A player reading a book.
Books are items obtained in quests and elsewhere in RuneScape. Most books can be read by players, providing information ranging from lore to game mechanics. When a player reads a book, their character displays an emote of looking at a green covered book, similar to the way reading the World Map displays an emote.
Books in bookcase[]
Bookcases are built in the Parlour, Quest Hall or Study of a player-owned house. All of the bookcases will contain the same books. Bookcases have the ability to save bank space, because they automatically store most books from previously completed quests and other miscellaneous books. There are some exceptions, and these are listed below.
Books are stored in the following order:
Non quest-related books are listed in alphabetical order first. Then quest-related books are listed in alphabetical order based on the name of the quest.
Name | Description | Notes |
'My Notes' | Discoveries from the ancient cavern beneath the lake. | |
Abyssal Research Notes | A Zamorakian researcher's notes on the discovery and nature of the Abyss. | Called "Abyssal book" when not in the bookcase. |
Akthanakos' memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Akthanakos' memory. | |
Ancient book | The holy book of a forgotten god. | |
Armadyl's Assault | A book written in the aftermath of a battle between Armadyl and Saradomin. | |
Armadyl's Book of Law | The holy book of Armadyl. | |
Azzanadra's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Azzanadra's memory. | |
Bandos's Book of War | The holy book of Bandos. | |
Beyond Trollheim | Nestor Peregrine, a dwarven explorer, wrote this account of his discovery of a vast battlefield beneath the mountains beyond Trollheim. | Called "Explorer's notes" when not in the bookcase. |
Bilrach's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Bilrach's memory. | |
Blasphemous Journal | ||
Book of the Gods | A compilation of stories of the gods and their followers. | |
Brewin' guide | How to make Mos Le'Harmless 'rum' in Trouble Brewing. | |
Citadel handbook (advanced) | A handbook further detailing clan citadels. | |
Citadel handbook (basic) | A handbook detailing the basics of clan citadels. | |
Clan avatars for members | A handbook detailing clan avatars and their use. | |
Clan avatars for avatar wardens | A handbook detailing the basics of clan avatars. | |
Damaged digsite letter | A transcript of a letter found at the Senntisten digsite. | |
Decaying Journal | An old book containing the creation myth of the mwanu. | |
Dominion Tower Journal | A warrior's discoveries about the tower and its creation. | Called "Dominion journal" when not in the bookcase. |
Enakhra's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Enakhra's memory. | |
Festering Journal | ||
First dragonkin journal | Records about the creation of dragons by the dragonkin. | |
Forcae's journal | How to torture your dragon. | |
Fourth dragonkin journal | Records about the creation of dragons by the dragonkin. | |
Gianne's Cook Book | The collected recipes of Aluft Gianne. | Recipes for the cocktails sold in Blurberry's bar. |
Goshima note | A note found on Goshima, addressed from 'J' to 'E'. | |
Grondaban's Stalker Notes | A book of notes found by a portal to the stalker homeworld. | |
Guide to Construction | A helpful book about how to add rooms and furniture to your house. | Called "Construction guide" when not in the bookcase. |
Guthix's Book of Balance | The holy book of Guthix. | |
Hazeel's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Hazeel's memory. | |
History of the Order | Ocellus's record of the Order of Ascension. | |
Illuminated Ancient Book | The unholy book of a forgotten god. | |
Illuminated Book of Balance | The holy book of Guthix. | |
Illuminated Book of Chaos | The unholy book of Zamorak. | |
Illuminated Book of Law | The holy book of Armadyl. | |
Illuminated Book of War | The holy book of the Big High War God. | |
Illuminated Book of Wisdom | The holy book of Saradomin. | |
Jhallan's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Jhallan's memory. | |
Kaigi's journal | A recording of an encounter with the Airut. | |
Kharshai's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Kharshai's memory. | |
King Help | How to defeat the Penance King in Barbarian Assault. | |
Lamistard's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Lamistard's memory. | |
Last Riders | A book on dragon riders. | |
Legend of the Brothers | The tale of the six brothers whose remains were interred in the Barrows of Morytania. | Called "Crumbling Tome" when not in the bookcase. |
