: Gold, Runes & Talismans, Herbs & Seeds, Weapons, Armour, Metal Bars & Ore, Bones & Ashes, Raw & Cooked food and Miscellaneous.

The pet will only pick up one item from a slain enemy; if an enemy drops two or more items, the pet will only pick up one. The pet will not always pick up items after a kill. There is a chance that the item picked up by the pet will appear in your bank rather than being in your inventory. This ability has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

To deactivate scavenge, 'interact' with your pet, select 'convenience' and select 'Heel'.

Life Saver ability icon Life Saver Your pet will save you from death, as per a ring of life. This does not work in PvP areas and has a two-hour cooldown (logged-in time).
Slayer Finisher ability icon Slayer Finisher Your pet will automatically finish off Slayer monsters that usually require an item, saving you an inventory slot.
Item Repair ability icon Item Repair Once per hour, you can use a repairable degrading item on your pet to repair it immediately. This works – and costs – the same as using the POH armour stand.
Beast of Burden ability icon Beast of Burden Using a Beast of Burden familiar pouch on the pet allows it to act as a version of that familiar with 10,600 life points and the same time limit. Using multiple pouches on the pet lets you extend the time for up to two hours. Unlike most Beasts of Burden, legendary pets do not use Summoning points. This ability cannot be used in the Wilderness.
High Level Alchemy ability icon High Level Alchemy Once per 10 minutes, use an item on your pet to convert it to coins, as per the High Alchemy spell. This requires 55 Magic, but does not need runes and gives no experience.
Fertiliser ability icon Fertiliser Every hour (of logged in time), the pet can be interacted to spawn pet droppings. It can be picked up for six buckets of compost or supercompost if the player is on a member's world. It also has a 1 in 10,000 chance of spawning Mod Daze's homework or Mod Dolan's rubber duck.


The two playing emotes for the bloodpouncer also change as it grows. As a kitten, the playing emotes are titled "Can has rat?", in which the owner pulls out a string and plays with the kitten, and "Finger food", in which the owner drops a walking hand for the kitten to attack. As an adolescent, the playing emotes are titled "Come back, shiny bauble", in which the player produces a ball of light with magic for the bloodpouncer to pounce on, and "Me? Fetch?", in which the player unsuccessfully tries to direct the Bloodpouncer away. As an adult, the playing emotes are titled "Fear me, human", in which red particles appear around the Bloodpouncer, which then roars at the player, and "Where are you going?", in which a small demon appears in front of the Bloodpouncer, which then grabs the demon in its jaws, throws it into the air, and kills it.

When two players with bloodpouncers meet, it is possible for them to engage in battle. A dustcloud will appear where they are fighting, and after a few seconds they will go back to following their masters as if nothing happened.

Engaging in battle with skypouncers has the same effect.

Bloodpouncer kitten[]

Bloodpouncer adolescent[]

Bloodpouncer adult[]


These are the possible names that can be given to this pet:

Available pet names
MagmaMagnusMateyMoleyMr Punchy
Mr StampyMs PunchyMs StampyNemeaNibbles
PuffyRed FangRexReynardRiddle
TinyTitusToastyTrampleTreasure Holder



  • There's currently a glitch with the scavenging ability, if the player's inventory is full it will not move and subsequently stay in the same spot unless call pet function is used
  • There's also another glitch with the scavenging feature, should the player's inventory be full and the pet picks up an item, that item will disappear. Can happen even when the inventory is not full.
  • The "Can has rat?" emote title is a reference to the lolcat meme "I can has cheezburger".