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For calculators that calculate the item or experience needed for the next in a skill level, see skill calculators.

Calculators are used to determine experience points and item manufacture costs based on real-time prices in the Grand Exchange Market Watch.


Calculator Format Description
Agility - Levelling JS Calculates the number of course laps that must be completed to get from a given level or amount of experience to your selected goal.


Calculator Format Description
Constitution - Levelling JS Calculates the Constitution level and from that the Combat level of a character using the input requested levels for the other stats.


Calculator Format Description
Flatpacks - Parlour, Kitchen and Dining room GEMW Calculates the losses/profits from making flatpacks, in the Workshop of a Player-owned house. Flatpacks are for the Parlour, the Kitchen and the Dining room.
Flatpacks - Bedroom GEMW Calculates the losses/profits from making flatpacks, in the Workshop of a Player-owned house. Flatpacks are for the bedroom.
Flatpacks - Costume room GEMW Calculates the losses/profits from making flatpacks, in the Workshop of a Player-owned house. Flatpacks are for the Costume room.
Flatpacks GE to Ghrim GEMW Calculates the losses/profits from buying items in the GE and selling them to Advisor Ghrim after completing the hard Fremennik tasks.
Zombie impling looting GEMW Calculates the construction cost/xp from looting zombie impling jars.
Construction Material Cost per EXP GEMW Calculates the price of one experience point gained from each material used in Construction.
Construction - Levelling JS

Calculates the number of items needed to be built to attain a level.

Servant cost JS Calculates how much money is needed to pay servants payment.


Calculator Format Description
Brewing GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from brewing ales, based on the assumption that all ingredients are bought.
Cooking fish GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from cooking fish, based on the assumption that the raw fish are bought.
Cooking pies GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from preparing and cooking pies based on the assumption that all ingredients are bought.
Cooking pizzas GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from buying pizza independents and putting them together and cooking the pizza.
Cooking - Levelling JS Calculates the number of food needed to be cooked to attain a level.
Cooking potatoes GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from preparing potatoes, assuming all ingredients are bought.


Calculator Format Description
Crafting ranging armour (untanned) GEMW Calculates the cost of using various hides to craft ranging armour using the tanner and Make leather spell.
Crafting ranging armour (tanned) GEMW Calculates the cost of crafting ranging armour from multiple types of tanned or prepared materials.
Crafting jewellery GEMW Calculates the cost of using gold and silver bars, and gems to craft different types of jewellery.
Crafting urns GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of crafting urns
Gem cutting GEMW Calculates the wealth difference from successfully cutting gems.
Gem cutting (dynamic) JS/GEMW Dynamically calculates the wealth difference and experience gain from successfully cutting gems.
Crafting battlestaves GEMW Calculates the profit of making battlestaves from unpowered orbs.
Tanning hides GEMW Calculates the profit of tanning various hides.
Glassblowing GEMW Calculates the profit/loss per XP for blowing molten glass into various items.
Polypore Armour GEMW Calculates the profit of crafting fungal armour, grifolic armour, and ganodermic armour.
Other GEMW Calculates the profit/loss per XP for various items.
Crafting - Levelling JS A calculator to work out how many items are needed to be crafted to get to a goal level/experience (from current level/experience), and the profit/loss for doing so.


Calculator Format Description
Divine locations GEMW Calculates the profit per day from divine locations.
Transmutation GEMW Calculates the profit from transmuting materials into higher tier materials with energy.
Sign of the porter GEMW Calculates the profit from using sign of porters to send items to your bank.
Divination - Levelling JS A calculator to work out how many wisps are needed to be gathered to get to a goal level/experience (from current level/experience), and the profit/loss for doing so.


Calculator Format Description
Dungeoneering Dailies to Goal JS/LUA Calculates the days it will take to reach your goal only taking into account Daily Challenges.


