RuneScape Wiki
Hatchet head (dragon)
Broken pickaxe (steel) was removed after an update.
The contents of this page no longer exist in RuneScape, and this article is kept for historical purposes.

Broken pickaxe (steel) detail

A broken pickaxe (steel) was a steel pickaxe that had been broken in an exploding rock random event. Broken steel pickaxes could be fixed at Nurmof's Pickaxe Shop in the Dwarven Mine or at Bob's Brilliant Axes in south Lumbridge. The repair fee was 17 coins.

As of the random event update, this item is now discontinued. All of these items in a players bank were turned back to regular pickaxes of the corresponding metal.

Combat Stats
10 AttackNone
NoneMain hand slotDefenceArmour0
ConstitutionLife points0
Damage--Damage reduction
Accuracy--PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
StyleNoneStyle bonuses
Range? (edit)Strength0Ranged0Magic0