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Blue dragonhide set detail

A blue dragonhide set is a boxed set of Blue dragonhide armour, containing a body, vambraces, boots and chaps. The set requires 50 Defence to wear, and the body requires completion of the Dragon Slayer quest. It can be exchanged for the individual pieces, or vice versa, by right-clicking on a Grand Exchange clerk and then clicking 'Sets'.


Blue Dragonhide Grand Exchange cost
Blue dragonhide bodyBlue dragonhide body5,245 [graph]
Blue dragonhide chapsBlue dragonhide chaps4,275 [graph]
Blue dragonhide vambracesBlue dragonhide vambraces2,077 [graph]
Blue dragonhide bootsBlue dragonhide boots1,751 [graph]
Total price13,348
[view] [talk]

Components and Bonuses[]

Main-hand Off-hand Attributes Style bonus
Style Dmg Acc Style Dmg Acc Defence Constitution Prayer Attack-icon Ranged-icon Magic-icon
Blue dragonhide body Blue dragonhide body - - - - - - 195 0 0 - - -
Blue dragonhide chaps Blue dragonhide chaps - - - - - - 187 0 0 - - -
Blue dragonhide vambraces Blue dragonhide vambraces - - - - - - 42 0 0 - - -
Blue dragonhide boots Blue dragonhide boots - - - - - - 42 0 0 - - -
Totals - - - - - - 466 0 0 - - -

