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Sapphire bracelet detail

A bracelet of clay allows players to mine soft clay instead of hard clay. The bracelet lasts for 28 charges (28 soft clay) before disintegrating. The player can see how many charges remain by equipping it and clicking "check."

It is made by using a gold bar and sapphire on a furnace with a bracelet mould in your inventory or tool belt, which requires level 23 crafting. The resulting sapphire bracelet must be enchanted using Enchant Level 1 Jewellery, which requires level 7 Magic.

It currently costs about 59.71 coins for each use of a bracelet of clay.


  • When mining the soft clay rocks in Prifddinas, wearing a bracelet of clay produces two soft clay from each rock instead of one, although still at the expense of a charge.
  • A charge is not used when soft clay mined is directly delivered to the bank by a stone spirit.
  • If mining clay while a porter is equipped, the banked clays will be soft.
  • Extra soft clays obtained by using the Varrock armour 2 or Varrock armour 3 are not counted in the 28.
  • The effect given by freeing the Star Sprite comes in handy here as well, as players have a chance of mining 3 soft clay at a time, while only using one charge from the bracelet.

Combat Stats
RequirementsSapphire bracelet equipped
NoneGloves slot
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Mummy (Ullek)741Uncommon
Skeletal hand701Uncommon
Zombie hand751Uncommon


[FAQ] • [doc]


  • Bracelets of clay stack on each other in the bank, as charges are stored by player, not by bracelet. This is the same as how the ring of forging works.
  • If you equip the bracelet after you've already started mining clay, you will still get soft clay.
  • It used to be a free-to-play item, but temporarily became a members item. However, as of the update on 9th October 2017 it's back to being a free-to-play item.