RuneScape Wiki

Castle wars ticket (gold) detail

Castle wars ticket (gold) are tickets that are awarded for winning or drawing in the Castle Wars minigame. You earn two gold tickets if you win the game, or one each of gold and silver if you draw. However, no gold tickets are awarded if the game never had at least 5 players on each team, or if you did not spend at least 10 minutes in the game. They can be spent on various armours sold by Lanthus in the Castle Wars lobby.

Detailed decorative equipment[]

Image Item Equal To/Use Cost
Detailed decorative helm Detailed decorative helm Tier 30 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 40 gold tickets
Detailed decorative shield Detailed decorative shield Tier 30 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 60 gold tickets
Detailed decorative platelegs Detailed decorative platelegs Tier 30 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 60 gold tickets
Detailed decorative platebody Detailed decorative platebody Tier 30 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 80 gold tickets
Detailed decorative sword Detailed decorative sword Steel longsword 50 gold tickets

Total cost: 290 Castle wars ticket (gold)

Intricate decorative equipment[]

Image Item Equal To/Use Cost
Intricate decorative helm Intricate decorative helm Tier 50 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 400 gold tickets
Intricate decorative shield Intricate decorative shield Tier 50 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 600 gold tickets
Intricate decorative platelegs Intricate decorative platelegs Tier 50 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 600 gold tickets
Intricate decorative platebody Intricate decorative platebody Tier 50 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 800 gold tickets
Intricate decorative sword Intricate decorative sword Mithril longsword 500 gold tickets

Total cost: 2,900 Castle wars ticket (gold)

Profound decorative equipment[]

Speaking to Lanthus while wearing this full set is a requirement for the trimmed completionist cape.

Image Item Equal To/Use Cost
Profound decorative helm Profound decorative helm Tier 70 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 650 gold tickets
Profound decorative shield Profound decorative shield Tier 70 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 800 gold tickets
Profound decorative platelegs Profound decorative platelegs Tier 70 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 800 gold tickets
Profound decorative platebody Profound decorative platebody Tier 70 Armour but in all 3 combat styles. 1100 gold tickets
Profound decorative sword Profound decorative sword Adamant longsword 800 gold tickets

Total cost: 4,150 Castle wars ticket (gold)


Image Item Equal To/Use Cost
Faithful shield Faithful shield Hybrid version of an Adamant kiteshield, with a +5 Prayer bonus 200 gold tickets
Guthix halo Guthix halo Reduces drain rate of prayers 300 gold tickets
Saradomin halo Saradomin halo Reduces drain rate of prayers 300 gold tickets
Zamorak halo Zamorak halo Reduces drain rate of prayers 300 gold tickets

Total cost: 1100 Castle wars ticket (gold)


  • A total of 8,440 gold Castle Wars tickets are needed to purchase one of each reward item.