RuneScape Wiki
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This is a list of all tradeable items in the disassembly category we've named "shortbows", with the effective cost per material obtained. This is a measure of how much obtaining each non-junk material will cost at base junk chance, with the option to change to any junk chance using javascript.

For more details on the calculator, see Calculator:Disassembly by category. Be aware that not all items have been updated with disassembly details. See here for instructions on how to help the wiki gather this information!

Items in the "shortbows" category break down into:

Please enable javascript to be able to change the junk reduction used. Until then, the table displays values for no junk reduction only.

Total results: 23 (may be more rows)

ItemMaterialsJunkPrice per itemBuy limitEffective costMaterials
per hour
Shortbow (u) Shortbow (u)498.9%38210,0008,682132
Yew shortbow (u) Yew shortbow (u)464.8%22110,0001574,224
Seercull Seercull1245.0%30,9971004,69719,800
Magic shortbow (u) Magic shortbow (u)456.0%49110,0002795,280
Willow shortbow (u) Willow shortbow (u)481.3%12010,0001602,244
Oak shortbow (u) Oak shortbow (u)489.0%20510,0004661,320
Second-Age bow Second-Age bow122.3%213,500,000218,210,50835,172
Shortbow Shortbow1298.9%1,2155,0009,205396
Elder shortbow Elder shortbow1234.0%4,2495,00053623,760
Elder shortbow (u) Elder shortbow (u)450.5%5,09510,0002,5735,940
Oak shortbow Oak shortbow1289.0%6245,0004733,960
Willow shortbow Willow shortbow1278.0%5125,0001947,920
Yew shortbow Yew shortbow1256.0%8965,00017015,840
Magic shortbow Magic shortbow1245.0%1,1895,00018019,800
Comp ogre bow Comp ogre bow1267.0%3,76210095011,880
Crystal bow Crystal bow1223.0%326,879235,37727,720
Hexhunter bow Hexhunter bow122.3%169,376,270214,446,96935,172
Noxious longbow Noxious longbow120.0%163,230,298213,602,52536,000
Decimation Decimation120.6%65,339,20425,477,80035,784
Zaryte bow Zaryte bow122.3%8,816,5852752,01235,172
Seren godbow Seren godbow120.0%923,416,219276,951,35236,000
Maple shortbow (u) Maple shortbow (u)472.5%14910,0001353,300
Maple shortbow Maple shortbow1267.0%6885,00017411,880