RuneScape Wiki
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This is a list of all tradeable items in the disassembly category we've named "arrows", with the effective cost per material obtained. This is a measure of how much obtaining each non-junk material will cost at base junk chance, with the option to change to any junk chance using javascript.

For more details on the calculator, see Calculator:Disassembly by category. Be aware that not all items have been updated with disassembly details. See here for instructions on how to help the wiki gather this information!

Items in the "arrows" category break down into:

Please enable javascript to be able to change the junk reduction used. Until then, the table displays values for no junk reduction only.

Total results: 51 (may be more rows)

ItemMaterialsJunkPrice per itemBuy limitEffective costMaterials
per hour
50 × Bronze arrow Bronze arrow698.9%3110,00023,485198
50 × Adamant arrow Adamant arrow678.0%5110,0001,9323,960
50 × Arrow shaft Arrow shaft298.9%1620,00036,36465.999999999999
50 × Bronze fire arrows (lit) Bronze fire arrows (lit)698.9%32010,000242,424198
50 × Iron fire arrows (unlit) Iron fire arrows (unlit)694.5%40410,00061,212990
50 × Steel fire arrows (unlit) Steel fire arrows (unlit)689.0%44110,00033,4091,980
50 × Mithril fire arrows (unlit) Mithril fire arrows (unlit)683.5%1210,0006062,970
50 × Adamant fire arrows (unlit) Adamant fire arrows (unlit)678.0%29210,00011,0613,960
50 × Bronze arrowheads Bronze arrowheads298.9%710,00015,90965.999999999999
50 × Rune fire arrows (unlit) Rune fire arrows (unlit)672.5%89410,00027,0914,950
50 × Dragon fire arrows (unlit) Dragon fire arrows (unlit)667.0%2,00310,00050,5815,940
50 × Unlit dark fire arrows Unlit dark fire arrows661.5%2110,0004556,930
50 × Iron arrowheads Iron arrowheads294.5%1110,0005,000330
50 × Steel arrowheads Steel arrowheads289.0%2710,0006,136660
50 × Adamant arrowheads Adamant arrowheads278.0%10110,00011,4771,320
50 × Broad arrowheads Broad arrowheads272.5%5010,0004,5451,650
50 × Adamant fire arrows (lit) Adamant fire arrows (lit)678.0%38210,00014,4703,960
50 × Rune fire arrows (lit) Rune fire arrows (lit)672.5%1,02810,00031,1524,950
50 × Dragon fire arrows (lit) Dragon fire arrows (lit)667.0%2,26210,00057,1215,940
50 × Mithril fire arrows (lit) Mithril fire arrows (lit)683.5%8510,0004,2932,970
50 × Steel fire arrows (lit) Steel fire arrows (lit)698.9%53410,000404,545198
50 × Iron fire arrows (lit) Iron fire arrows (lit)694.5%50110,00075,909990
50 × Bronze fire arrows (unlit) Bronze fire arrows (unlit)698.9%14910,000112,879198
50 × Mithril brutal Mithril brutal687.9%4771,00032,8512,178
50 × Bronze brutal Bronze brutal697.8%321,00012,121396
50 × Iron brutal Iron brutal694.5%191,0002,879990
50 × Steel brutal Steel brutal692.3%191,0002,0561,386
50 × Adamant brutal Adamant brutal678.0%3761,00014,2423,960
50 × Rune brutal Rune brutal676.9%6471,00023,3414,158
50 × Ogre arrow Ogre arrow683.5%951,0004,7982,970
50 × Wolf bone arrowheads Wolf bone arrowheads298.9%241,00054,54565.999999999999
50 × Zamorak arrows Zamorak arrows645.0%851,0001,2889,900
50 × Guthix arrows Guthix arrows645.0%841,0001,2739,900
50 × Dark arrow Dark arrow661.5%4910,0001,0616,930
50 × Lit dark fire arrows Lit dark fire arrows661.5%44110,0009,5456,930
50 × Steel arrow Steel arrow689.0%1710,0001,2881,980
50 × Broad arrow Broad arrow672.5%97N/A2,9394,950
50 × Black stone arrows Black stone arrows649.4%2,33710,00038,4889,108
50 × Elder headless arrow Elder headless arrow275.8%88420,00091,3221,452
50 × Araxyte arrow Araxyte arrow650.5%17310,0002,9128,910
50 × Dark arrowheads Dark arrowheads261.5%28310,00018,3772,310
50 × Dragon arrow Dragon arrow667.0%23910,0006,0355,940
50 × Dragon arrowheads Dragon arrowheads275.8%27710,00028,6161,452
50 × Headless arrow Headless arrow298.9%4720,000106,81865.999999999999
50 × Iron arrow Iron arrow694.5%1410,0002,121990
50 × Mithril arrow Mithril arrow683.5%2110,0001,0612,970
50 × Mithril arrowheads Mithril arrowheads283.5%3510,0005,303990
50 × Rune arrow Rune arrow672.5%15110,0004,5764,950
50 × Rune arrowheads Rune arrowheads272.5%13210,00012,0001,650
50 × Wild arrow Wild arrow653.8%11010,0001,9848,316
50 × Saradomin arrows Saradomin arrows645.0%851,0001,2889,900