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This is a list of all tradeable items in the disassembly category we've named "pouches", with the effective cost per material obtained. This is a measure of how much obtaining each non-junk material will cost at base junk chance, with the option to change to any junk chance using javascript.

For more details on the calculator, see Calculator:Disassembly by category. Be aware that not all items have been updated with disassembly details. See here for instructions on how to help the wiki gather this information!

Items in the "pouches" category break down into:

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Total results: 90 (may be more rows)

ItemMaterialsJunkPrice per itemBuy limitEffective costMaterials
per hour
Nightmare muspah pouch Nightmare muspah pouch32.0%93,4905,00031,7998,820
Shadow nihil pouch Shadow nihil pouch30.6%267,0415,00089,5518,946
Smoke nihil pouch Smoke nihil pouch30.6%156,9255,00052,6248,946
Ice nihil pouch Ice nihil pouch30.6%222,8375,00074,7278,946
Spirit kyatt pouch Spirit kyatt pouch337.3%3,0055,0001,5985,643
Spirit graahk pouch Spirit graahk pouch337.3%2,7985,0001,4885,643
Blood nihil pouch Blood nihil pouch30.6%242,5475,00081,3378,946
Pyrelord pouch Pyrelord pouch349.4%1,9515,0001,2854,554
Spirit larupia pouch Spirit larupia pouch337.3%2,8515,0001,5165,643
Spirit mosquito pouch Spirit mosquito pouch381.3%7225,0001,2871,683
Obsidian golem pouch Obsidian golem pouch319.7%3,6165,0001,5017,227
Talon beast pouch Talon beast pouch33.4%4,3245,0001,4928,694
Spirit wolf pouch Spirit wolf pouch398.9%4825,00014,60698.999999999999
Dreadfowl pouch Dreadfowl pouch395.6%3375,0002,553396
Steel titan pouch Steel titan pouch30.0%4,3345,0001,4459,000
Iron titan pouch Iron titan pouch30.0%3,8065,0001,2699,000
Desert wyrm pouch Desert wyrm pouch380.2%8325,0001,4011,782
Spirit spider pouch Spirit spider pouch389.0%5885,0001,782990
Spirit scorpion pouch Spirit scorpion pouch379.1%9865,0001,5731,881
Light creature pouch Light creature pouch30.4%6,2605,0002,0958,964
Macaw pouch Macaw pouch354.9%1,5015,0001,1094,059
Vampyre bat pouch Vampyre bat pouch365.9%1,4745,0001,4413,069
Karam. overlord pouch Karam. overlord pouch336.2%2,6735,0001,3975,742
Spirit cockatrice pouch Spirit cockatrice pouch352.7%1,5975,0001,1254,257
Spirit guthatrice pouch Spirit guthatrice pouch352.7%1,6295,0001,1484,257
Spirit saratrice pouch Spirit saratrice pouch352.7%1,6395,0001,1554,257
Unicorn stallion pouch Unicorn stallion pouch30.4%2,7055,0009058,964
Spirit zamatrice pouch Spirit zamatrice pouch352.7%1,6545,0001,1664,257
Spirit pengatrice pouch Spirit pengatrice pouch352.7%1,6765,0001,1814,257
Spirit coraxatrice pouch Spirit coraxatrice pouch352.7%1,6955,0001,1954,257
Spirit vulatrice pouch Spirit vulatrice pouch352.7%2,5285,0001,7824,257
Ice titan pouch Ice titan pouch32.7%3,8225,0001,3098,757
Swamp titan pouch Swamp titan pouch31.0%2,8885,0009728,910
Forge regent pouch Forge regent pouch33.8%2,5445,0008818,658
Adamant minotaur pouch Adamant minotaur pouch33.8%2,7375,0009488,658
Lava titan pouch Lava titan pouch31.4%4,2765,0001,4468,874
Bronze minotaur pouch Bronze minotaur pouch360.4%1,8355,0001,5453,564
Iron minotaur pouch Iron minotaur pouch349.4%2,3215,0001,5294,554
