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The capsarius is a slayer monster requiring 81 Slayer to combat. Described as a 'healer', it is a member of the Order of Ascension.

These monsters are found in the Monastery of Ascension located between the Feldip Hills and Mobilising Armies, along with gladiiscutarii and rorarii found within the dungeon.

They also feature in Nomad's Elegy together with the other Ascension creatures.


Capsarii are the Order's healers and are rather uncommon throughout the monastery. When a Capsarii detects that a fellow member has taken at least 200 or more damage, they will attempt to reach that member. The Capsarii, if it reaches the target, will proceed to heal the member for 100 health every few ticks while applying a massive defence buff at the same time, forcing the player to kill them as it is nearly impossible to finish off the target while the Capsarii is healing them.

However, they cannot heal themselves nor heal other Capsarii.


100% drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Ascension fragmentAscension fragment1; 8–12AlwaysNot sold
Ascension shardAscension shard1–3Always256–768


No charmGold charmGreen charmCrimson charmBlue charm
Represents a 90% confidence range based on a sample of 3,055 kills.
1 charm is dropped at a time.
Add data to the log (requires JavaScript).

Main drop[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Rune daggerRune dagger1Common4,141
Adamant chainbodyAdamant chainbody1Uncommon7,111
Air battlestaffAir battlestaff1Uncommon8,114
Water battlestaffWater battlestaff1Uncommon7,974
Earth battlestaffEarth battlestaff1Uncommon8,028
Fire battlestaffFire battlestaff1Uncommon8,011
Pure essencePure essence38–42 (noted)Uncommon1,140–1,260
Unpowered orbUnpowered orb(noted)Uncommon3,620
Sirenic scaleSirenic scale1Rare698,722
Coins 1000Coins601–3,051Common601–3,051
Yew logsYew logs(noted)Common334
Chilli potatoChilli potato1Uncommon272
CoalCoal9–11 (noted)Uncommon1,008–1,232

Tertiary drops[]

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Order journal pageOrder journal page1UncommonNot sold
Ascension gripsAscension grips1Very rare (1/2,056)[1][2]5,259,669
Ascension Keystone PrimusAscension Keystone Primus1Rare (1/384)[1]633,433
Ascension Keystone SecundusAscension Keystone Secundus1Rare (1/384)[1]403,433
Ascension Keystone TertiusAscension Keystone Tertius1Rare (1/384)[1]283,299
Ascension Keystone QuartusAscension Keystone Quartus1Rare (1/384)[1]266,819
Ascension Keystone QuintusAscension Keystone Quintus1Rare (1/384)[1]283,222
Ascension Keystone SextusAscension Keystone Sextus1Rare (1/384)[1]279,941
Spirit sapphireSpirit sapphire1RareNot sold
Spirit emeraldSpirit emerald1RareNot sold
Spirit rubySpirit ruby1RareNot sold
Starved ancient effigyStarved ancient effigy1Very rareNot sold
  1. ^ a b c d e f g Mod Timbo. "Revealing Drop Rates." 13 October 2017. Developers' Blogs. 1/64 for any key - 1/384 for a specific key
  2. ^ The Ascension grips can only be received as a drop if the player is on a slayer task.

Universal drops[]

Universal drops are dropped by nearly every monster outside of Daemonheim.
These drops are dropped alongside main drops.
Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Key tokenKey token1RareNot sold
Mimic kill tokenMimic kill token1Very rare5,575


  • This monster's name comes from the Latin word 'capsarius', meaning a slave who took care of things. Usually this was referred to those who served as help for doctors practising medicine, which bears similarities to this monster's ability to heal other monsters.
  • They appear to be female, yet have a masculine Latin name (rather than being called "Capsaria").
  • This monster and the other monsters in the dungeon are the first to have a weakness to a generic attack style (in this case, Ranged). These weaknesses were previously restricted to players.
  • A hidden update increased the healing radius of the Capsarius.
  • Sometimes, a rare glitch may occur where a Capsarius has died before it is able to heal its target. When this glitch happens, the monster it was supposed to be healing will gain the defensive buffs without healing, making it hard to kill monsters affected by this. This happens in places with Capsarius and in Legio Tertius' room.