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Costume room

A costume room with a cape rack in the top-right corner.

The Cape rack is a hot spot found in the costume room of a player-owned house. It is used to store capes without taking up bank space. It can store only one of each different cape at the time. Some capes cannot be stored on any cape rack.

Cape racks[]

Magical cape rack built

A magical cape rack can be built at level 99 construction.

Image Type Level Materials required Details Flatpack GE Price
Oak cape rack Oak cape rack 54 4 oak planks Most capes 19 coins (update)
Teak cape rack Teak cape rack 63 4 teak planks Most capes, plus one Cape of Accomplishment or Cape of Distinction 28 coins (update)
Mahogany cape rack Mahogany cape rack 72 4 mahogany planks Most capes, plus five Capes of Accomplishment or Capes of Distinction 276 coins (update)
Gilded cape rack Gilded cape rack 81 4 mahogany planks, 1 gold leaf Most capes, plus ten Capes of Accomplishment or Capes of Distinction 102,909 coins (update)
Marble cape rack Marble cape rack 90 1 marble block Any storable cape 298,370 coins (update)
Magical cape rack Magical cape rack 99 1 magic stone Any storable cape 980,946 coins (update)


Set Cape Hood
Cape of legends Cape of legends
Obsidian cape Obsidian cape
Fire cape Fire cape
Team capes[1] Team-1 cape
God cape Saradomin cape, Guthix cape or Zamorak cape
Attack cape Attack cape, Attack cape (t), Hooded attack cape or Hooded attack cape (t) Attack hood
Defence cape Defence cape, Defence cape (t), Hooded defence cape or Hooded defence cape (t) Defence hood
Strength cape Strength cape, Strength cape (t), Hooded strength cape or Hooded strength cape (t) Strength hood
Constitution cape Constitution cape, Constitution cape (t), Hooded constitution cape or Hooded constitution cape (t) Constitution hood
Agility cape Agility cape, Agility cape (t), Hooded agility cape or Hooded agility cape (t) Agility hood
Cooking cape Cooking cape, Cooking cape (t), Hooded cooking cape or Hooded cooking cape (t) Cooking hood
Construction cape Construct. cape, Construct. cape (t), Hooded construct. cape or Hooded construct. cape (t) Construct. hood
Crafting cape Crafting cape, Crafting cape (t), Hooded crafting cape or Hooded crafting cape (t) Crafting hood
Farming cape Farming cape, Farming cape (t), Hooded farming cape or Hooded farming cape (t) Farming hood
Firemaking cape Firemaking cape, Firemaking cape (t), Hooded firemaking cape or Hooded firemaking cape (t) Firemaking hood
Fishing cape Fishing cape, Fishing cape (t), Hooded fishing cape or Hooded fishing cape (t) Fishing hood
Fletching cape Fletching cape, Fletching cape (t), Hooded fletching cape or Hooded fletching cape (t) Fletching hood
Herblore cape Herblore cape, Herblore cape (t), Hooded herblore cape or Hooded herblore cape (t) Herblore hood
Magic cape Magic cape, Magic cape (t), Hooded magic cape or Hooded magic cape (t) Magic hood
Mining cape Mining cape, Mining cape (t), Hooded mining cape or Hooded mining cape (t) Mining hood
Prayer cape Prayer cape,Prayer cape (t), Hooded prayer cape or Hooded prayer cape (t) Prayer hood
Ranging cape Ranging cape, Ranging cape (t), Hooded ranging cape or Hooded ranging cape (t) Ranging hood
Runecrafting cape Runecraft cape, Runecraft cape (t), Hooded runecraft cape or Hooded runecraft cape (t) Runecrafting hood
Slayer cape Slayer cape, Slayer cape (t), Hooded slayer cape or Hooded slayer cape (t) Slayer hood
Smithing cape Smithing cape, Smithing cape (t), Hooded smithing cape or Hooded smithing cape (t) Smithing hood
Thieving cape Thieving cape, Thieving cape (t), Hooded thieving cape or Hooded thieving cape (t) Thieving hood
Woodcutting cape Woodcutting cape, Woodcut. cape (t), Hooded woodcutting cape or Hooded woodcut. cape (t) Woodcutting hood
Hunter cape Hunter cape, Hunter cape (t), Hooded hunter cape or Hooded hunter cape (t) Hunter hood
Quest point cape Quest point cape Quest point hood
Master quest cape Master quest cape
Summoning cape Summoning cape, Summoning cape (t), Hooded summoning cape or Hooded summoning cape (t) Summoning hood