Calculator Format Description
Payment or compost GEMW Calculates whether it is better to use supercompost or pay the farmer.
Tree/Herb Compare JS/GEMW Calculates how much you make farming herbs regularly and farming trees at the same time
Tree cost GEMW Calculates the exp/gold for growing trees
Herbs GEMW Calculates the profit and exp/gold for growing herbs
Comparing farming herb prices JS/GEMW A dynamic version of the second calculator of herbs, allows you to create a customised table with up to four type of herbs.
Supercompost GEMW Calculates the cost of making supercompost.
Fruit Picking GEMW Calculates the profit from picking (renewable) fruit. (Such as berries, fruit trees, cacti, and willow branches).
Herb-run Profits GEMW Calculates the profit of planting a seed and harvesting up to 20 herbs.
Farming - Levelling JS Calculates the number of farming items needed to attain a certain level and the cost needed.


Calculator Format Description
Burning logs GEMW Calculates the gold/exp for burning logs
Pyre logs GEMW Calculates the gold/exp for burning pyre logs in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame.
Firemaking - Levelling JS Calculates the number of logs needed to attain a level.


Calculator Format Description
Fishing - Levelling GEMW/JS Calculates (1) the gold profit or loss per fish and per XP for catching various fish and (2) how many of one fish one must catch to reach a desired level.


Calculator Format Description
Fletching bows and ammo GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from fletching items when resources are bought.
Gems to bolt tips GEMW

Calculates the profit of crafting gem bolt tips from uncut or cut gems.

Fletching - Levelling JS Calculates the amount of experience and logs needed to reach a certain level


Calculator Format Description
Barbarian mix GEMW Calculates the costs of making Barbarian mix potions.
Barbarian mix 2 GEMW Calculates the costs of making Barbarian mix potions. Assumes that the potions won't/can't be sold.
Dose cost GEMW Calculates the cost per dose for tradeable potions bought from the GE.
Combination potions GEMW Calculates the costs of making combination potions
Extreme potions GEMW Calculates the costs of making extreme potions and overloads
Flask decanting GEMW Calculates the profit from decanting potions into flasks.
Herb cleaning GEMW Calculates the (potential) profit of cleaning herbs.
Herblore - Levelling JS Calculate how many potions you need to get between a start and an end level or experience.
Potions GEMW Calculates the costs of making standard potions.
Production costs GEMW

Calculates the cost/profit per XP point gained making potions from both clean and grimy herbs.

Unfinished potions GEMW Calculates the profit/cost of turning herbs into unfinished potions and turning unfinished potions into 3 dose potions.
Efficient Herblore Profit GEMW A guide/calculator for a cost efficient Herblore process.


Calculator Format Description
Hunter - Levelling JS

Calculates how many monsters you have to catch to get from a given level or experience to a goal.


Calculator Format Description
Disassembly by category GEMW Calculates the cost per material of disassembling items in a specific disassembly category
Disassembly by material GEMW Calculates the cost of disassembling items for a specific material
Standard disassembly Simple list Lists the junk chance and experience at each internal level
Disassembly categories Simple list Lists the definition and aliases of each disassembly category
Equipment experience by tier Simple list Shows common equipment tiers with disassembly experience at each level
Invention - Levelling JS (work in progress)


Calculator Format Description
Magic Planner JS/GEMW Calculates the cost of using a spell, the cost/XP ratio, and how many times one must cast a spell to reach a certain goal.
Spell costs GEMW Calculates the cost of using a Magic spell, based on the runes used.
High Alchemy profits GEMW Calculates the profits from High alching certain items.
Humidify profits GEMW Calculates the profits from humidifying certain items.
Alchemy using self-made items GEMW Calculates the profits from Low/High alching self-made items.
Wine of Zamorak GEMW Calculates the profit of telekinetic grabbing Wine of Zamorak with the air staff.
Enchanting GEMW Calculates the profit of enchanting various items.
Bolt enchanting GEMW Calculates the profit of enchanting bolts.
Magic Tablets GEMW Calculates the profit from making Magic tablets on a Lectern.
Superheat item GEMW Calculates the profit per experience point (smithing, magic and combined) from creating bars with the Superheat item spell with a fire staff.
Mage Training Arena GEMW Calculates the profit of different rewards from the Mage Training Arena, such as Infinity Robes and Wands.
Alchemy Dynamic JS A JavaScript version of the High Alchemy Profits calculator with various other features for determining the number of items you need to get to a certain level.
Magic - Levelling JS A calculator for calculating how many non-combat spell casts (i.e. High Alchemy, Superheat, etc) are needed to achieve a certain level and the raw costs associated with these goals.


