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Hitpoints historical
Bounty Hunter world was significantly altered after an update.
This article is retained to provide information on past elements of RuneScape.
Bounty worlds update

Bounty Worlds.

Bounty Hunter worlds were themed worlds in which target-based PvP combat was allowed throughout the Wilderness. They were released on 6 May 2009 as the re-work of Bounty Hunter, where similar gameplay was confined to taking place in the Bounty Hunter crater only. Bounty Hunter worlds were removed on 1 February 2011, when unrestricted player killing in the Wilderness on all servers was reinstated following the Wilderness and Free Trade Vote.


To enter Bounty Hunter worlds the player had to have a minimum of level 20 combat (excluding Summoning) and had to have spoken to Mandrith or Nastroth at least once. Players were automatically skulled upon entering a Bounty Hunter world. On a regular Bounty Hunter world the player would lose all of their items if they died. Upon death, players were returned to Edgeville rather than their normal respawn point.

On these servers, only Edgeville, the Wilderness wall, the Edgeville Monastery, the Varrock Grand Exchange and the Wilderness were accessible. Initially only Edgeville and the area north of the town were accessible. An expansion to the areas available occurred so that players would not have to go to a different world to use the Grand Exchange. Access to the Edgeville Monastery allowed players to restore Prayer at the altar and life points by talking to the Monks. The Mage Arena bank and other areas in the Wilderness which were not hot zones were considered as Safe Zones.

Free-to-play worlds

  • English - 57, 136
  • German - 122
  • French - 72
  • Brazilian - None.

Pay-to-play worlds

  • English - 18, 65, 124, 137
  • German - None
  • French - None
  • Brazilian - None

+1 item worlds[]

On 17 July, 2009, Jagex introduced +1 item Bounty Hunter worlds. On these worlds player always kept their most valuable item on death; but were required to be risking 75,000 coins, on a members' server, or 25,000 coins, on a free world, in addition to this item.

When entering a +1 world checking 'Items Kept on Death' would automatically state that the Protect Item prayer was on, without the player having to activate it. It was not possible for players to activate the prayer themselves when using the +1 worlds.


When first released there were no teleports leading out of the Wilderness or Edgeville. On 16 June 2009 this was updated to having most teleports redirect the player to Edgeville.

If a player had completed the easy Varrock Tasks and had set their Varrock Teleport point to the Grand Exchange, the Varrock Teleport magic spell will still teleport them to Edgeville, however breaking a Varrock Teleport tablet would teleport them in front of the Grand Exchange. The Ring of life teleported players to Edgeville.


Players could attack one another in the Wilderness. The difference in combat levels allowed in fighting players was determined by the level of the Wilderness that they were in. A greater difference in combat levels, around 15 levels between a player and the highest or lowest person allowed to attack them, was permitted in PvP Worlds.

As in the previous Bounty Hunter minigame, players were assigned each other as targets to fight. These were assigned after 30 minutes in a combat zone, providing that there were other players with suitable combat levels and who had been without a target for 60 minutes in the area. Players could see how long they had been waiting for a target via a bulls-eye icon in the upper-right hand corner of their screen. This had eight segments, each segment indicating 7.5 minutes. After 60 minutes without a target, the system used a more wide searching method to find a target that had at least 1/2 of their bulls-eye completed. After players had killed their target, they had to wait at least 30 minutes for a new target. In cases where a target logged out from the world the player had to wait 10 minutes before they could be assigned a new target.

When assigned a target a yellow flashing arrow was displayed to show the player where their target was. If the player's target was in single-combat and already fighting someone else, the player could disrupt the battle and attack their target. In addition, if the player died after doing enough damage to gain a drop from their target, they would keep the same player as their target.


It was advisable for players to use the best equipment available that they were willing to lose. For a F2P player using melee at around level 40 in Attack and Defence, full rune was ideal. A rune scimitar, rune battleaxe or rune 2h sword were commonly used as a weapon due to having the fastest Attack speed, the highest hit possible while using a shield, and the highest hit. Primarily the rune scimitar should have been used deal damage until the enemy was low on health.

Members could use better equipment, such as an abyssal whip with dragon claws as a special attack weapon, to finish off an opponent with less than 500 life points.

It was advantageous to bring high-health restoring food to maximise the player's endurance for fights. Single or double consumption items were useful as fewer game ticks were needed to restore health.

