Brian O'Richard is a non-player character who can be found in the Rogues' Den. He is a rogue and owns and operates a maze of Thieving and Agility traps inside the Rogues' Den which players can navigate as the Flash Powder Factory minigame, from which players could receive rogue armour and rogue kits. Players can speak to Brian to get permission to enter the maze, which requires level 50 Herblore, and 75 Thieving and Agility. He formerly owned and operated a maze of Thieving and Agility traps inside the Rogues' Den which players could navigate as the Rogues' Den minigame, from which players could receive rogue armour and rogue kits.
Players could speak to Brian to get permission to enter the factory (maze), which requires level 75 Thieving and Agility, as well as level 50 Herblore.
- This character is a parody of the host of the popular British game show The Crystal Maze, which ran in the early 90s. The host of the game show was called Richard O'Brien, along with the fact that both Richard O' Brien and Brian O' Richard both have no hair, host mazes, play the harmonica, and refer to their mothers as "mumsie".