Calculator Format Description
Mining - Levelling JS Calculates the number of ores needed to attain a level as well as the profit earned


Calculator Format Description
Bone use GEMW Calculates the costs of buying and using various bones or prayer ashes.
Prayer experience rate GEMW Calculates the speed of gaining Prayer experience.
Shade Prayer experience GEMW Calculates the Prayer experience gained from cremating shades.
Spirit shields GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from making spirit shields.
Prayer drain rate JS Calculates the rate at which prayer points are depleted using a combination of Prayers or Ancient Curses.
Prayer - Levelling JS Calculates the cost and amount of bones and ashes needed when buried or used at an altar.
Extended prayer calculator JS Offers more features to the normal prayer calculator, including time required to raise the cash for bones and ashes


Calculator Format Description
Multiple Runes GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of Runecrafting multiple runes.
Runecrafting fractional rates GEMW Calculates the fractional rates of rune production based on a large sample
Tiaras GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of making Runecrafting tiaras.
Profit/loss per trip GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of making runes per trip.
Runecrafting Guild Tokens GEMW Calculates the profit gained using Great Orb Project.
Combination runes GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of crafting combination runes.
Ourania Runecrafting Costs JS Calculates the cost of buying Pure essence and Fire runes, and also how many trips you will take.
Runecrafting - Levelling JS Calculates the number of runes needed to be crafted to attain a level.


Calculator Format Description
Slayer JS Calculates how much experience can be gained on a specific task.


Calculator Format Description
Armour stand repairing JS Calculates the cost of repairing an item at an armour stand, for a given item and Smithing level.
Player-owned port armour repairing JS Calculates the cost of repairing player-owned port armour at an armour stand, for a given item and Smithing level.
Artisans Workshop GEMW Calculates the current cost of creating and using ingots at the Artisans Workshop.
Burial armour GEMW Calculates the current cost of making burial armour at the Artisans Workshop.
Burial armour JS/GEMW Calculates the current cost to reach a goal and XP/ingot based on bonuses.
Barrows repair GEMW Calculates the profit of repairing barrows items.
Cannonball smithing GEMW Calculates the profit from making cannonballs using ores and bars.
Bars to cannonballs JS/GEMW Calculates the current costs of the cannon balls to steel bar ratio. Also allows you to multiply however many bars you're making for total profit.
Godsword forging GEMW Calculates the profit from forging Godsword components.
Ore smelting GEMW Calculates the profit from smithing ores into metal bars.
Blast Furnace unnoting GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from using the Blast Furnace in Keldagrim when playing the minigame.
Mithril items at the Blast Furnace GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of creating mithril items at the Blast Furnace.
Smithing items GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from smithing items.
Smithing - Levelling JS Calculates the experience needed for a certain level.
Smithing special items GEMW Calculates the profit/loss from smithing special items like the dragon platebody and dragonfire shield.
Superheat Item GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of using Superheat Item to smelt bars.
Iron success chance JS/GEMW Calculates what success percentage you have when smelting Iron ore to Iron bar. It also calculates the total profit/loss you will make.
Ore to metal buying GEMW Calculates how many ores you can buy with the money you're willing to spend to smelt certain bars.


Calculator Format Description
Summoning pouches GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of making Summoning pouches, either from the High Level Alchemy spell, or by selling the pouches in the Grand Exchange.
Summoning scrolls GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of making Summoning scrolls, by buying the pouches and selling the scrolls in the Grand Exchange.
Shard swapping GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of swapping Summoning pouches with Bogrog for Spirit shards.
Charm gathering Charm Log Calculates the amount of life point damage that is required to get charms from various monsters based on their respective Charm Logs.
Charm gathering (dynamic) Charm log/JS Calculates how many monsters have to be killed to get wanted number of charms or how many charms can be acquired by killing X monsters.
Summoning - Levelling JS Calculates the experience needed for a certain level. Also takes in consideration the possible bonuses there are.
Charms to experience JS/GEMW Calculates how much experience can be gained (and how much it costs) with a set amount of each charm at a set level.