Letter from King Raddallin | A note from the first King of Asgarnia to Lord Valzin. | |
Letter signed 'Pontifex Bilrach' | A transcript of a letter found at the Senntisten digsite. | |
Letter signed 'Pontifex Madromurt' | A transcript of a letter found at the Senntisten digsite. | |
Letter signed 'Pontifex Nabor' | A transcript of a letter found at the Senntisten digsite. | |
Lucien's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Lucien's memory. | |
Magic Training Arena Lore Book | Information about the Mage Training Arena north-east of Al Kharid. | Called "Arena Book" when not in the bookcase. |
Malleus daemoniorum | A book of demonic lore and true names. | |
Miner's journal #1 | A diary discovered on the corpse of a Ripper demon. | |
Miner's journal #2 | A diary discovered on the corpse of a Ripper demon. | |
Miner's journal #3 | A diary discovered on the corpse of a Ripper demon. | |
Miner's journal #4 | A diary discovered on the corpse of a Ripper demon. | |
Miner's journal #5 | A diary discovered on the corpse of a Ripper demon. | |
Mizzarch's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Mizzarch's memory. | |
Nex's Followers | A book of unknown origin detailing Nex and her followers. | |
Palkeera's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Palkeera's memory. | |
Party Pete's Bumper Book of Games | Instructions for a variety of party games you can play in your house. | Called "Game Book" when not in the bookcase. |
Pestilent Journal | A study on the ocean gods of the old horrors. | |
Pie Recipes | Recipes for a variety of pies. | |
Queen Help | How to make and use an Omega egg in Barbarian Assault. | |
Ralvash's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Ralvash's memory. | |
Razulei's Tale | A tale of the most loyal of Zamorak's followers. | |
Rotten Journal | An old book left as a message to [sic]lost love one. | |
RuneScape Account Security | Security tips, including how to choose a secure password and good recovery questions. | Called "Security Book" when held in the inventory. |
Saradomin's Book of Wisdom | The holy book of Saradomin. | |
Second dragonkin journal | Records about the creation of dragons by the dragonkin. | |
Sliske's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Sliske's memory. | |
Stronghold of Security - Notes | Some notes on the layout of the Stronghold of Security, and the creatures found therein. | Called "Stronghold notes" when not in the bookcase. |
The Account of Aesa Fellsdottir - Part 1 | A book of lore about the Barbarian Assault Penance creatures. | |
The Account of Aesa Fellsdottir - Part 2 | A book of lore about the Barbarian Assault Penance creatures. | |
The Blurberry Cocktail Guide | Recipes for the cocktails sold in Blurberry's bar. | Called "Cocktail guide" when not in the bookcase. |
The Diary of Tarn Razorlor | Tarn Razorlor's diary, into which is bound the spell needed to enhance the powers of the Salve amulet. | Called "Tarn's Diary" when not in the bookcase. |
The End of Gara-Dul | A story of the great beast Gara-Dul, recovered from a Karamjan idol that was reclaimed from jungle flora. | |
The Ghastly Grimoire | A collection of ghost stories from around Gielinor | |
The Glory of General Graardor | A book written by one of General Graardor's few devout human followers. | |
The Magister's Journal #1 | A diary discovered on the body of the Magister. | |
The Magister's Journal #2 | A diary discovered on the body of the Magister. | |
The Magister's Journal #3 | A diary discovered on the body of the Magister. | |
The Magister's Journal #4 | A diary discovered on the body of the Magister. | |
The Magister's Journal #5 | A diary discovered on the body of the Magister. | |
The Path of the Dragon | Found on acolytes of Seiryu, on Aminishi. | |
The Path of the Elemental | Found on acolytes of Seiryu, on Aminishi. | |
The Path of the Monk | Found on acolytes of Seiryu, on Aminishi. | |
The Praesul | A book detailing events before the second age involving the Praesul. | |
The Promised Gift | A fairly new looking tome. | |
The Ugthanatos | A diary discovered on the corpse of a camel warrior. | |
The Voice of the Elders | A book of elven clan lore. | |
The diary of Jebediah Omnis | A diary discovered on the corpse of a Ripper demon. | |
Third dragonkin journal | Records about the creation of dragons by the dragonkin. | |
Ultimate Guide to Glassblowing | A guide to the craft of glassblowing by Fritz, the glassblower of Entrana. | Called "Glassblowing book" when not in the bookcase. |
