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Box of summoning ingredients detail

Box of summoning ingredients is a reward for completing the Familiarisation Distraction and Diversion. Players can choose between this or triple charm drops for a limited amount of time. The box cannot be banked.

Players could get ingredients they don't have the Summoning level to use. This box is also the only non-Treasure Hunter source of the Shaman's outfit.

Possible contents[]

The possible contents of the box is based on how many raw shards a player had collected throughout the period of the game and their current Summoning level.

Players will receive two of the rewards at a time, and they will both be noted. Additionally, if the player doesn't already own the full shaman's outfit, they are rewarded a part of the set that they do not own.[1]

Shards collected Summoning level Item 1 name (amount) GE value Item 2 name (amount) GE value Total GE value
40 1 Raw rabbit (27) 23,139 Raw beef (42) 34,818 57,957
43 79 Proboscis (8) 51,888 Jug of water (332) 6,640 58,528
51 83 Iron platebody (146) 681,674 Goat horn dust (31) 89,900 771,574
53 77 Red flowers (13) 50,700 Ruby harvest (33) 91,872 142,572
55 40 Swamp toad (68) 54,128 Jug of water (305) 6,100 60,228
55 77 Bronze claw (152) 219,488 Pot of flour (329) 81,921 301,409
58 30 Raw chicken (143) 133,196 Harpoon (156) 121,680 254,876
58 59 Swamp lizard (22) 159,126 Banana (305) 89,060 248,186
59 42 Proboscis (8) 51,888 Vampyre dust (31) 17,670 69,558
59 43 Red flowers (10) 39,000 Yak-hide (107) 54,784 93,784
59 99 Banana (442) 129,064 Carved evil turnip (12) 37,104 166,168
59 99 Raw chicken (304) 285,152 Thin snail (49) 52,626 337,778
60 43 Goat horn dust (24) 69,600 Air talisman (46) 22,908 92,508
60 48 Raw shark (19) 27,113 Goat horn dust (22) 63,800 90,913
60 52 Steel Bar (35) 33,565 Willow Branch (25) 76,850 110,415
60 54 Earth talisman (15) 2,775 Willow branch (23) 70,702 73,477
60 57 Adamant bar (9) 15,849 Polar kebbit fur (11) 96,635 112,484
60 60 Steel platebody (35) 68,460 Bucket of sand (144) 42,624 111,084
60 60 Water talisman (7) 17,696 Air talisman (56) 27,888 45,584
60 67 Snake hide (13) 125,424 Swamp lizard (23) 166,359 291,783
60 68 Potato cactus (18) 94,482 Dagannoth hide (3) 18,105 112,587
60 69 Clean guam (51) 37,638 Thin snail (37) 39,738 116,040
60 69 Fishbowl (130) 153,270 Pot of flour (320) 79,680 232,950
60 70 Bagged plant 1 (34) 78,200 Pot of flour (350) 87,150 165,350
60 70 Chinchompa (99) 33,363 Jug of water (485) 9,700 43,063
60 70 Harpoon (284) 221,520 Jug of water (486) 9,720 231,240
60 70 Harpoon (274) 213,720 Red flowers (15) 58,500 272,220
60 70 Larupia fur (18) 215,244 Fishbowl (140) 165,060 380,304
60 70 Raw rabbit (154) 131,978 Bronze claw (165) 238,260 370,238
60 71 Willow branch (32) 98,368 Pot of flour (356) 88,644 187,012
60 73 Water talisman (8) 20,224 Potato cactus (18) 94,482 114,706
60 77 Kyatt fur (5) 31,475 Water orb (30) 178,260 209,735
60 79 Spider carcass (30) 29,760 Banana (397) 115,924 145,684
60 80 Rune bar (3) 8,955 Raw bird meat (123) 107,625 116,580
60 80 Swamp Lizard (32) 231,456 Bronze bar (125) 116,125 347,581
60 81 Carved evil turnip (11) 34,012 Unicorn horn (23) 78,292 112,304
60 81 Goat horn dust (36) 104,400 Thin snail (44) 47,256 151,656
60 81 Raw shark (26) 37,102 Dagannoth hide (4) 24,140 61,242
60 82 Proboscis (12) 77,832 Harpoon (306) 238,680 316,512
60 83 Bagged plant 1 (35) 80,500 Red flowers (17) 66,300 146,800
60 83 Graahk fur (5) 33,115 Dagannoth hide (4) 24,140 57,255
60 84 Chinchompa (109) 36,733 Raw Bird Meat (172) 150,500 187,233
60 84 Polar kebbit fur (15) 131,775 Willow branch (33) 101,442 233,217
60 84 Graahk fur (7) 46,361 Red flowers (13) 50,700 97,061
60 84 Spider carcass (33) 32,736 Raw rat meat (792) 1,315,512 1,348,248
60 86 Larupia fur (20) 239,160 Thin snail (43) 46,182 285,342
60 87 Fire talisman (9) 1,881 Bronze bar (118) 109,622 111,503
60 88 Graahk fur (7) 46,361 Jug of water (455) 9,100 55,461
60 88 Polar kebbit fur (15) 131,775 Ruby harvest (39) 108,576 240,351
60 88 Water talisman (8) 20,224 Jug of water (526) 10,520 30,744
60 92 Polar kebbit fur (14) 122,990 Carved evil turnip (12) 37,104 160,094
60 92 Raw beef (294) 243,726 Carved evil turnip (12) 37,104 280,830
60 95 Vampyre dust (66) 37,620 Compost (359) 114,162 151,782
60 98 Willow branch (39) 119,886 Air talisman (85) 42,330 162,216
60 99 Bagged plant 1 (42) 96,600 Banana (482) 140,744 237,344
60 99 Bagged plant 1 (42) 96,600 Ruby harvest (45) 125,280 221,880
60 99 Dagannoth hide (3) 18,105 Gold ring (261) 315,027 333,132
60 99 Marigolds (11) 58,597 Raw beef (302) 250,358 308,955
60 99 Raw beef (310) 256,990 Proboscis (13) 84,318 341,308
60 99 Raw shark (33) 47,091 Fishbowl (172) 202,788 249,879
60 99 Rune bar (3) 8,955 Raw rat meat (275) 456,775 465,730
60 99 Vampyre dust (66) 37,620 Fishbowl (174) 205,146 242,766


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