Calculator Format Description
Thieving - Levelling JS Calculates the number of victims to pickpocket or sq'irkjuice to collect to reach a destination level.


Calculator Format Description
Woodcutting - Levelling JS Calculates the experience needed for a certain level. Also takes in consideration the possible bonuses there are.
Special logs GEMW Calculates the profit from selling or using special logs with the sawmill operator.


Calculator Format Description
Brimhaven Agility Arena Ticket GEMW Shows the profit from buying herbs or the Pirate's hook using Agility arena tickets.


Culinaromancer's chest calculator GEMW Shows the profit per item and profit if the full stock is bought and sold at GE prices.
Dorgesh-Kaan General Supplies GEMW
Item packs GEMW Shows the profit from buying item packs and selling the unpacked items on the GE.
Miscellania clothes shop GEMW Calculates the profit you get from buying these clothes from the shops and selling them in the GE.
Slayer Masters trading GEMW Shows the profit of exchanging Slayer points for either 250 cast of Slayer Dart or 250 Broad-tipped bolts.
Wicked hood withdrawing GEMW Calculates the profits from withdrawing various rune types from the wicked hood.
Buying runes from shops GEMW Calculates which runes are profitable to buy from shops and sell back to the GE.


Calculator Format Description
Absorbative JS Calculates damage reduction provided by the Absorbative perk.
Biting, Precise, and Equilibrium combined effect JS Calculates average ability damage increase caused by the Biting, Precise, and Equilibrium perks.
Boss collection log calculator JS Calculates the minimum, average and maximum amount of kills required to obtain every item required for each boss collection log.
Bulwark JS Calculates the total active time for Debilitate when used with the Bulwark perk.
Combat level JS Calculates your combat level.
Combat Pocket Items JS Calculates effects of Pocket slot items.
Crystal Shield JS Calculates damage reduction provided by the Crystal Shield perk.
Devoted and Enhanced Devoted JS Calculates damage reduction provided by the Devoted perk and the Enhanced Devoted perk in either PvM or PvP.
Lucky JS Calculates damage reduction provided by the Lucky perk.
Max hit melee JS Calculates your max hit when using melee, using many more variables than the basic calculator. (Note: outdated since EoC)
Max hit magic JS Calculates your maximum magic hit. (Note: outdated since EoC)
Telos JS Calculates drop rates for unique drops at Telos.
Wilderness combat range JS Calculates the range of combat levels that you can attack in a given level of the wilderness.


Calculator Format Description
Kingdom management GEMW Helps with the management of the Kingdom of Miscellania.
Dynamic Kingdom management JS/GEMW A dynamic version of the above calculator.
GE Price GEMW Calculates the price for items on the GE
Health per GP GEMW Calculates the cost of food based on the amount healed.
POH goods GEMW Calculates the money made from selling items from a player-owned house.
Plank making GEMW Calculates the profit or loss from turning logs into planks at the sawmill.
Runecrafting guild tokens GEMW Calculates the return for buying various items with Runecrafting guild tokens.
Fist of Guthix rewards GEMW Calculates the profit per token used for each tradeable item from Fist of Guthix.
Thormac Battlestaff Service GEMW Calculates the profit off changing a battlestaff into a mystic staff with Thormac service.
Spending Tokkul GEMW Calculates the profit per Tokkul used for each tradeable item from Tokkul.
Splitbark armour making GEMW Calculates the profit for purchasing Splitbark armour from either the Grand Exchange or from the Wizards' Tower armoured wizard.
Crystal chest profit GEMW Calculates expected value of chest based on a sample of 1000.
Experience JS Calculates the experience missing from Levelling.
Penguin points JS Calculates the amount of experience you get from penguin points.
Stats Boosting JS Calculates the amount of boost you get from potions.
Dragonkin lamps JS Calculates how many effigies are needed to get to a specific level.
Efficiency (TVC) guide

Compares the efficiency of two different tasks.