Dungeoneering cape Dungeoneering cape, Dungeoneering cape (t), Hooded dungeoneering cape or Hooded dungeoneering cape (t) Dungeoneering hood
Divination cape Divination cape, Divination cape (t), Hooded divination cape or Hooded divination cape (t) Divination hood
Invention cape Invention cape, Invention cape (t), Hooded Invention cape or Hooded Invention cape (t) Invention hood
Attack master cape Attack master cape
Defence master cape Defence master cape
Strength master cape Strength master cape
Constitution master cape Constitution master cape
Agility master cape Agility master cape
Cooking master cape Cooking master cape
Construction master cape Construction master cape
Crafting master cape Crafting master cape
Farming master cape Farming master cape
Firemaking master cape Firemaking master cape
Fishing master cape Fishing master cape
Fletching master cape Fletching master cape
Herblore master cape Herblore master cape
Magic master cape Magic master cape
Mining master cape Mining master cape
Prayer master cape Prayer master cape
Ranged master cape Ranged master cape
Runecrafting master cape Runecrafting master cape
Slayer master cape Slayer master cape
Smithing master cape Smithing master cape
Thieving master cape Thieving master cape
Woodcutting master cape Woodcutting master cape
Summoning master cape Summoning master cape
Hunter master cape Hunter master cape
Divination master cape Divination master cape
Dungeoneering master cape Dungeoneering master cape
Invention master cape Invention master cape
Spotted cape Spotted cape
Spottier cape Spottier cape
Soul Wars cape Red cape or Blue cape
Clan Cloak Clan cloak
Milestone cape (10) Milestone cape (10)
Milestone cape (20) Milestone cape (20)
Milestone cape (30) Milestone cape (30)
Milestone cape (40) Milestone cape (40)
Milestone cape (50) Milestone cape (50)
Milestone cape (60) Milestone cape (60)
Milestone cape (70) Milestone cape (70)
Milestone cape (80) Milestone cape (80)
Milestone cape (90) Milestone cape (90)
Veteran Cape Veteran cape (5 year) Veteran hood (5 year)
Classic cape Classic cape Classic hood
Max cape Max cape Max hood
Completionist cape Completionist cape or Completionist cape (t) Completionist hood or Completionist hood (t)
Herald cape[1] Herald cape
TokHaar-Kal-Ket TokHaar-Kal-Ket
TokHaar-Kal-Xil TokHaar-Kal-Xil
TokHaar-Kal-Mej TokHaar-Kal-Mej
Castle Wars flag cape Castle wars flag cape
Castle Wars kills cape Castle wars kills cape
Castle Wars hobbyist cape Castle wars hobbyist cape
Castle Wars enthusiast cape Castle wars enthusiast cape
Castle Wars professional cape Castle wars professional cape
Zamorak team cape Zamorak team cape
Saradomin team cape Saradomin team cape
Zamorak team hood Zamorak team hood
Saradomin team hood Saradomin team hood
Veteran cape (10 year) Veteran cape (10 year) Veteran hood (10 year)
Veteran cape (15 year) Veteran cape (15 year) Veteran hood (15 year)
Ardougne cloak 4 Ardougne cloak 4
Spirit cape Spirit cape
Cloak of Seasons Cloak of Seasons
Cloak of Spring Cloak of Spring
Cloak of Summer Cloak of Summer
Cloak of Autumn Cloak of Autumn
Cloak of Winter Cloak of Winter
Gatherer's cape Gatherer's cape Gatherer's hood
Combatant's cape Combatant's cape Combatant's hood
Artisan's cape Artisan's cape Artisan's helm
Support cape Support cape Support hood
Clan Amlodd cape Clan Amlodd cape
Clan Cadarn cape Clan Cadarn cape
Clan Crwys cape Clan Crwys cape
Clan Hefin cape Clan Hefin cape
Clan Iorwerth cape Clan Iorwerth cape
Clan Ithell cape Clan Ithell cape
Clan Meilyr cape Clan Meilyr cape
Clan Trahaearn cape Clan Trahaearn cape
Master clan cape Master clan cape
Ava's attractor Ava's attractor
Ava's accumulator Ava's accumulator
Ava's alerter Ava's alerter
Superior reefwalker's cape Reefwalker's cape
Soul cape Soul cape
Soul cape (barrows) Soul cape (barrows)
Soul cape (white) Soul cape (white)
Soul cape (shadow) Soul cape (shadow)
Soul cape (black) Soul cape (black)
Soul cape (blood) Soul cape (blood)
Soul cape (golden) Soul cape (golden)
  1. ^ a b Only one cape of this type can be stored.

