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Bronze pickaxe detail

The bronze pickaxe is the weakest pickaxe in RuneScape. It can be used as a combat weapon or for Mining. Since it is the weakest pickaxe in the game, it mines at an incredibly slow rate, taking a minimum of 3.6 seconds to gather ore. Bronze pickaxes can be stored on the tool belt.

The bronze pickaxe can be gilded by the Liquid gold nymph after receiving the full golden mining suit, creating the gilded bronze pickaxe. It is cosmetic and gives no more bonuses than the regular pickaxe.

Combat Stats
RequirementsBronze pickaxe equipped
1 Attack
Attack MeleeMain hand slot
Average (3.6s)
AttributesDamage reduction
DefenceArmour0PvM: 0%PvP: 0%
ConstitutionLife points0Style bonuses


Bronze pickaxe Bronze pickaxe
Smithing-Make-X GE icon
25 XP-1,456
Smithing Smithing level5
Quests Completed Perils of Ice Mountain
P2P icon Members onlyNo
Bronze barBronze bar29291,858

Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
Black Guard42; 471Common
Dwarf9; 14; 39; 441Common
Guard (H.A.M.)191Common
H.A.M. Guard301Common
H.A.M. MemberN/A1Common
Ogre coffinN/A1Common
Rock Crab711Common
Barrel (Viyeldi caves)N/A1Rare
Giant lobster40; 701Uncommon
Skeleton fremennik23; 28; 301Uncommon

Store locations[]

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Seller Location Cost Currency Base stock Members?

In addition, players can find two bronze pickaxes on top of the towers guarding the gate to Lumbridge Castle. Players can also find a bronze pickaxe respawn point in a house at Rimmington, on top of a crate inside of the Mining Guild building, in the underground prison in the Desert Mining Camp, and there is also one lying on a table inside a hut in Gunnarsgrunn. The Mining tutor used to provide bronze pickaxes for free, before the Personalised Shops update. Since the update, Bob's Brilliant Axes now provides free samples of bronze pickaxes once in a while, replacing the mining tutor.

A bronze pickaxe can sometimes be found inside barrels.

An unobtainable bronze pickaxe could be seen in a completely sealed-off chamber north of the Temple of Marimbo along with two human corpses.


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  • Before the Evolution of Combat, the pickaxe stab and crush attacks used the opposite animations. Crush used the stab animation, and stab used the crush animation. This is because a pickaxe has a blunt head instead of a point, and the sides are pointed.
  • A bronze pickaxe would be given to players for free on Tutorial Island.