Vicendithas' Scribblings | A lone journal written by the Dragonkin creator of the Motherlode Maw. | |
Wahisietel's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Wahisietel's memory. | |
Zamorak's Book of Chaos | The holy book of Zamorak. | |
Zemouregal's memory | This is a book containing a transcription of Zemouregal's memory. | |
Zilyana's Notes | It contains secrets Saradomin utilised in the godwars. |
Name | Description | Notes | |
The Book of the Big High War God (Another Slice of H.A.M.) | A goblin history book, telling of how they fought for the Big High War God, and of the prophecy of the Chosen Commander. | Called "Goblin book" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Arzinian Being of Bordanzan (Between a Rock...) | A book about a terrifying entity that was encountered in the mines of Keldagrim. | Called "Dwarven lore" when not in the bookcase. | |
Azdaran Council Resolution (Birthright of the Dwarves) | A document assembled from fragments you found in the ancient Dwarven ruins near Keldagrim. | Called "Azdaran document" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Little Book o' Piracy (Cabin Fever) | How to act and talk like a pirate. | ||
Carnillean Family History (Carnillean Rising) | How the Carnillean family overthrew the evil Hazeel and became the founders of Ardougne. | Called "Carnillean history" when not in the bookcase. | |
Clockwork Toys - Chapter 1.0 (Cold War) | A book about clockwork mechanisms, with a note about how to make a clockwork suit that can be controlled from the inside. | Called "Clockwork book" when not in the bookcase. | |
'My Notes' (Dealing with Scabaras) | Discoveries about the Scarabites living east of Sophanem. | Called "Scabaras research" when not in the bookcase. | |
Letter from Lord Daquarius (The Death of Chivalry) | A note from the Lord of the Kinshra to his witch, Lensig. | ||
Captain Dulcin's Journal (The Death of Chivalry ) | The diary of the former leader of the Black Knights' Fortress. | ||
Handwritten Message (The Death of Chivalry) | A note allegedly from the leader of the Black Knights' Fortress. | ||
The History of the Kinshra (The Death of Chivalry) | A chronicle of bygone times in the Black Knights' Fortress. | ||
Trivium Daemonum (Demon Slayer) | A book of demonic lore from Gideon Bede. | Is the wieldable "Avernic book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Translation Primer (Desert Treasure) | A translation of the cuneiform writing found on a stole tablet. | Called "Translation" when not in the bookcase. | |
Volatile Chemicals (The Dig Site) | The recipe for an explosive compound, found in the library of the Dig Site. | Called "Book on chemicals" when not in the bookcase. | |
Codex Ultimatus (The Dig Site) | An eyewitness account of Zaros's arrival on Gielinor. | ||
Dwarf Multicannon Manual (Dwarf Cannon) | Instructions for the operation of the multicannon. | Called "Instruction manual" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Journal of Arthur Artimus (Eagles' Peak) | The journal of Arthur Artimus, a brigand who had a hideout in Eagles' Peak. | Called "Feathered journal" when not in the bookcase. | |
William Oddity's Guide to the Avian (Eagles' Peak) | William Oddity's notes on useful species of bird, including the mysterious giant eagles. | Called "Bird book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Journal of Perjour (The Elder Kiln) | The account of Perjour's last few days alive, found within the tunnels leading from the TzHaar city to the Elder Kiln. | ||
Book of the Elemental Shield (Elemental Workshop I) | Information about a lost workshop and a special shield that can be made there. | Called "Battered book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Book of the Elemental Helm (Elemental Workshop II) | The discovery of the technique whereby one's consciousness may be instilled into an ingot of 'primed' elemental metal. | Called "Beaten book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Book of the Elemental Body (Elemental Workshop III) | A book about a secret workshop, and the body armour that can be made there. | Called "Ragged book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Book of the Elemental Boots (Elemental Workshop IV) | A book about a secret workshop, and the boots that can be made there. | Called "Shabbby book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Book of the Elemental Gloves (Elemental Workshop IV) | A book about a secret workshop, and the gloves that can be made there. | Called "Notched book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Crystal Singing for Beginners (The Eyes of Glouphrie) | Oaknock's translation of an introduction to the elven art of crystal chanting. | Called "A handwritten book" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Book of Char (The Firemaker's Curse) | Char's journals and Firemaking patterns. | ||
