Brimstail's cave is a small cave found in the south-western section of the Tree Gnome Stronghold. The entrance is marked by the icon on the minimap. It is the home of Brimstail, a gnome wizard. It is the starting point of, and plays a large role in, The Eyes of Glouphriequest. From here, by talking to Brimstail, players can travel to the rune essence mine (however, this is not commonly used due to its distance from a bank).
Near Brimstail there is a table, searchable drawers, and a premade chocolate saturday players may take. Players may also attempt to take the bowl of water from the table, but Brimstail stops them, saying he doesn't want players to spill water on his books.
On the northern wall of the western chamber there is Oaknock's exchanger, a machine panel, and an aspidistra plant. Searching the plant causes it to make the noise, "Gronda! Gronda!" (an anagram of "dragon"). The machinery is a puzzle that must be solved to complete The Eyes of Glouphrie.
In the centre of the western cave there is a singing bowl that can be used to make a crystal saw from a small crystal seed or a crystal chime. Before being able to access the bowl the players must active a crystal bridge while doing The Eyes of Glouphrie.
A broken statue of Glouphrie the Untrusted is found on the southern side of the west chamber.