All Life points: 3,900
Life points1: 3,900
All Life points: 3,800
Life points2: 3,800
All Slayer experience: 49
Slayer experience1: 49
All Slayer experience: ERR"" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 1.
Slayer experience2: ERR"" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 1.
All Combat experience: 0
Combat experience: 0
All Combat experience: 149
Combat experience1: 149
All Combat experience: 143
Combat experience2: 143
All Release date: 4 July 2006
Release date: 4 July 2006
All Combat level: 54
Combat level1: 54
All Combat level: 53
Combat level2: 53
All Is members only: false
Is members only: false
All NPC ID: 4397
NPC ID1: 4397
All NPC ID: 4398
NPC ID2: 4398
Catablepon are monsters that look like green bulls with reptilian tails. They are found in the Pit of Pestilence, the third level of the Stronghold of Security. They use the magic spell Weaken to drain up to 15% of their opponent's maximum Strength level. Players with low Strength are not advised to train on these with melee, as Weaken can drain their Strength quite significantly unless strength or restore potions are used. After the spell has decreased your strength level to 85%, they will stop casting it.
In the north-western most room of the third level of the Stronghold of Security, there is a safe spot for using Magic, Ranged, or a halberd on level 54 catablepon. The spot is to the immediate west of the square patch of tendrils by the skeletons on the western side of the room. Also in the same room, immediately after players walk in the southern door there is a safe spot in the bottom-most square.
Level 53 catablepon can be safe-spotted from the north-westernmost corner of this room, by the door. Players will only be hit by the catablepon's Weaken attack, and occasionally a small (45-100) amount of Magic damage. They can also be safe-spotted using the wall "decorations".