RuneScape Wiki
For the variant encountered in Daemonheim, see Brilliant energy (Dungeoneering).

Brilliant energy detail

Brilliant energy is a type of energy associated with the Divination skill. It can be collected from brilliant wisps, located east of the Mage Training Arena (fairy ring code BIP) at level 80 Divination. Each harvest gives 9 Divination experience, and brilliant memories can be converted to brilliant energy for 1 experience, with the exact amount of energy per memory depending on your Divination level. Brilliant energy is used to charge the time engram for the Memorial to Guthix D&D starting at 250 brilliant energy for prestige level 1 and going up to 450 brilliant energy for prestige level 3.

Level Conversion rate
Standard Enriched
80 2.85 4.28
81 3.06 4.59
82 3.28 4.91
83 3.49 5.23
84+ 3.7 5.55

One brilliant memory and 5 brilliant energy can be converted for 43.7 experience, while one enriched brilliant memory and 10 energy can be converted for 87.5 experience.

Boon? GE Price Normal XP Enhanced XP Additional XP GP/XP
No 213 35 43.7 8.7 122.41
Yes 213 38.5 48 9.5 112.11


Image Product Requirement Energy Secondary Experience
Boon of brilliant energy Boon of brilliant energy Divination80 Lustrous energy 11500 or Brilliant energy 11500 None 17
Divine herb patch III Divine herb patch III Divination82 Brilliant energy 110 5 Clean cadantine 17.5
Divine magic tree Divine magic tree Divination83 Brilliant energy 140 5 Magic logs 18
Boon of radiant energy Boon of radiant energy Divination85 Brilliant energy 11750 or Radiant energy 11750 None 19
Divine charge Divine charge Crafting80, Divination80, Smithing80 Brilliant energy 1450 20 Simple parts 80 (and 220 Invention)


Divination Level Initial resource Energy Result DivinationXP Profit/loss
84 20 Crimson charm Crimson charm 1500 Brilliant energy 1000 Brilliant energy 10 Blue charm Blue charm 174 −319,500

Drop sources[]

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Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Divine implingN/A80–121Always
Divine impling jarN/A80–940Common
Divine eggN/A31–70Rare
Divine implingN/A50–151Uncommon
Divine impling jarN/A50–151Uncommon