The Ruins of Uzer (The Golem) | Notes made by Varmen, an archaeologist excavating the ruins of Uzer. | Called "Varmin's notes" when not in the bookcase. | |
Gnome-English Translation Dictionary (The Grand Tree) | Common words in the ancient Gnome language, translated into the modern tongue by Anita. | Called "Translation book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Glough's Journal (The Grand Tree) | The journal of Glough, former Tree Guardian of the Grand Tree. | ||
Prayer of Deliverance from Poisons (The Great Brain Robbery) | Allows you to cure yourself of poison through prayer. | Called "Prayer book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Gunnar's Ground (Gunnar's Ground) | A poem written by Dororan the dwarf for the chieftain of the Barbarian Village (aka Gunnarsgrun). | ||
V's Journal (Hero's Welcome) | One of V's old journals detailing his time as a god during the god wars. | ||
Phalaks' experiment log (Hero's Welcome) | An experiment log belonging to Phalaks of the Dactyl. | ||
Strisath's journal (Hero's Welcome) | A journal belonging to Strisath of the Necrosytes. | ||
Kalibath's journal (Hero's Welcome) | A journal belonging to Kalibath of the Necrosytes. | ||
Sakirth's journal (Hero's Welcome) | A journal belonging to Sakirth of the Necrosytes. | ||
Ancient Diary (Horror from the Deep) | The diary of Silas, describing his encounters in the caves beneath the lighthouse. | Called "Diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
Jossik's Diary (Horror from the Deep) | The diary of Jossik, keeper of the lighthouse. | Called "Diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
Lighthouse Manual (Horror from the Deep) | Lightomatic Deluxe 500 Maintenance, Upkeep and User Manual: Second Edition. | Called "Manual" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Little Book of Embalming (Icthlarin's Little Helper) | How to embalm the dead in accordance with the practices of Sophanem and Menaphos, by Bod E Wrapper. | Called "Embalming manual" when not in the bookcase. | |
Message from Mizgog (Imp Catcher) | A note hastily written by the bumbling beadromancer. | ||
Histories of the Hallowland (In Aid of the Myreque) | The history of Morytania in the times before the darkness fell upon it. | Called "Battered tome" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Sleeping Seven (In Aid of the Myreque) | An account of the seven priestly warriors who fought against the forces of evil in Hallowvale. | Called "Ancient tome" when not in the bookcase. | |
Modern day Morytania (In Aid of the Myreque) | A guide to Morytania as it is today | Called "Leather book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Sliske's Ramblings (Kindred Spirits) | Something akin to Sliske's personal diary. | ||
Death at Sea (Kindred Spirits) | Assorted notes on a strange play, by Praefectus Praetorio Sliske. | ||
The Divine Delusion (Kindred Spirits) | Thoughts on the nature of the soul, by Oreb, Magister of House Charron. | ||
A visit to an old friend (Kindred Spirits) | Sliske's journal regarding his visit to an asylum. | ||
Book of Binding (Legends' Quest) | An ancient tome on demonology, including information about how to fight demons with holy water. | ||
Shaman's Tome (Legends' Quest) | Notes made by Ungadulu, shaman of a tribe in the Kharazi Jungle. | ||
Ancient Tarddian Journal (The Light Within) | A journal found on Tarddiad that speaks of a forgotten ninth clan of the elves. | ||
Weathered Tarddian Journal (The Light Within) | A journal found on Tarddiad that speaks of the exodus of the elves. | ||
Dusty Tarddian Journal (The Light Within) | A journal found on Tarddiad that speaks of the arrival of Seren. | ||
Baxtorian's journal (The Light Within) | An ancient journal filled with elven poetry. | ||
A Taste of Hope (The Lord of Vampyrium) | Notes on the connection between emotional states and blood taste. | ||
A History of the Goblin Race (The Lost Tribe) | A list of old goblin tribes and their symbols. | Called "Goblin symbol book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Diary of Runvastr (Love Story) | The diary of Runvastr, a dwarven miner, telling of how Dionysius drove a tribe of aggressive trolls out of Keldagrim's mines. | Called "Miner's diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
