This category contains pages related to items that appear on the Adventurer's Log when obtained.
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Celestial handwraps
All items (342)
- Aberrant Spectre Champion's scroll
- Abyssal orb
- Abyssal wand
- Abyssal whip
- Amulet of ranging
- Ancient effigies
- Ancient summoning stone
- Araxxi's eye
- Araxxi's fang
- Araxxi's web
- Araxyte egg
- Arcane sigil
- Archers' ring
- Armadyl boots
- Armadyl buckler
- Armadyl chainskirt
- Armadyl chestplate
- Armadyl crossbow
- Armadyl gloves
- Armadyl helmet
- Armadyl hilt
- Ascension grips
- Auburn lock
- Auspicious Katana
- Bandos boots
- Bandos chestplate
- Bandos gloves
- Bandos helmet
- Bandos hilt
- Bandos tassets
- Bandos warshield
- Banshee Champion's scroll
- Battle-mage armour
- Battle-mage boots
- Battle-mage gloves
- Battle-mage helm
- Battle-mage robe
- Battle-mage robe legs
- Berserker ring
- Black dragon mask
- Blade of Avaryss
- Blade of Nymora
- Blood-soaked feather
- Blue dragon mask
- Boots of subjugation
- Bronze dragon mask
- Castle wars enthusiast cape
- Castle wars hobbyist cape
- Castle wars professional cape
- Cat mask
- Celestial handwraps
- Completionist cape
- Completionist cape (t)
- Corporeal bone
- Corrupted Ascension signet I
- Corrupted Ascension signet II
- Corrupted Ascension signet III
- Corrupted Ascension signet IV
- Corrupted Ascension signet V
- Corrupted Ascension signet VI
- Cresbot (unpoked)
- Crest of Seren
- Crest of Sliske
- Crest of Zamorak
- Crest of Zaros
- Crystal triskelion fragment 1
- Crystal triskelion fragment 2
- Crystal triskelion fragment 3
- Dagannoth egg
- Dagannoth scale
- Dark bow
- Decaying tooth
- Demon slayer boots
- Demon slayer circlet
- Demon slayer crossbow
- Demon slayer gloves
- Demon slayer skirt
- Demon slayer torso
- Divine sigil
- Dormant Anima Core body
- Dormant Anima Core helm
- Dormant Anima Core legs
- Dormant Seren godbow
- Dormant Staff of Sliske
- Dormant Zamorakian Ability Codex
- Dormant Zaros godsword
- Draconic visage
- Dragon boots
- Dragon chainbody
- Dragon claw
- Dragon full helm
- Dragon hatchet
- Dragon helm
- Dragon kiteshield
- Dragon limbs
- Dragon pickaxe
- Dragon platelegs
- Dragon plateskirt
- Dragonbone upgrade kit
- Drygore longsword
- Drygore mace
- Drygore rapier
- Garb of subjugation
- Ghoul Champion's scroll
- Giant Champion's scroll
- Giant feather
- Glaiven boots
- Glaiven wing-tip
- Glimmering scale
- Gloves of subjugation
- Goblin Champion's scroll
- Godsword hilt
- Godsword shard 1
- Godsword shard 2
- Godsword shard 3
- Gown of subjugation
- Granite legs
- Granite maul
- Green dragon mask
- Guthix bow
- Leaf-bladed sword
- Lesser Demon Champion's scroll
- Lucky abyssal whip
- Lucky arcane spirit shield
- Lucky Armadyl chainskirt
- Lucky Armadyl chestplate
- Lucky Armadyl crossbow
- Lucky Armadyl godsword
- Lucky Armadyl helmet
- Lucky Bandos boots
- Lucky Bandos chestplate
- Lucky Bandos godsword
- Lucky Bandos helmet
- Lucky Bandos tassets
- Lucky chaotic claw
- Lucky chaotic crossbow
- Lucky chaotic kiteshield
- Lucky chaotic longsword
- Lucky chaotic maul
- Lucky chaotic rapier
- Lucky chaotic spear
- Lucky chaotic staff
- Lucky divine spirit shield
- Lucky dragon 2h sword
- Lucky dragon chainbody
- Lucky dragon claw
- Lucky dragon claws
- Lucky dragon full helm
- Lucky dragon platebody
- Lucky eagle-eye kiteshield
- Lucky elysian spirit shield
- Lucky farseer kiteshield
- Lucky garb of subjugation
- Lucky gown of subjugation