Many players traded pking supplies at the Edgeville bank. Popular items being sold on Free-to-play bounty worlds included rune scimitars, rune 2h swords, swordfish, monk robes, and adamant arrows. On pay-to-play bounty worlds, people often traded rock climbing boots, dragon dagger (p++), dragon scimitars, helm of neitiznot, sharks, rocktails, super potions, rings of recoil, and other armour. Most members, however, were able to access the Grand Exchange using the level 21 Agility shortcut.

Some common methods of fighting included:

1-iteming: This is where the player brought only one item, so as not to risk anything (only on +1 item worlds). The items used were commonly dragon dagger (p++), abyssal whip, any godsword, dragon claws and almost any other dragon weapon. This method didn't get you any good items, since the risk was less than 75k (zero in fact).

Safing: The term safing referred to eating to a higher life points than what an opponent could reasonably hit, making it impossible for the player to die,.

Player Jacking: Player jacking (Pjing) refers to when a third person attacked one of two players already fighting.

Pile Jumping: Pile Jumping was also referred as PJing. It was when a player attacked another player who was picking up loot from a recently won battle.

Clan Killing: In multi-combat areas clans could easily acquire and kill targets.

Rushing/"Sick Shocking": The player brought the most powerful items that they could, along with a super strength potion, to try to kill another player in a short time. Commonly used weapons were Armadyl godswords, granite mauls (used at lower levels and by pures), dragon claws' special attack and Vesta's longsword's special attack. Some players used the Dharok's set at very low life points, but this was ineffective against players using items such as the ring of recoil.

Dragon dagger (p++) death match: DDS DM was a way for two bounty hunter targets to quickly fight each other, with little risk in armour or wealth. After 2 targets had agreed to a DDS DM they equipped nothing except a dragon dagger (p++) and brought no food, instead filling their inventories with junk so that they could trade each other to check if one of them had food. Players might have drunk super sets to boost their stats. When both players were ready, they walked into a hot zone and fought each other to the death with only their dragon daggers. During the fight players used stat boosting prayers such as Steel Skin, Incredible Reflexes, Ultimate Strength, Chivalry and Piety, as well as possibly Redemption. The winner would receive a hefty drop, even if both players were not risking 75,000 coins worth of wealth or more, because they were targets. Players who were not targets could still DDS DM by risking at least 75,000 coins.


Defeating a target gave better drops than killing players who were not assigned as a target. Fighting and killing someone who was not the player's target rewarded them with a random drop from the PvP worlds system, as well as earning them one point on the "Bounty Hunter Rogues" hi-scores. It was also possible for a rogue to receive some of the items lost by their opponent, but this is less likely than if the player's target was killed. If the player was skulled then they would gain an even greater reward from their opponent. Additionally having a higher earning potential increased the chance of receiving a rarer drop.

Killing a target would increase the reward earned by 1 hours worth of hot zone potential and was 3 times more likely to contain actual items from your targets inventory. A target kill scored 1 point on the "Bounty Hunter" hi-scores. Loot from an opponent typically included 1-5 ancient artefacts. It was also possible to obtain Ancient Warriors' equipment.


  • Early after the release of Bounty Hunter Worlds, if a player were to die from poison and was not in combat at the time, they would keep ALL their items upon death. This glitch was patched hours after its discovery.
  • Near the end of the Wilderness wall in Edgeville there was a small spot which, when ran into, would teleport the person back to Edgeville. Many people used it to escape death. This was patched around a week after initial release.
  • If a player had a target and their target bar was full they could hop to another bounty world and receive a new target after waiting only ten minutes if they were in a PvP zone when the ten minute timer ran out.
  • Sometimes when a target was killed, the target's loot would not be received and the person would remain your target. This occured because the player killed was dealt a greater amount of damage during a previous fight with another player. The player who received the drop would not receive a target drop, but would instead receive a drop based on their EP.
  • It was possible to be on the safe side of the Wilderness ditch and run south through the invisible barrier by using the Give Thanks emote. This was a common way to get EP because it counted as being in the wilderness; the only way for someone to attack you was with Mage or Range in the wilderness.
  • It was possible to force getting a different target after being assigned a target. This was done by getting a full target bar, then hopping to a different PVP world and entering the wilderness with one minute remaining. Once your time had run out, a new target would be set.
  • Players could run out of the Bounty World area by opening an interface while they ran outside the area. This has been fixed; players will teleport to a spot just south of the Wilderness Wall upon attempting this.