This category contains pages related to Back slot items.
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All items (369)
- Abomination cape
- Agility cape
- Agility cape (t)
- Agility master cape
- Ancient cloak
- Ardougne cloak 1
- Ardougne cloak 2
- Ardougne cloak 3
- Ardougne cloak 4
- Armadyl cloak
- Arrowstorm drape
- Artisan's cape
- Attack cape
- Attack cape (t)
- Attack master cape
- Aurelian cape
- Ava's accumulator
- Ava's alerter
- Ava's attractor
- Cape (black)
- Cape (blue)
- Cape (green)
- Cape (orange)
- Cape (pink)
- Cape (purple)
- Cape (red)
- Cape (Stealing Creation, blue)
- Cape (Stealing Creation, red)
- Cape (yellow)
- Cape of Accomplishment
- Cape of legends
- Cape of Validation
- Castle wars enthusiast cape
- Castle wars flag cape
- Castle wars hobbyist cape
- Castle wars kills cape
- Castle wars professional cape
- Chocatrice cape
- Clan Amlodd cape
- Clan Cadarn cape
- Clan cloak
- Clan Crwys cape
- Clan Hefin cape
- Clan Iorwerth cape
- Clan Ithell cape
- Clan Meilyr cape
- Clan Trahaearn cape
- Classic cape
- Cloak of Autumn
- Cloak of Seasons
- Cloak of Spring
- Cloak of Summer
- Cloak of Winter
- Combatant's cape
- Completionist cape
- Completionist cape (t)
- Constitution cape
- Constitution cape (t)
- Constitution master cape
- Construction cape
- Construction cape (t)
- Construction master cape
- Cooking cape
- Cooking cape (t)
- Cooking master cape
- Crafting cape
- Crafting cape (t)
- Crafting master cape
- Farming cape
- Farming cape (t)
- Farming master cape
- Fire cape
- Firemaking cape
- Firemaking cape (t)
- Firemaking master cape
- First age cape
- Fishing cape
- Fishing cape (t)
- Fishing master cape
- Fletching cape
- Fletching cape (t)
- Fletching master cape
- Fremennik cloak (black)
- Fremennik cloak (brown)
- Fremennik cloak (cyan)
- Fremennik cloak (gold)
- Fremennik cloak (green)
- Fremennik cloak (grey)
- Fremennik cloak (lavender)
- Fremennik cloak (pink)
- Fremennik cloak (purple)
- Fremennik cloak (red)
- Fremennik cloak (teal)
- H.a.m. cloak
- Hallowed cloak
- Hati cloak
- Herald cape
- Herblore cape
- Herblore cape (t)
- Herblore master cape
- Hooded agility cape
- Hooded agility cape (t)
- Hooded attack cape
- Hooded attack cape (t)
- Hooded completionist cape
- Hooded completionist cape (t)
- Hooded constitution cape
- Hooded constitution cape (t)
- Hooded construction cape
- Hooded construction cape (t)
- Hooded cooking cape
- Hooded cooking cape (t)
- Hooded crafting cape
- Hooded crafting cape (t)
- Hooded defence cape
- Hooded defence cape (t)
- Hooded divination cape
- Hooded divination cape (t)
- Hooded dungeoneering cape
- Hooded dungeoneering cape (t)
- Hooded farming cape
- Hooded farming cape (t)
- Hooded firemaking cape
- Hooded firemaking cape (t)
- Hooded fishing cape
- Hooded fishing cape (t)
- Hooded fletching cape
- Hooded fletching cape (t)
- Hooded herblore cape
- Hooded herblore cape (t)
- Hooded hunter cape
- Hooded hunter cape (t)
- Hooded Invention cape
- Hooded Invention cape (t)
- Hooded magic cape
- Hooded magic cape (t)
- Hooded max cape
- Hooded mining cape
- Hooded mining cape (t)
- Hooded prayer cape
- Hooded prayer cape (t)
- Hooded ranged cape
- Hooded ranged cape (t)
- Hooded runecrafting cape
- Hooded runecrafting cape (t)
- Hooded slayer cape
- Hooded slayer cape (t)
- Hooded smithing cape
- Hooded smithing cape (t)
- Hooded strength cape
- Hooded strength cape (t)
- Hooded summoning cape
- Hooded summoning cape (t)
- Hooded thieving cape
- Hooded thieving cape (t)
- Hooded woodcut. cape (t)
- Hooded woodcutting cape
- Hunter cape