This category contains updates posted in 2012, sorted chronologically.
All items (328)
- Update:Behind the Scenes - January (2012)
- Update:A Very Barrows New Year!
- Update:The Firemaker's Curse
- Update:Hati & Sköll
- Update:Blog - Re-sculpting the TzHaar
- Update:Troll Warzone
- Update:Behind the Scenes - February (2012)
- Update:Getting Your Fire Cape – Fansite Guides
- Update:RuneScape Voice-Acting Competition
- Update:TzHaar Quest, Minigame and Graphical Rework
- Update:The Rio Carnival – Bring On The Dancers!
- Update:Dominion Tower Boss - Sunfreet
- Update:Spin and Win on the Squeal of Fortune!
- Update:Behind the Scenes - March (2012)
- Update:Player Armour, Gnomes and Clan Fealty
- Update:Loyalty Additions and Lodestone Network
- Update:Bonus XP Weekend Tips from the Community
- Update:Bakriminel Bolts
- Update:Troll Invasion Audio – Behind the Voices
- Update:JagMotion – The New Way to Control RuneScape
- Update:Behind the Scenes - April (2012)
- Update:Calling T-shirt and RuneScape Geography buffs!
- Update:Top RuneScape Geography Guru Announced!
- Update:Fremennik Sagas II
- Update:Blog - The Runespan
- Update:The Greatest Easter Battle of All Time - the Results are In!
- Update:The Runespan
- Update:Behind the Scenes - May (2012)
- Update:Wild Weekends: Double Drops and Monkey Mayhem
- Update:Behind the Scenes – On Video!
- Update:The Evolution of Combat: Beta Sign-Up
- Update:Song from the Depths
- Update:The Evolution of Combat: Beta Information!
- Update:Queen Black Dragon, Diamond Jubilee and Clue Fest
- Update:Behind the Scenes - June (2012)
- Update:The Crucible
- Update:Behind the Scenes - July (2012)
- Update:Carnillean Rising
- Update:Solomon's General Store - Grand Opening!
- Update:200 Million Accounts! Thank you!
- Update:Ready, Set, Go for the Gielinor Games
- Update:Combat Beta Featured Event 2 – Duel Arena
- Update:Behind the Scenes - August (2012)
- Update:Sizzling Summer Starts Today!
- Update:It's Summer Party Time!
- Update:Combat Beta Featured Event 3: Pest Control
- Update:Some Like it Cold
- Update:Combat Beta Featured Event 4: Barrows
- Update:Community Round Up
- Update:Your New Secret Weapon: Clan Avatars!
- Update:Double Cash this Week on the Squeal of Fortune!
- Update:New to Solomon's General Store: Introducing...Skill-Fu!
- Update:Go Pick Up Your Tropical Islander Outfit!
- Update:Mod MMG on RuneScape Micro-Payments (29 August 2012)