RuneScape Wiki
Treasure Hunter icon
Buried Treasure is a Treasure Hunter promotion and may not currently be active.
Buried Treasure banner

Banner image for the promo

Buried Treasure is a Treasure Hunter promotion that initially ran in May 2017

During this promotion, the five chests are replaced with a grid of 6 by 6 squares and each square contains a buried chest. Of those 36 chests, 6 are one of the special chests listed below. There are six types of special chests. The amount of special chests left to discover are shown on the right side of the interface.

The use of Hearts of Ice is permitted during this promotion.

On 3 May 2018, the Dominion Tower maul, Slayer Tower shortbow, and Wizards' Tower staff were added to Antique chests as possible items.


Treasure map (Buried Treasure)
Treasure resting animation token
Animation chest
Experience chest
Protean chest
Skilling chest
Antique chest

Special chests[]

Chest Contents
Antique chest Antique chest Coins, advanced pulse cores, prismatic lamps, prismatic stars, dragon ceremonial outfit[1][2][3], queen's guard outfit[1][3][2], Warlord outfit[1][3], Archon outfit[1][3], Dominion Tower maul[3], Slayer Tower shortbow[3], Wizards' Tower staff[3], rare item tokens[1][3], wicked hood teleport tokens, D&D tokens
Skilling chest Skilling chest Springs, spirit gems, portable skilling packs, dungeoneering tokens, skill training dummy crates, combat training dummy crates, advanced pulse cores, silverhawk feathers, magic notepaper
Experience chest Experience chest Meteorites, lava lanterns, smouldering lamps, hydra lamps, celebration lamps, prismatic lamps, prismatic stars
Protean chest Protean chest Protean items, protean packs
Animation chest Animation chest Dizzy stick teleport tokens, party fever walk override tokens, wicked hood teleport tokens, contact juggling resting tokens, small prismatic lamps, prismatic large fallen stars, advanced pulse cores, D&D tokens
File:Cosmetic chest.png Cosmetic chest
  1. ^ a b c d e The antique chest always contains at least a piece of this outfit, unless already owned.
  2. ^ a b Not available in current promotion
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h When all antiques on the current promotion are owned, rare item tokens are received instead.

Special rewards[]

Any of the special chests can also contain the following:

Release history[]

Buried Treasure (edit)
Start Date End Date Update/Promo
10 October 2019 14 October 2019 N/A
2 May 2019 6 May 2019 N/A
5 June 2018 2nd Chance Tuesday
3 May 2018 7 May 2018 Buried Treasure (May 2018)
13 March 2018 2nd Chance Tuesday
5 December 2017 2017 Christmas Advent Calendar
15 November 2017 20 November 2017 Buried Treasure (November 2017)
20 June 2017 2nd Chance Tuesday
10 May 2017 15 May 2017 Buried Treasure