Basics of Magic (Lunar Diplomacy) | A Primer in the Mystical Arts, by a member of the Moonclan. | Called "Moonclan manual" when not in the bookcase. | |
Drozal's Journal (Making History) | The journal of Drozal, a follower of Zamorak who briefly lived in the outpost north of Ardougne. | Called "Journal" when not in the bookcase. | |
Bandos's Memories (The Mighty Fall ) | A book with the memories of Bandos, written by Zanik. | ||
The Book of the Underworld (Missing, Presumed Death ) | An excerpt taken from the memoirs of Thaerisk Cemphier of the Crux Eqal. | ||
The Great Divide (Mourning's End Part I) | The attempt by the forces of Baxtorian to return to Tirannwn and restore peace to Prifddinas. | ||
Settlement of the East (Mourning's End Part I) | The settlement of the eastern lands by the Cadarn clan. | Called "Eastern settlement" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Creation of Prifddinas (Mourning's End Part I) | The origin of the elf race. | Called "Prifddinas' history" when not in the bookcase. | |
Exploration of the Eastern Realm (Mourning's End Part I) | The expansion of the elven domain into the lands east of Tirranwn. | Called "Eastern discovery" when not in the bookcase. | |
Journal of Nissyen Edern (Mourning's End Part II) | The journal of Nissyen Edern, an elf who served with the Death Guard. | Called "Edern's journal" when not in the bookcase. | |
Farmer Gricoller's Farming Manual (My Arm's Big Adventure) | How to grow healthy crops, even in difficult areas. | Called "Farming manual" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Tale of Scorpius (Observatory Quest) | A history of the study of astronomy, or possible astrology. | Called "Astronomy book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Valerio's Lyrics Sheet (One Piercing Note) | Lyrics sheet for the song of the troubadour near the Citharede Abbey. | Called "Lyric sheet" when not in the bookcase. | |
Investigator's notebook (One Piercing Note) | The notebook used in the murder investigation at the Citharede Abbey. | ||
Citharede Hymn Book (One Piercing Note) | A hymn book from the Citharede Abbey. | Called "Hymn book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Hannibus Hunted (One of a Kind) | The last journal of Hannibus the Dragon Rider. | ||
Dragonkin Primer (One of a Kind) | A primer on the Dragonkin language. | ||
Yewnock's notes (The Path of Glouphrie) | Yewnock's notes on the use of devices such as singing bowls to enable mortals to chant crystals. | ||
The Big Book o' Piracy (Pieces of Hate) | How to act and talk like a pirate. | ||
The Lost Elders (Plague's End) | You found this on a bookcase in Lletya. | This book is used during the quest, to assist in locating the elven elders. | |
Bolrie's Notebook (The Prisoner of Glouphrie) | Bolrie's research notes on anti-illusion devices. | Called "A handwritten book" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Ratpits Manual (Ratcatchers) | The rules of the ratpits. | Called "Book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Big Book of o' Bangs (Regicide) | A book of instructions for the manufacture of fire oil. | ||
Dathana's message (Ritual of the Mahjarrat) | A book telling of the destruction of a civilization on the plane of Kethsi. | ||
The Covenant of Perpetual Conflict (River of Blood) | A document once possessed by the Paterdomus splinter group. | ||
Haemalchemy Volume 2 (River of Blood) | A tome containing the ancient knowledge of haemalchemy and blood craft. | ||
The Diary of Ivandis Seergaze (River of Blood) | The personal record of Ivandis Seergaze, Priestly Warrior. | Called "Blood of the Covenant" when not in the bookcase. | |
Blood of the Hybrid (River of Blood) | It's a hastily written journal penned by Mauritys Guile. | ||
Crystal Singing for Beginners (Roving Elves) | Ilfeen's book about the elven art of crystal chanting. | Called "Crystal of seren" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Cadarn Linage (Roving Elves) | Golrie's book about the history of the Cadarn elf clan. | ||
Armod's Burnt Diary (Royal Trouble) | The diary of Armod, a young Fremennik who caused political strife between Miscellania and Etceteria. | Called "Burnt diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
AMCE Lift-In-A-Box User Manual (Royal Trouble) | Troubleshooting your AMCE Lift-In-A-Box. | Called "Lift manual" when not in the bookcase. | |
Combination Runes (Rune Mechanics) | A guide to combining runes. | ||
