This category contains pages related to feet slot.
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All items (474)
- Abandoned gorajan trailblazer feet
- Absorption boots
- Achto Primeval Boots
- Achto Tempest Boots
- Achto Teralith Boots
- Acrobat shoes
- Adamant boots
- Ancient ceremonial boots
- Animal farmer boots
- Archleather boots
- Archon boots
- Arctic trapper boots
- Argonite boots
- Armadyl boots
- Artisan's boots
- Astromancer boots
- Attuned crystal boots
- Bandos boots
- Bane boots
- Basilisk boots
- Bathus boots
- Battle-mage boots
- Batwing boots
- Beta scientist feet
- Black boots
- Black dragonhide boots
- Black ibis boots
- Black Knight captain's boots
- Black wizard boots
- Blacksmith's boots
- Blightleaf shoes
- Blood ethereal feet
- Blue boots
- Blue dragonhide boots
- Body boots
- Boots (grey)
- Boots (purple)
- Boots (teal)
- Boots (yellow)
- Boots of Autumn
- Boots of lightness
- Boots of Seasons
- Boots of Spring
- Boots of subjugation
- Boots of Summer
- Boots of Trials
- Boots of Winter
- Botanist's boots
- Bronze athlete's shoes
- Bronze boots
- Bryll shoes
- Builder's boots
- Burnt shark feet
- Carapace boots
- Celestial shoes
- Chaos boots
- Chicken feet
- Citizen shoes
- Climbing boots
- Clown shoes
- Colonist's boots
- Colonist's boots (blue)
- Colonist's boots (green)
- Colonist's boots (orange)
- Colonist's boots (purple)
- Colonist's boots (yellow)
- Colonist's shoes
- Colonist's shoes (blue)
- Colonist's shoes (green)
- Colonist's shoes (orange)
- Colonist's shoes (purple)
- Colonist's shoes (yellow)
- Commander boots
- Constructor's boots
- Cool disco feet
- Cosmic boots
- Cream boots
- Crop farmer boots
- Crystal boots
- Dark boots
- Dark mystic boots
- Darkmeyer boots
- Death ethereal feet
- Death Lotus Disciple boots
- Decaying zombie feet
- Demon slayer boots
- Desert boots
- Desert camouflage feet
- Desert trapper boots
- Disco feet
- Divination chronicle feet
- Divination energy feet
- Divination memory feet
- Diviner's footwear
- Diving suit boots
- Dragon boots
- Dragon ceremonial boots
- Dragon rider boots
- Dragonbone boots
- Dragonbone mage boots
- Dragonstone boots
- Drakolith boots
- Dromoleather boots
- Duskweed shoes
- Eastern sandals
- Eastern sandals (blue, female)
- Eastern sandals (brown, female)
- Eastern sandals (green, female)
- Eastern sandals (orange, female)
- Eastern sandals (purple, female)
- Ectoshoes
- Elder divination feet
- Elemental boots
- Elf-style boots
- Elf-style boots (black)
- Elf-style boots (blue)
- Elf-style boots (green)
- Elf-style boots (red)
- Elf-style boots (silver)
- Elf-style shoes
- Elf-style shoes (black)
- Elf-style shoes (blue)
- Elf-style shoes (green)
- Elf-style shoes (red)
- Elf-style shoes (silver)
- Elite ranger boots
- Emberkeen boots
- Emerald golem boots
- Factory boots
- Fancy boots
- Farmer's boots
- Feathered serpent boots
- Feathered serpent boots (blue, female)
- Feathered serpent boots (blue, male)
- Feathered serpent boots (brown, female)
- Feathered serpent boots (brown, male)
- Feathered serpent boots (green, female)
- Feathered serpent boots (green, male)
- Feathered serpent boots (purple, female)
- Feathered serpent boots (purple, male)
- Feathered serpent boots (red, female)
- Feathered serpent boots (red, male)
- Fighting boots
- Fishing boots
- Flarefrost boots
- Fletcher's boots
- Flippers
- Fractite boots
- Fremennik boots
- Fremennik sea boots 1
- Fremennik sea boots 2
- Fremennik sea boots 3
- Fremennik sea boots 4
- Frog-leather boots
- Frozen gorajan trailblazer feet
- Furnished gorajan trailblazer feet
- Fury shark feet
- Gallileather boots
- Ganodermic boots
- Gardening boots
- Gemstone boots
- Ghostly boots
- Ghostly builder's boots
- Ghostly chicken feet
- Ghostly clown shoes
- Ghostly druid boots
- Ghostly farmer boots
- Ghostly fisher boots
- Ghostly Fremennik boots
- Ghostly guard boots
- Ghostly jester boots
- Ghostly lederhosen boots
- Ghostly princess shoes
- Ghostly reaver boots
- Ghostly revenant boots
- Ghostly ringmaster boots
- Ghostly spirit hunter greaves
- Glaiven boots
- Globetrotter boots
- Gold athlete's shoes
- Golden warpriest of Armadyl boots
- Golden warpriest of Bandos boots
- Golden warpriest of Saradomin boots
- Golden warpriest of Zamorak boots
- Gorgonite boots
- Green boots