All Life points: 2,150
Life points1: 2,150
All Life points: 2,250
Life points2: 2,250
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 119.7
Combat experience1: 119.7
All Combat experience: 132
Combat experience2: 132
All Release date: 9 August 2005
Release date: 9 August 2005
All Combat level: 60
Combat level1: 60
All Combat level: 63
Combat level2: 63
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
NPC ID1: Unknown"Unknown" is not a number.
All NPC ID: 2499
NPC ID2: 2499
Broodoo victims are undead creatures which appear during the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup minigame. Their attack is capable of draining the player's combat stats. They take reduced damage from the player's attacks, but have low life points and can usually be defeated easily. Certain items can be used on them to damage them, but is not recommended as it is time-consuming, unless the player is of a low combat level:
The blue/white victims can be damaged with food. A several options for a quick source of food is buying cooked meat at the general store north-west of Tai Bwo Wannai, picking the pineapples north of the village, or killing chickens located in the village and cooking them on a nearby fire. Despite being inedible to players, calquat fruit and coconuts can also be used on these victims. Calquat fruit can be harvested from the nearby farming patch provided the player has the requisite 72 Farming to plant a calquat tree there. Coconuts are not recommended to be used due to their high value.
The green victims can be damaged with antipoison (sold in the general store). Only use one dose of antipoison is needed each time. Super antipoison, antipoison+ and antipoison++ can also be used, with the higher level versions dealing more damage.
Broodoo victims have an unusual combat pattern; they use their magic stat-draining attack once, interrupting combat, then lose interest and wander off for a while before hitting once again, repeating the process. They do not continuously attack even when being continuously attacked.
Beverages in a container cannot be used, such as tea (cup or flask), beer, or a fruit blast. Food items in containers and/or multiple servings, such as apple pie, would be consumed in one go and without leaving the container behind. Food in baskets or sacks will not work.
Relicym's mix does not work against orange Broodoo victims.
When using food on a white broodoo victim the text says "The entity swiftly takes the food and devours it."
When using antipoison on a green victim, the text says, "You offer the poison cure to the broodoo victim... The entity snatches the potion and drinks some."
Sometimes Broodoo victims get trapped in a jungle and cannot move. If this occurs players cannot use the special items to damage the Broodoo, instead they get the message 'Nothing interesting happens'.
Using better types of food deals more damage. The same works for antipoisons, with antipoison++ hitting well into the 400's.
There has been a glitch where when the broodoo victim goes into the jungle it dies and drops its mask on top of the jungle.