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Bronze key brown detail

Bronze key brown is a key and reward from the Shades of Mort'ton minigame. To obtain it, the player must kill either a loar shade or a phrin shade and then burn its remains on a pyre. This type of key may also be a reward from giving an afflicted a dose of serum 207 or serum 208. The key may be used to enter the Shade Catacombs and then open the correctly coloured chest, but can only be used to open bronze doors within the tomb. It will open a bronze-framed chest with a brown lock.

Possible rewards[]


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Steel helmSteel helm1Uncommon1,002


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Steel hatchetSteel hatchet1Common3,019
Magic staffMagic staff1Uncommon1,320
Steel spearSteel spear1Uncommon3,286
Steel maceSteel mace1Uncommon993
Steel scimitarSteel scimitar1Uncommon1,464
Steel swordSteel sword1Uncommon1,025
Steel longswordSteel longsword1Uncommon1,593
Black hatchetBlack hatchet1Uncommon3,295
Black daggerBlack dagger1Uncommon3,995
Black spearBlack spear1Uncommon6,581
Black maceBlack mace1Uncommon4,201
Mithril daggerMithril dagger1Uncommon1,516


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Chaos runeChaos rune12–25Rare1,824–3,800


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Sapphire ringSapphire ring1Rare1,948
Amulet of defenceAmulet of defence1Rare5,307


Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins10–270Common[1]10–270
Swamp pasteSwamp paste10–20Common[2]20–40
Silver barSilver bar1–3Uncommon574–1,722
Gold barGold bar1–3Uncommon1,168–3,504
Mithril barMithril bar1–2Rare682–1,364
Fine clothFine cloth1Rare2,239
Sealed clue scroll (easy)Sealed clue scroll (easy)1RareNot sold
  1. ^ May be received in addition to any of the other rewards
  2. ^ May be received from the bottom of the chest after the initial reward of treasure and/or coins

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Mort'ton localN/A1Rare
Serum 207N/A1Rare
Serum 208N/A1Rare
Serum 208 flaskN/A1Rare


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