Steel minotaur pouch Steel minotaur pouch338.4%2,6285,0001,4225,544
Geyser titan pouch Geyser titan pouch30.3%4,2805,0001,4318,973
Mithril minotaur pouch Mithril minotaur pouch327.4%2,8665,0001,3166,534
Rune minotaur pouch Rune minotaur pouch30.8%1,9385,0006518,928
Abyssal titan pouch Abyssal titan pouch30.0%10,3595,0003,4539,000
Beaver pouch Beaver pouch363.7%1,6145,0001,4823,267
Fruit bat pouch Fruit bat pouch324.1%2,4965,0001,0966,831
Magpie pouch Magpie pouch348.3%1,7025,0001,0974,653
Bunyip pouch Bunyip pouch325.2%2,2665,0001,0106,732
Giant ent pouch Giant ent pouch33.0%2,5485,0008768,730
Arctic bear pouch Arctic bear pouch321.9%2,0965,0008957,029
Spirit dagannoth pouch Spirit dagannoth pouch31.4%1,8415,0006228,874
Bull ant pouch Bull ant pouch356.0%8135,0006163,960
Spirit kalphite pouch Spirit kalphite pouch372.5%2,7505,0003,3332,475
Compost mound pouch Compost mound pouch369.2%8555,0009252,772
Spirit cobra pouch Spirit cobra pouch330.7%10,0495,0004,8346,237
Spirit terrorbird pouch Spirit terrorbird pouch342.8%1,2015,0007005,148
Spirit jelly pouch Spirit jelly pouch339.5%2,7855,0001,5345,445
Wolpertinger pouch Wolpertinger pouch30.0%3,7495,0001,2509,000
Spirit tz-kih pouch Spirit tz-kih pouch375.8%1,1635,0001,6022,178
Bloated leech pouch Bloated leech pouch346.1%2,2085,0001,3654,851
Praying mantis pouch Praying mantis pouch34.2%3,2035,0001,1148,622
Barker toad pouch Barker toad pouch327.4%1,1245,0005166,534
Abyssal parasite pouch Abyssal parasite pouch340.6%4,0525,0002,2745,346
Abyssal lurker pouch Abyssal lurker pouch331.8%5,5365,0002,7066,138
Smoke devil pouch Smoke devil pouch332.9%5,7155,0002,8396,039
Giant chinchompa pouch Giant chinchompa pouch368.1%1,5605,0001,6302,871
Phoenix pouch Phoenix pouch320.8%3,0445,0001,2817,128
Executioner demon pouch Executioner demon pouch31.7%9,0935,0003,0838,847
Deacon demon pouch Deacon demon pouch31.7%11,0555,0003,7498,847
Reborn phoenix pouch Reborn phoenix pouch31.2%7,4915,0002,5278,892
Meerkats pouch Meerkats pouch395.6%3,57310027,068396
Evil turnip pouch Evil turnip pouch353.8%1,8735,0001,3514,158
Ibis pouch Ibis pouch338.4%2,1005,0001,1365,544
Brawler demon pouch Brawler demon pouch31.7%12,6975,0004,3068,847
Granite lobster pouch Granite lobster pouch318.6%3,2085,0001,3147,326
Hydra pouch Hydra pouch32.3%2,4335,0008308,793
Granite crab pouch Granite crab pouch382.4%4025,0007611,584
Ravenous locust pouch Ravenous locust pouch323.0%1,4355,0006216,930
Albino rat pouch Albino rat pouch374.7%2,3655,0003,1162,277
War tortoise pouch War tortoise pouch326.3%34,5515,00015,6276,633
Moss titan pouch Moss titan pouch32.7%3,8535,0001,3208,757
Pack yak pouch Pack yak pouch30.0%4,0615,0001,3549,000
Pack mammoth pouch Pack mammoth pouch30.0%12,4115,0004,1379,000
Thorny snail pouch Thorny snail pouch385.7%6935,0001,6151,287
Void torcher pouch Void torcher pouch362.6%6,2325,0005,5543,366
Void spinner pouch Void spinner pouch362.6%9,8345,0008,7653,366
Void shifter pouch Void shifter pouch362.6%5,1125,0004,5563,366
Void ravager pouch Void ravager pouch362.6%10,7515,0009,5823,366
Honey badger pouch Honey badger pouch364.8%1,6055,0001,5203,168
Fire titan pouch Fire titan pouch32.7%3,8075,0001,3048,757
Stranger plant pouch Stranger plant pouch329.6%2,4625,0001,1666,336