RuneScape Wiki
This is a static calculator.
It does not take user inputs, but it does use changing prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch. If prices appear to be outdated, purge the page by clicking here.

This calculator determines costs and profits of planting and picking herbs using prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch. It represents profit calculated per patch. It assumes:


Seed Farming level Planting Harvesting Seed Herb With
no boosts
scroll of life
scroll of life and
juju farming
scroll of life,
juju farming, and
legendary greenfingers
Guam seedGuam seed 9 11 12.5 176 709 4,645.2 4,662.8 4,380.43 5,344.67
Marrentill seedMarrentill seed 14 13 15 179 2,307 15,508.6 15,526.5 18,866.26 22,003.78
Tarromin seedTarromin seed 19 16 18 137 105 577 590.7 −1,060.74 −917.94
Harralander seedHarralander seed 26 22 24 196 741 4,842.8 4,862.4 4,652.56 5,660.32
Ranarr seedRanarr seed 32 26.5 30.5 976 1,860 11,672 11,769.6 14,096.16 16,625.76
Spirit weed seed 5Spirit weed seed 36 32 36 78,260 16,575 34,450 42,276 77,956.56 100,498.56
Toadflax seedToadflax seed 38 34 38 9,872 11,250 66,628 67,615.2 91,225.76 106,525.76
Irit seedIrit seed 44 43 49 1,018 5,008 33,036.4 33,138.2 42,600.23 49,411.11
Wergali seedWergali seed 46 52.8 52.8 1,903 2,701 16,463.8 16,654.1 20,886.93 24,560.29
Avantoe seedAvantoe seed 50 54.5 61.5 375 1,043 6,717.4 6,754.9 7,229.6 8,648.08
Kwuarm seedKwuarm seed 56 69 82 12,857 11,782 67,260.6 68,546.3 93,362.73 109,386.25
Bloodweed seedBloodweed seed 57 72 81.4 53,739 16,583 59,025.4 64,399.3 100,098 122,650.88
Snapdragon seedSnapdragon seed 62 87 99 293 1,789 11,872.2 11,901.5 14,067.13 16,500.17
Cadantine seedCadantine seed 67 107 120 1,438 4,322 27,951.6 28,095.4 36,002.5 41,880.42
Lantadyme seedLantadyme seed 73 134 151.5 726 7,551 50,620.8 50,693.4 65,919.56 76,188.92
Dwarf weed seedDwarf weed seed 79 170.5 192 822 8,476 56,814.8 56,897 74,219.83 85,747.19
Torstol seedTorstol seed 85 199.5 224.5 540 5,389 36,105.2 36,159.2 46,484.83 53,813.87
Fellstalk seedFellstalk seed 91 225 315.6 725 6,860 45,923 45,995.5 59,655.4 68,985