This category contains pages and images related to elven crystal.
Trending pages
Crystal equipment -
Crystal tree -
Crystal hatchet -
Crystal bow -
Crystal tool seed -
Attuned crystal halberd -
Singing bowl -
Attuned crystal dagger
All items (202)
- Crystal armour seed
- File:Attuned crystal armour seed detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal armour seed.png
- Attuned crystal body
- Attuned crystal boots
- Attuned crystal bow
- File:Attuned crystal bow detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal bow equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal bow.png
- Attuned crystal chakram
- File:Attuned crystal chakram detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal chakram equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal chakram.png
- Attuned crystal dagger
- File:Attuned crystal dagger detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal dagger equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal dagger.png
- Attuned crystal deflector
- File:Attuned crystal deflector detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal deflector equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal deflector.png
- Attuned crystal gloves
- Attuned crystal halberd
- File:Attuned crystal halberd detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal halberd equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal halberd.png
- Attuned crystal helm
- Attuned crystal legs
- Attuned crystal orb
- File:Attuned crystal orb detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal orb equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal orb.png
- Attuned crystal shield
- File:Attuned crystal shield detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal shield equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal shield.png
- Attuned crystal staff
- File:Attuned crystal staff detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal staff equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal staff.png
- Attuned crystal teleport seed
- Attuned crystal wand
- File:Attuned crystal wand detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal wand equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal wand.png
- Attuned crystal ward
- File:Attuned crystal ward detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal ward equipped.png
- File:Attuned crystal ward.png
- File:Attuned crystal weapon seed detail.png
- File:Attuned crystal weapon seed.png
- Augmented attuned crystal bow
- Augmented attuned crystal dagger
- Augmented attuned crystal deflector
- Augmented attuned crystal halberd
- Augmented attuned crystal orb
- Augmented attuned crystal shield
- Augmented attuned crystal staff
- Augmented attuned crystal wand
- Augmented attuned crystal ward
- Augmented attuned off-hand crystal dagger
- Augmented crystal bow
- Augmented crystal dagger
- Augmented crystal deflector
- Augmented crystal fishing rod
- Augmented crystal halberd
- Augmented crystal hammer
- Augmented crystal hatchet
- Augmented crystal off-hand dagger
- Augmented crystal orb
- Augmented crystal pickaxe
- Augmented crystal shield
- Augmented crystal staff
- Augmented crystal tinderbox
- Augmented crystal wand
- Augmented crystal ward
- Crystal chakram
- Crystal chime
- Crystal chime (Prifddinas)
- Crystal chisel
- Crystal acorn
- File:Crystal armour seed detail.png
- File:Crystal armour seed.png
- File:Crystal bow detail old.png
- File:Crystal bow detail.png
- File:Crystal bow equipped.png
- File:Crystal bow.png
- File:Crystal chakram detail.png
- File:Crystal chakram equipped.png
- File:Crystal chakram.png
- File:Crystal chime (Prifddinas) equipped.png
- File:Crystal chime (Prifddinas).png
- File:Crystal chime animation.gif
- File:Crystal chime.png
- File:Crystal chisel equipped.png
- File:Crystal chisel.png
- File:Crystal dagger detail.png
- File:Crystal dagger equipped.png
- File:Crystal dagger.png
- File:Crystal deflector detail.png
- File:Crystal deflector equipped.png
- File:Crystal deflector.png
- Crystal flask
- Crystal geode
- Crystal glass
- File:Crystal halberd detail.png
- File:Crystal halberd equipped.png
- File:Crystal halberd.png
- File:Crystal hammer equipped.png
- File:Crystal hammer.png
- File:Crystal hatchet detail.png
- File:Crystal hatchet equipped.png
- File:Crystal hatchet.png
- Crystal impling
- File:Crystal knife equipped.png
- File:Crystal knife.png
- Crystal of seren
- File:Crystal orb detail.png
- File:Crystal orb equipped.png
- File:Crystal orb.png
- File:Crystal pickaxe detail.png
- File:Crystal pickaxe equipped.png
- File:Crystal pickaxe.png
- File:Crystal saw (Prifddinas).png
- File:Crystal saw detail.png
- File:Crystal saw equipped.png
- File:Crystal saw.png
- File:Crystal shield detail old.png
- File:Crystal shield detail.png
- File:Crystal shield equipped.png
- File:Crystal shield.png
- File:Crystal staff detail.png
- File:Crystal staff equipped.png
- File:Crystal staff.png
- File:Crystal teleport seed detail.png
- File:Crystal teleport seed.png
- File:Crystal tinderbox equipped.png
- File:Crystal tinderbox.png
- File:Crystal tool seed detail.png
- File:Crystal tool seed.png
- Crystal tree
- Crystal tree blossom
- File:Crystal wand detail.png
- File:Crystal wand equipped.png
- File:Crystal wand.png
- File:Crystal ward detail.png
- File:Crystal ward equipped.png
- File:Crystal ward.png
- File:Crystal weapon seed detail.png
- File:Crystal weapon seed.png
- Off-hand attuned crystal chakram
- File:Off-hand attuned crystal chakram detail.png
- File:Off-hand attuned crystal chakram.png
- Off-hand attuned crystal dagger
- File:Off-hand attuned crystal dagger detail.png
- File:Off-hand attuned crystal dagger equipped.png
- File:Off-hand attuned crystal dagger.png
- Off-hand crystal chakram
- File:Off-hand crystal chakram equipped.png
- File:Off-hand crystal chakram.png
- Off-hand crystal dagger
- File:Off-hand crystal dagger detail.png
- File:Off-hand crystal dagger equipped.png
- File:Off-hand crystal dagger.png
- Crystal orb