All Life points: 500
Life points: 500
All Combat experience: 32.1
Combat experience: 32.1
All Release date: 14 October 2004
Release date: 14 October 2004
All Combat level: 14
Combat level: 14
All Is members only: true
Is members only: true
All NPC ID: 1230
NPC ID1: 1230
All NPC ID: 1235
NPC ID2: 1235
The bruise blamish snail can be found in the depths of the Mort Myre Swamp. A chisel may be used on the shell it drops to make a snelm. There are two types of these snails:
Those with roundish shells, which drop roundish shells.
Those with conical or pointed shells, which drop pointed shells.
Their attacks deal Ranged damage despite having a similar animation to Curse. Also, it can only be used in melee range and they have a weakness against Fire spells. They appear to have a max hit of 1 despite what is stated by Monster Examine.
A chisel (or the "Craft" option) can be used on either shell to make a Snelm of the same shape as the shell. The pointed version of the shell is more valuable, as fewer pointed-shell snails can be found and the item is required in the miniquest, In Memory of the Myreque. Furthermore, the snelms made from their shells are often in demand, being a requirement of a clue scroll.
The snails are aggressive towards lower levels.
Both types of bruise blamish snails spawn just north-east of Fairy ringBKR. Another pointed snail could be found just north of Nature Grotto. Another round snail could be found east of it, and a third just outside of the walls of Castle Drakan.