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RuneScape Wiki

Bronze nails detail

Bronze nails are a type of nail in RuneScape. They are made with the Smithing skill and are mostly used in the Construction skill to make furniture. As with other nails they can also be used in the Fletching skill to make brutal arrows. Bronze nails are tradeable, buyable at the sawmill operator in either Prifddinas or the Lumber Yard, and Jofridr Mordstatter in Neitiznot at a cheap price (7 coins each). They can also be obtained the quest In Aid of the Myreque. Bronze nails break often when used in Construction.

To make bronze nails the player must have at least 4 Smithing, have a bronze bar in their inventory, and be at a smithing anvil. They will receive 15 bronze nails and 12.5 Smithing experience.

One bronze nail is also a component used to make Fremennik round shields (with 2 arctic pine logs and a rope).


Bronze nails Bronze nails ×15
Smithing-Make-X GE icon
12.5 XP-150
Smithing Smithing level4
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Bronze barBronze bar1929929

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Ogre coffinN/A1Common

Store locations[]

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