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Bronze bar detail

A bronze bar is a bar of metal, refined through the Smithing skill by smelting copper ore and tin ore in a furnace together, granting 6.2 Smithing experience.

A bronze bar can be forged on an anvil to create bronze weapons and armour, granting 12.5 Smithing experience per bar used. A list of bronze items that can be smithed from bronze bars and the Smithing levels required can be found on the Smithing tables.


Bronze bar Bronze bar
Smithing level Smithing 1
Used with Anvil, Furnace
Experience (per bar)
Smithing 12.5 XP
Equipment 0.975 XP
Experience (per ore)
Smelting 6.2 XP
Equipment 0.483 XP

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Bronze bar Bronze bar
Smithing-Make-X GE icon
6.2 XP-929
Smithing Smithing level1
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Copper oreCopper ore1337337
Tin oreTin ore1116116
Total price453

Cost analysis[]

Assuming all materials are purchased on the Grand Exchange, the cost to produce a bronze bar is 453 coins. As a bronze bar is currently worth 929 coins, each bar represents a profit of 476 coins. If using Superheat Item along with a staff of fire, smelting a bronze bar produces a profit of 71 coins.

Store locations[]

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Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Bronze dragon865Always
Corpse archer181Common
Dragith Nurn261Common
Dwarf9; 14; 39; 441Common
Goblin statue701Common
Ogre statue751Common
Ork statue711Common
Ourg statue791Common
Rockslug42; 491Common
Skeleton (Lumbridge Catacombs)151Common
Warped bat161Common
Warped rat121Common
Warped fly71Rare
Barbarian28; 301Uncommon
Black Guard42; 471Uncommon
Corpse Spider41Uncommon
Corpse mage211Uncommon
Crawling corpse torso91Uncommon
Skeletal miner491Uncommon
Skeleton15; 16; 32; 43; 46; 47; 49; 51; 53; 54; 58; 701Uncommon
Spirit implingN/A6Unknown
Imp51Very rare


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  • Noted bronze bars can occasionally be found inside barrels throughout RuneScape.