It is also known as the 'pointed blue snail helmet' in medium and hard clue scrolls, in which it is required for one of Uri's emote clues. Only the pointed snelm is allowed for the clue; the round version does not work.
To make a pointed bruise blue snelm the player have at least 15 Crafting and use a Chisel on a blamish blue shell (pointed). Creating a bruise blue snelm will give the player 32.5 Craftingexperience regardless of the snelm type.
The bruise blue snelm (pointed) is an item required for a level 2/3 Treasure Trail (medium and hard) which once caused this item's price to reach over 3k each. One pointed blue snail in Mort Myre Swamp is often found north-west/east of the Fairy ring code B K R.