This category contains articles and images related to augmented items.
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Augmented crystal pickaxe
All items (431)
- Augmented abyssal orb
- Augmented abyssal vine whip
- Augmented abyssal wand
- Augmented abyssal whip
- Augmented Achto Primeval robe legs
- Augmented Achto Primeval robe top
- Augmented Achto Tempest body
- Augmented Achto Tempest chaps
- Augmented Achto Teralith cuirass
- Augmented Achto Teralith leggings
- Augmented Ahrim's book of magic
- Augmented Ahrim's robe skirt
- Augmented Ahrim's robe top
- Augmented Ahrim's staff
- Augmented Ahrim's wand
- Augmented Akrisae's robe skirt
- Augmented Akrisae's robe top
- Augmented Akrisae's war mace
- Augmented ancient defender
- Augmented ancient lantern
- Augmented ancient repriser
- Augmented Anima Core body of Seren
- Augmented Anima Core body of Sliske
- Augmented Anima Core body of Zamorak
- Augmented Anima Core Body of Zaros
- Augmented Anima Core legs of Seren
- Augmented Anima Core legs of Sliske
- Augmented Anima Core legs of Zamorak
- Augmented Anima Core Legs of Zaros
- Augmented Annihilation
- Augmented arcane spirit shield
- Augmented armadyl battlestaff
- Augmented Armadyl buckler
- Augmented Armadyl chainskirt
- Augmented Armadyl chestplate
- Augmented Armadyl crossbow
- Augmented Armadyl godsword
- Augmented Armadyl godsword (passive)
- Augmented ascension crossbow
- Augmented Ascension crossbow (barrows)
- Augmented Ascension crossbow (Blood)
- Augmented Ascension crossbow (Ice)
- Augmented Ascension crossbow (shadow)
- Augmented Ascension crossbow (Third Age)
- Augmented attuned crystal bow
- Augmented attuned crystal dagger
- Augmented attuned crystal deflector
- Augmented attuned crystal halberd
- Augmented attuned crystal orb
- Augmented attuned crystal shield
- Augmented attuned crystal staff
- Augmented attuned crystal wand
- Augmented attuned crystal ward
- Augmented attuned off-hand crystal dagger
- Augmented Balmung
- Augmented Bandos chestplate
- Augmented Bandos godsword
- Augmented Bandos godsword (passive)
- Augmented Bandos tassets
- Augmented Bandos warshield
- Augmented black salamander
- Augmented Blade of Avaryss
- Augmented Blade of Nymora
- Augmented blessed spirit shield
- Augmented Blightbound crossbow
- Augmented Blightbound crossbow (barrows)
- Augmented Blightbound crossbow (blood)
- Augmented Blightbound crossbow (ice)
- Augmented Blightbound crossbow (shadow)
- Augmented Blightbound crossbow (Third Age)
- Augmented blighted rebounder
- Augmented camel staff
- Augmented chaotic claw
- Augmented chaotic crossbow
- Augmented chaotic kiteshield
- Augmented chaotic longsword
- Augmented chaotic maul
- Augmented chaotic rapier
- Augmented chaotic spear
- Augmented chaotic staff
- Augmented corrupted defender
- Augmented crystal bow
- Augmented crystal dagger
- Augmented crystal deflector
- Augmented crystal fishing rod
- Augmented crystal halberd
- Augmented crystal hammer
- Augmented crystal hatchet
- Augmented crystal off-hand dagger
- Augmented crystal orb
- Augmented crystal pickaxe
- Augmented crystal shield
- Augmented crystal staff
- Augmented crystal tinderbox
- Augmented crystal wand
- Augmented crystal ward
- Augmented dark bow
- Augmented Death Lotus chaps
- Augmented Death Lotus chestplate
- Augmented Decimation
- Augmented Dharok's greataxe
- Augmented Dharok's platebody
- Augmented Dharok's platelegs
- Augmented divine spirit shield
- Augmented dragon hatchet
- Augmented dragon pickaxe
- Augmented Dragon Rider lance
- Augmented dragonfire deflector
- Augmented dragonfire shield
- Augmented dragonfire ward
- Augmented drygore longsword
- Augmented Drygore longsword (barrows)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (Blood)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (Ice)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (shadow)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (Third Age)
- Augmented drygore mace
- Augmented Drygore mace (barrows)
- Augmented Drygore mace (Blood)
- Augmented Drygore mace (Ice)
- Augmented Drygore mace (shadow)
- Augmented Drygore mace (Third Age)
- Augmented drygore rapier
- Augmented Drygore rapier (barrows)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (Blood)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (Ice)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (shadow)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (Third Age)
- Augmented eagle-eye kiteshield
- Augmented elite seasinger kiba
- Augmented elite seasinger makigai
- Augmented elite sirenic chaps
- Augmented elite sirenic chaps (barrows)
- Augmented elite sirenic chaps (blood)
- Augmented elite sirenic chaps (ice)
- Augmented elite sirenic chaps (shadow)
- Augmented elite sirenic chaps (Third Age)
- Augmented elite sirenic hauberk
- Augmented elite sirenic hauberk (barrows)
- Augmented elite sirenic hauberk (blood)
- Augmented elite sirenic hauberk (ice)
- Augmented elite sirenic hauberk (shadow)
- Augmented elite sirenic hauberk (Third Age)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe bottom (barrows)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe bottom (blood)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe bottom (ice)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe bottom (shadow)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe bottom (Third Age)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe top (barrows)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe top (blood)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe top (ice)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe top (shadow)
- Augmented elite tectonic robe top (Third Age)
- Augmented elite tetsu katana
- Augmented elite tetsu wakizashi
- Augmented elysian spirit shield
- Augmented enhanced Excalibur
- Augmented farseer kiteshield
- Augmented flowers
- Augmented ganodermic leggings
- Augmented ganodermic poncho
- Augmented garb of subjugation
- Augmented gown of subjugation
- Augmented Guthan's chainskirt
- Augmented Guthan's platebody
- Augmented Guthan's warspear
- Augmented hand cannon
- Augmented hexhunter bow
- Augmented High Armour of Hanto cuirass
- Augmented High Armour of Hanto legguards
- Augmented Imcando pickaxe
- Augmented imperium core
- Augmented Imperium core (barrows)
- Augmented Imperium core (blood)
- Augmented Imperium core (Ice)
- Augmented Imperium core (Third Age)
- Augmented inferno adze
- Augmented Jessika's sword
- Augmented kalphite defender
- Augmented kalphite rebounder
- Augmented kalphite repriser
- Augmented Karil's crossbow
- Augmented Karil's off-hand pistol crossbow
- Augmented Karil's pistol crossbow
- Augmented Karil's skirt
- Augmented Karil's top
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (barrows)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (blood)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (Ice)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (shadow)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (Third Age)
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken (barrows)