This category contains pages related to free-to-play monsters. This category is automatically added by Template:Infobox Monster.
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All items (395)
- Adolescent White wolf
- Agoroth
- Air wizard
- Al Kharid warrior
- Angry bear
- Angry giant rat
- Angry goblin
- Angry Turkey
- Angry unicorn
- Animated pickaxe
- Anja
- Ankou
- Ankou (elite)
- Apep
- Archaemastyx
- Archery target (Lumbridge)
- Arctic bear (Three's Company)
- Armadylean ambusher
- Armadylean battle-mage
- Armadylean bodyguard
- Armadylean caravan
- Armadylean golem
- Astea Frostweb
- Avatar of Amascut
- Baby mole
- Bal'lak the Pummeller
- Bandit (Three's Company)
- Bandit (Wilderness)
- Bandit Brawler
- Bandosian ambusher
- Bandosian battle-mage
- Bandosian bodyguard
- Bandosian caravan
- Bandosian golem
- Bandosian golem (Nomad's Elegy)
- Barbarian
- Bat
- Black bear
- Black Guard
- Black Heather
- Black Knight
- Black Knight (Invasion of Falador)
- Black Knight champion (Invasion of Falador)
- Black Knight Titan (Gower Quest)
- Black Knight zombie
- Blue dragon
- Blue vortex
- Brute
- Brutish jadinko
- Bulwark beast
- Caitlin
- Cat
- Catablepon
- Cerberus
- Chaos druid (Learning the Ropes)
- Chaos dwarf
- Chaos Elemental
- Chicken
- Chicken (Beneath Cursed Tides)
- Chocolate cow (Player-owned farm teaser)
- Choleric imp
- Clawdia
- Cockroach drone
- Cockroach soldier
- Cockroach worker
- Confusion beast
- Corpse archer
- Corpse mage
- Corpse Spider
- Count Draynor
- Cow
- Cow calf
- Crassian scout
- Crassian warrior
- Crawling corpse torso
- Crawling hand
- Cuffs
- Cultist
- Cyclops
- Cyclossus
- Gallimastyx
- Gardener
- Gelatinous abomination
- Ghost
- Ghost (Dungeoneering, monster)
- Ghost (Melzar's Maze)
- Ghoul
- Ghoul (Paterdomus)
- Giant bat
- Giant bat (Dungeoneering)
- Giant mole
- Giant rat
- Giant skeleton (Dungeoneering)
- Giant spider
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Goblin
- Goblin (Learning the Ropes)
- Goblin (Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks)
- Goblin (Unstable Foundations)
- Goblin Raider
- God construct
- Godless ambusher
- Gorilla guard
- Greater demon
- Greater demon (Dungeoneering)
- Greater demon (elite)
- Green dragon
- Green dragon (Dungeoneering)
- Green vortex
- Grey vortex
- Grizzly bear
- Grotworm (Song from the Depths)
- Guard
- Guard (dwarf)
- Guard (Invasion of Falador)
- Guard Bandit
- Gunthor the Brave (historical)
- H.A.M. Guard
- Haakon the Champion
- Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter
- Hardened zombie
- Hein (Skulls champion)
- Hellhound
- Hengel
- Highwayman
- Hill giant
- Hill giant (Dungeoneering)
- Hobgoblin
- Hobgoblin (Dungeoneering)
- Hobgoblin (elite)
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Hollowtoof
- Holy Defender
- Hopeless creature
- Hulking zombie
- Human infiltrator
- Hydra (Dungeoneering)