Wizard Ellaron's Diary (Rune Memories) | Wizard Ellaron's private diary, which he left in the ruins of the old Wizards' Tower. | Called "Diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Harmony of the Runes (Rune Mysteries) | A copy of Archmage Perien's treatise on magic and music, from the library of the Wizards' Tower. | ||
The Runes of the Spells of Water (Rune Mysteries) | A copy of Wizard Jalarast's manual on water spells, from the library of the Wizards' Tower. | ||
Diary of Herbi Flax (Shades of Mort'ton) | The diary of Herbi Flax, a villager of Mort'ton, detailing his investigation of the Flamtaer temple. | Called "Diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Confession of Ellemar (Shadow of the Storm) | Ellemar's explanation for his attempt to summon the demon Agrith-Naar. | Called "Demonic tome" when not in the bookcase. | |
Smuggler's Journal (A Shadow over Ashdale) | The account of a smuggler from the caves beneath Ashdale. | ||
Journal Entry (A Shadow over Ashdale) | An[sic] page from an old journal from the house in south-west Ashdale. | ||
The Shield of Arrav (Shield of Arrav) | The history of the legendary shield of Arrav. | Called "Book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Dionysius: A Legend in his own Lifetime (Swan Song) | The biography of Dionysius, a modern-day hero. | Called "Herman's book" when not in the bookcase. | |
Ancient Hymnal (The Temple at Senntisten) | A hymnal of chanted Zarosian Curses. | ||
Managing Thy Kingdom - for Noobes (Throne of Miscellania) | Advisor Ghrim's book of advice about how to manage a kingdom. | Called "Ghrim's book" when not in the bookcase. | |
TzHaar Tourist Guide (TokTz-Ket-Dill) | Advice for tourists planning to visit the TzHaar city. | ||
Tourist Guide to Ardougne (Tribal Totem) | An excessively enthusiastic introduction to Ardougne, containing the full name of Lord Handelmort. | Called "Guide book" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Journal of Randas (Underground Pass) | The Journal of Randas, who came to grief in the Underground Pass. | Called "Old journal" when not in the bookcase. | |
History of Iban (Underground Pass) | Kardia's account of how she created Iban. | ||
Void Pest Research Notes (A Void Dance) | Jessika's collected notes on void pests and their society. | Called "Void knight book" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Void Knights' Creed (A Void Dance) | History and tenets of the Void Knight order. | ||
Book on Baxtorian (Waterfall Quest) | The history of Baxtorian, his wife and his lost treasure. | ||
The Fall of the Dagon'hai (What Lies Below) | An account of how the Dagon'hai order came to Varrock and were subsequently banished. | Called "Dagon'hai history" when not in the bookcase. | |
The Journal of Sin'keth Magis (What Lies Below) | The journal of Sin'keth Magis, a member of the Dagon'hai. | ||
Wizard's diary (What's Mine is Yours) | The diary of a dark wizard experimenting with a new form of magic. | ||
Movario's Notes (1) (While Guthix Sleeps) | Research notes made by Movario. | ||
Movario's Notes (2) (While Guthix Sleeps) | More research notes made by Movario. | ||
Witch's Diary (Witch's House) | The diary of Nora T. Hagg, a witch who lives in Taverley. | Called "Diary" when not in the bookcase. | |
Book of Portraiture (Zogre Flesh Eaters) |
Inventory-only books[]
Having these books in your inventory, and using them on the bookcase gives this message: There doesn't seem to be space for that on the bookcase.
- Damaged books
- Mage's book - reward from Mage Training Arena minigame
- From Wise Old Man's bookshelves:
- Slashed book - After the quest, it will be found in the same house south of the Elemental Workshop in Seers' Village. The Battered book, however, can be found within the bookcase; use a knife on the Battered book to get the Slashed book. However, either book can be used in the Elemental Workshop to make a Elemental shield or Mind shield.
- Books given as rewards:
- Old tome - a reward from the Meeting History quest.
- Tome of xp - a reward from Darkness of Hallowvale quest. After the third reading: "The book crumbles into a dust cloud of knowledge."
- Tome of xp 2nd ed - a reward from Legacy of Seergaze quest.
- Book of knowledge - a reward from the Surprise Exam! random event
- Locked diary - part of Returning Clarence miniquest after Back to my Roots quest; will not be available after the miniquest.
- Tightrope 101 - provides instructions on performing tightrope tricks in Balthazar Beauregard's Big Top Bonanza. The book disappears after the performance.
- Wilderness manual - Provides information on the Wilderness.
- Turkey book - provides a list of locations for locating turkeys during the 2008 Thanksgiving event.
