RuneScape Wiki
Brimhaven Dungeon Resource Dungeon
Brimhaven Resource Dungeon
Release date 19 July 2010 (Update)
Kingdom Karamja
Members Yes
Main music 7th Realm
Levels 1
Strongest monster Mithril dragon
Dwarf multicannon allowed Allowed
Quests taking place here No
Inhabitants Metal Dragons
Brimhaven Dungeon resource dungeon map
Brimhaven Dungeon resource dungeon entrance location

Entrance to the dungeon inside the steel and iron dragon room.

Brimhaven Resource Dungeon entrance

Location of the entrance.

The Brimhaven Dungeon resource dungeon is a resource dungeon found in the room with iron and steel dragons in the Brimhaven Dungeon. A Dungeoneering level of 80 is required to enter. Players will be granted 12,800 Dungeoneering experience upon first entrance to the dungeon.

Getting there[]

Players will need 875 coins to enter the Brimhaven Dungeon, unless they have completed the Hard Karamja Tasks, which will grant free access, or if they teleport into the dungeon using a charged hoardstalker ring or a Dungeoneering cape. A hatchet is required to chop through the roots along the way however, the hatchet in your tool belt will work.


The resource dungeon contains iron dragons, steel dragons, a hammer spawn, and 4 anvils, which allows players to smith the bars dropped by the dragons, which can be useful Smithing experience if made into stackable equipment. One anvil is placed in both the iron and steel dragons, one is placed right between them (has the hammer spawn), and one near the entrance.

The dragons in this dungeon appear to be spaced farther apart than in the main dungeon which potentially slows down killing speed. The dragons' spawns are split between each half of the room; irons to the east, steels to the west near the entrance. The anvils near the dragons can be used if desired to smith iron or steel items from the bars dropped.

Daemonheim Tasks reward[]

With the release of Daemonheim Tasks, wearing the Daemonheim aura 4 obtained from the elite tasks unlocks a bonus area within the resource dungeon. This area contains 4 mithril dragons, which can be useful for higher-levelled players.
