RuneScape Wiki
RuneScape Wiki
For other uses, see Casket (disambiguation).

Casket detail

A casket is a wooden chest that contains various items inside.


The indicated chances are based on a sample of 1000 caskets.

Item Quantity Rarity GE price
Coins 250Coins20; 40; 80; 160; 320; 640Common (42.9%)20–640
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Common (25.2%)809
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Uncommon (12.4%)2,555
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Uncommon (6.1%)1,842
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Rare (1.4%)4,843
Cosmic talismanCosmic talisman1Uncommon (6.4%)1,030
Court summonsCourt summons1Uncommon (4%)Not sold
Loop half of a keyLoop half of a key1Rare (0.9%)11,053
Tooth half of a keyTooth half of a key1Rare (0.7%)11,538


Drop sources[]

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For an exhaustive list of all known sources for this item, see here.
Source Combat level Quantity Rarity
River trollN/A1Common
Sea Snake Hatchling631Common
Dagannoth (Waterbirth Island)78; 791Rare
Giant lobster40; 70unknownRare
Giant rock crab951Rare
Mummy (Ullek)741Rare
Rock Crab711Rare
Sea Snake Young631Rare
Waterfiend (elite)1111Rare
Barrel (Viyeldi caves)N/A1Uncommon
Dagannoth (Lighthouse)77; 781Uncommon
Dagannoth (Waterbirth Island, ranged)78; 791Uncommon
Icefiend (Ghorrock)1071Uncommon
Mummy (Jaldraocht Pyramid)771Uncommon
Mystery boxN/A1Uncommon
Waterfiend102; 1071Uncommon
Giant Sea Snake631Unknown


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