Flipping calculator JS Calculates the profit made with flipping.
Long Term Merchanting JS Calculates your cash after merchanting for a set amount of rounds.
Urns JS Calculates the number of urns needed to get to a particular level.
Antipoisons GEMW Calculates the cost per dose of various antipoisons.
Temple Trekking GEMW Calculates the minimum, average and maximum profit for redeeming reward tokens in Temple Trekking.
Trade goods GEMW Calculates the profit from making items from Trade goods in the Player-Owned Port minigame.
Basket & Sack filling/emptying JS/GEMW Calculates the profit/loss of filling/emptying baskets and sacks.
Rune Goldberg Machine JS/GEMW Calculates the cost and profit from creating 100 vis wax with the Rune Goldberg Machine.
Spring cleaner GEMW Calculates profit from using a Spring cleaner.
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza BonusXp JS Calculates how much bonus xp you will receive for your levels.
Towers solver JS Solves tower puzzles from Treasure Trails.
Treasure Trail points JS Calculates the how many clues you need to complete to obtain a given number of Treasure Trail points.

Opportunity costs[]

All raw material costs used in the calculators are based on real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch. This assumes that the player is buying items from the Grand Exchange, even if these items are easily obtainable from alternative locations.

This is due to the fact that using an item as a raw material prevents the player from selling that item on the Grand Exchange, thereby effectively "costing" the player the amount of money they could have sold it for. In business, this concept is called opportunity cost and should be considered when calculating the actual cost using raw materials.

For example:

When prayer potions are made, snape grass is one of the ingredients (raw material) used for making this potion. Snape grass can easily be found on the Hobgoblin peninsula, south-west of the Crafting Guild, which is south-west of Falador, and also on Waterbirth Island. However, the player could sell the snape grass on the Grand Exchange for 134 coins each. So, using it to make Prayer potions has effectively cost them 134 coins for each potion made, even though they got snape grass free.
Furthermore, picking up the snape grass to make the potions will have the opportunity cost of time. This is a very important concept to understand because it will greatly affect your profits. The time you spend picking up snape grass could have been spent on other money-making methods which would be more beneficial. In this example, a simple method such as spinning flax is more would provide the required snape grass much quicker.

The same concept applies to any ores mined, or any animal hides collected instead of being bought from the Grand Exchange. This may sound counter-intuitive, but ignoring it distorts the actual cost of making items and gives incorrect figures. That said, while opportunity cost must be considered in a microeconomic cost-benefit model, it is important to note that market forces sometimes make selling the raw materials (also known as "inputs") difficult. It might take a long time, for example, to sell iron ores, but superheating them into iron bars for experience and profit could yield a faster turn-around on the time investment. In a macroeconomic sense, players must evaluate how long they wish to spend, and how much money they have on hand before deciding whether to harvest raw materials themselves, or purchase them outright. Generally, one will save time by purchasing the raw materials, but one must invest more money up-front, and in many instances will not turn a profit. Conversely, it will take one longer to harvest raw materials but the initial investment is much lower (provided, of course, that you are capable of acquiring the raw materials you need in the first place) but in many instances to overall profit potential is higher because you are reducing your input costs.

If you are harvesting your raw materials, simply calculate with a GE price of 0 for whatever you happen to be harvesting on your own. For example:

Raw fish GE Price Cooked fish GE Price Profit/Loss Profit per XP
Raw shrimps Raw shrimps 0 Shrimps Shrimps 138 138 4.6

If buying the materials,it is possible to make or lose nothing:

Raw fish GE Price Cooked fish GE Price Profit/Loss Profit per XP
Raw shrimps Raw shrimps 138 Shrimps Shrimps 138 0 0

Or to lose money:

Raw fish GE Price Cooked fish GE Price Profit/Loss Profit per XP
Raw shrimps Raw shrimps 276 Shrimps Shrimps 138 −138 −4.6

Nb. Raw shrimps actually cost 526 on the GE, above prices are examples only.


If new calculators are needed, feel free to make a request here. If a calculator is errored or outdated, then corrections are always welcome.
