This category contains pages and images related to discontinued cosmetic overrides in RuneScape. This category is automatically added by Template:Discontinued override.
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Masquerade Outfit -
DarksCape -
Aviansie claw -
Clawdia Wings -
Pegasus Teleport -
Broom Staff -
Swimming outfit -
Paradox wings
All items (220)
- Bare feet
- Beach Sand Outfit
- Beach Sand Outfit chestplate
- Beach Sand Outfit gauntlets
- Beach Sand Outfit helmet
- Beach Sand Outfit legguards
- Beach Sand Outfit sabatons
- Beach Summer Fun
- Beachball Orb
- Beast armour
- Behemoth armour
- Bloodblade wings
- Brassican cloak
- Broom Staff
- Brutal claw
- Brutal crossbow
- Brutal longsword
- Brutal mace
- Brutal rapier
- Brutal whip
- Bucket (override)
- Bucket head
- Bucking Yak teleport
- Bunny Head
- Bunting whip
- Butterfly wings
- Cannonball!
- Captain Deathbeard's Breeches
- Captain Deathbeard's Doublet
- Captain Deathbeard's Feet
- Captain Deathbeard's Hat
- Captain Deathbeard's Hook
- Captain Deathbeard's Outfit
- Cauldron Maul
- Clawdia Claws
- Clawdia hat
- Clawdia Wings
- Coconut hat
- Cogwheel outfit
- Colossus armour
- Conga Eel Whip
- Coral Dagger
- Coral Sword
- Count Draynor outfit
- Crescent Blade
- Crescent Blade Offhand
- Ice bow
- Ice Lolly Wand
- Ice Shield
- Ice sickle
- Ice Staff
- Ice Sword
- Icyenic bow
- Icyenic greathammer
- Icyenic staff
- Infernal bow
- Infernal greathammer
- Infernal staff
- Infernal Teleport
- Inflorescent Wings
- Ink Shooter
- Investigator uniform
- Iwi Javelin
- Iwi outfit (blue)
- Iwi outfit (orange)
- Iwi outfit (pink)
- Iwi Shield
- Iwi Staff
- Iwi Sword
- Sai
- Sand cape
- Sand Dive Teleport
- Santa-napped Teleport
- Seaborne dagger
- Seaweed hair
- Shadow Gorilla armour
- Shadow Sentinel outfit
- Shark Fin
- Shell Shield
- Skulls cape
- Snorkel
- Snowman outfit
- Solite Armour
- Solstice blade
- Solstice shield
- Spade (override)
- Spooky spider outfit
- Spooky Spider Teleport
- Stick of rock sword
- Sundown Dagger
- Sundown Dagger Offhand
- Sunfury Armour (Tier 1)
- Sunfury Armour (Tier 2)
- Superhero claws
- Superhero lightning
- Superhero outfit
- Superhero shield
- Superior hero outfit
- Surfboard Shield
- Swimming outfit
- Sword of Edicts (override)