- Soul wars guide - provides information on the Soul Wars minigame. The book may be right-clicked to activate in-game help features.
- Tome of Frost - Reward from the Dungeoneering skill.
- (Incomplete) Mysterious Book - Given to the player after completing the first clue of the Cryptic Clue Fest II. Though it is a book, it appears in the Toy box in POH.
- Scrapbook - Obtained from Benedict as part of his World Tour.
- The Arc: A Tourist's Guide
- Slayer Codex
- Treasure Trail collection log
- Arc Journal
- Menaphos journal
Missing books[]
Some books obtained during certain quests do not appear in the bookcase:
- Journal (Filliman Tarlock) - Nature Spirit quest; obtained when searching the Nature Grotto, and is not available after the quest.
- Books obtained from Sithik Ints's bedroom drawers in the Yanille guest house north of the bank as part of the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest; no longer available after the quest.
- Book of Haricanto - Ghosts Ahoy quest
- Book on costumes - The Giant Dwarf quest
- Silver book - Murder Mystery quest
- Translation manual - Ghosts Ahoy quest
- Haemalchemy (Vol. 1) - Darkness of Hallowvale quest
- Bolrie's Diary - The Path of Glouphrie quest; attached to the lectern in Yewnock's machine room in the Gnome Village Dungeon.
- The grim reaper's diary - 2007 Hallowe'en event; cannot be taken out of Grim Reaper's house during the event. After completing the event, players cannot re-enter the house.
- Varrock Census - Defender of Varrock quest; found on a pedestal in the Varrock Palace library; cannot be taken.
- The Phoenix - In Pyre Need quest; attached to the shrine in the Phoenix Lair.
- Grimoire - The Death of Chivalry quest
- Economy building for dummies - Do No Evil quest
- Pyramid journal - Missing My Mummy quest
Unreadable books[]
Some books are unreadable and cannot be taken in the inventory. Some examples follow:
- From Wizards' Tower library, ground floor. Upon searching the bookcase: There's a large selection of books, the majority of which look fairly old. Some very strange names... You pick one at random:
- The Life & Times of a Thingummywut by Traiborn the Wizard
- Wind Strike for Beginners
- Life With a Wizard Husband ~ a Housewife's Story
- The Dark Arts of Magical Wands
- So You Think You're a Mage? Volume 28
- Fire, Earth and Water ~ What's it all About?
- How to become the Ultimate Wizard of the Universe
- 101 Ways to Impress Your Mates with Magic
- Interesting... - Only the titles of the books are mentioned, and the books have no image and cannot be read.
- There are 2 stacks of books outside Nickolaus' tent in the Hunter Woodland area north-west of Eagles' Peak. Upon examining: These books stacked very neatly.
- Flying books, in the Mage Training Arena minigame.
- From New Varrock library, ground floor. Upon searching the bookcase: You pick a book at random...
- 100 Fun Things to Do with your Partially Severed Arms, by Cliff Windmills
- A book of puzzles. Zemouregal has filled the majority in incorrectly
- A skullball almanac from year 175 of the Fifth Age
- An audiobook for banshees. Sounds terrifying
- Azure Golem and Other Anagrams for the Word Zemouregal
- Death is Just the Beginning: Secrets of a Successful Unlife: A picture of Zemouregal winks at you from the cover
- Hey, That's My Epiglottis!: Amazing Things Heard while Shambling around Varrock
- It seems to be a walkthrough for something called "Dimension of Disaster." You sense it shouldn't be here, and put it back
- It's the novel tie-in for "Zemouregal: The Movie"
- Making Decomposition Work for You: An Undead Style Bible
- My Favourite Pedestals by Sharathteerk, a gargoyle
- Slack Jaws and Swollen Tongues: A Zombie Language Primer for Trainee Necromancers
- The Joy of Hex
- The Life, Death, Undeath and Death (Again) of Surok Magis, by Surok Magis
- The Wind in the Gallows
- The Zemouregal Dictionary. it goes from Z-A
Lores and histories[]
The Game Guide has additional books of "records of the histories of the great nations of RuneScape, the diaries of bold explorers, and fantastical tales spun in ages past."
Real-world books[]
One guidebook and three novelisations have been published by Jagex:
- RuneScape: The Official Handbook (2006)
- Betrayal at Falador (2008)
- Return to Canifis (2011)
- Legacy of Blood (2012)