This category contains pages related to head slot.
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All items (1397)
- Abandoned gorajan trailblazer head
- Abyssal helm
- Academy cowl
- Academy full helm
- Academy magic hat
- Achto Primeval Mask
- Achto Tempest Cowl
- Achto Teralith Helmet
- Acrobat hood
- Adamant dragon mask
- Adamant full helm
- Adamant full helm (charged)
- Adamant full helm (e)
- Adamant full helm (g)
- Adamant full helm (t)
- Adamant helm
- Adamant helm (h1)
- Adamant helm (h2)
- Adamant helm (h3)
- Adamant helm (h4)
- Adamant helm (h5)
- Agility hood
- Ahrim's hood
- Air tiara
- Akateko orokami mask
- Akkorokamui orokami mask
- Akrisae's hood
- Ancient ceremonial mask
- Ancient mitre
- Anima Core helm of Seren
- Anima Core helm of Sliske
- Anima Core helm of Zamorak
- Anima Core helm of Zaros
- Animal farmer hat
- Antlers
- Antlers (charged)
- Apmeken mask
- Arcane Tattoo
- Archer helm
- Archer helm (charged)
- Archer helm (e)
- Archleather coif
- Archon headdress
- Arctic trapper head
- Argonite full helm
- Armadyl helmet
- Armadyl helmet (charged)
- Armadyl helmet (e)
- Armadyl mitre
- Artisan's bandana
- Artisan's helm
- Astromancer hat
- Attack hood
- Attuned crystal helm
- Avalani's hat
- Bandana and eyepatch (blue)
- Bandana and eyepatch (blue, left)
- Bandana and eyepatch (brown)
- Bandana and eyepatch (brown, left)
- Bandana and eyepatch (grey)
- Bandana and eyepatch (grey, left)
- Bandana and eyepatch (orange)
- Bandana and eyepatch (orange, left)
- Bandana and eyepatch (purple)
- Bandana and eyepatch (purple, left)
- Bandana and eyepatch (red)
- Bandana and eyepatch (red, left)
- Bandana and eyepatch (white)
- Bandana and eyepatch (white, left)
- Bandana and eyepatches (blue)
- Bandana and eyepatches (brown)
- Bandana and eyepatches (grey)
- Bandana and eyepatches (orange)
- Bandana and eyepatches (purple)
- Bandana and eyepatches (red)
- Bandana and eyepatches (white)
- Bandos helmet
- Bandos mitre
- Bane helm
- Barrelchest disguise
- Barrister wig
- Basic decorative helm
- Bat mask
- Bathus full helm
- Battle hood
- Battle-mage helm
- Batwing hood
- Bearhead
- Bedsheet
- Bedsheet (ectoplasm)
- Beret
- Beret and mask
- Berserker helm
- Berserker helm (charged)
- Berserker helm (e)
- Beta scientist head
- Black afro
- Black beret
- Black boater
- Black cavalier
- Black dragon mask
- Black dragonhide coif
- Black full helm
- Black full helm (bugged)
- Black full helm (g)
- Black full helm (t)
- Black headband
- Black helm
- Black helm (h1)
- Black helm (h2)
- Black helm (h3)
- Black helm (h4)
- Black helm (h5)
- Black hood
- Black ibis mask
- Black Knight captain's helm
- Black mask
- Black Santa hat
- Black Santa hat with beard
- Black tricorn hat
- Black unicorn mask
- Black wizard hat
- Black zodiac costume
- Blacksmith's helmet
- Blessed dragonhide coif (Armadyl)
- Blessed dragonhide coif (Bandos)
- Blessed dragonhide coif (Guthix)
- Blessed dragonhide coif (Saradomin)
- Blessed dragonhide coif (Zamorak)
- Blessed dragonhide coif (Zaros)
- Blightleaf hood
- Blood ethereal head
- Blood tiara
- Blood'n'tar snelm (pointed)
- Blood'n'tar snelm (round)
- Blue beret
- Blue boater
- Blue dragon mask
- Blue dragonhide coif
- Blue hallowe'en mask
- Blue hat
- Blue partyhat
- Blue tricorn hat
- Blue zodiac costume
- Boater
- Bobble hat
- Body helmet
- Body tiara
- Bold Tattoo
- Bomber cap
- Botanist's mask
- Broken bark snelm
- Bronze athlete's hat
- Bronze dragon mask
- Bronze full helm
- Bronze helm
- Brown afro
- Brown headband
- Brown tricorn hat
- Bruise blue snelm (pointed)
- Bruise blue snelm (round)
- Bryll hood
- Bunny ears
- Burgundy afro
- Burnt shark head
- Buskin mask
- Butterfly mask
- Cake hat
- Camel mask
- Camo helmet
- Cap and goggles
- Capoeira dreadlocks
- Carapace helm
- Carnival headdress (blue)
- Carnival headdress (pink)
- Cat mask
- Cavalier and mask
- Celestial hood
- Chaos helmet
- Chaos tiara
- Chef's hat
- Chicken head
- Chocolate egg on face mask
- Chompy bird hat
- Chompy bird hat (bowman)
- Chompy bird hat (bowmaster)
- Chompy bird hat (dragon archer)
- Chompy bird hat (expert dragon archer)
- Chompy bird hat (expert ogre dragon archer)
- Chompy bird hat (expert)
- Chompy bird hat (forester)
- Chompy bird hat (marksman)
- Chompy bird hat (ogre bowman)
- Chompy bird hat (ogre bowmaster)
- Chompy bird hat (ogre dragon archer)
- Chompy bird hat (ogre expert)