This category contains pages, images, and subcategories related to Herblore.
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All items (491)
- Abandoned house
- Acne potion
- Adrenaline flask
- Aggression flask
- Aggression potion
- Agility flask
- Agility mix
- Aloe potion (unf)
- Amphibious jadinko
- Anti-p supermix
- Antidote
- Antifire flask
- Antifire mix
- Antipoison flask
- Antipoison mix
- Antipoison+ (unf)
- Antipoison++ (unf)
- Aquatic jadinko
- Aquatic vine
- Ardrigal mixture
- Argway potion (unf)
- Argway seed
- Artisan's potion
- Astlayrix
- Attack flask
- Attack mix
- Avantoe potion (unf)
- Barbarian Herblore
- Barbarian mix
- Biohazard cannister
- Bloodweed potion (unf)
- Blue blossom seed
- Blue vine blossom
- Boneyard (Herblore Habitat)
- Botanist's amulet
- Botanist's boots
- Botanist's mask
- Botanist's outfit
- Botanist's top
- Botanist's trousers
- Bravery potion
- Cadantine potion (unf)
- Cadava potion
- Camouflage flask
- Camouflage potion
- Camouflaged jadinko
- Cannibal jadinko
- Cardamaim
- Carrion jadinko
- Clean aloe
- Clean argway
- Clean buckthorn
- Clean erzille
- Clean featherfoil
- Clean kwuarm
- Clean lycopus
- Clean magebane
- Clean sagewort
- Clean samaden
- Clean shengo
- Clean spirit weed
- Clean tarromin
- Clean ugune
- Clean valerian
- Clean winter's grip
- Clean wormwood leaf
- Coconut milk
- Combat flask
- Combat mix
- Common jadinko
- Corianger
- Corrupt vine
- Cosmetic pendant of Herblore
- Cosmetic prized pendant of Herblore
- Crafting flask
- Crystal flask
- Crystalised zombie blood
- Cure potion
- Cw super attack potion
- Cw super ranging potion
- Cw super strength potion
- Elixir of Revealment
- Energy flask
- Energy mix
- Enhanced luck potion
- Erzille potion (unf)
- Erzille seed
- Explosemary
- Explosive potion
- Extreme attack
- Extreme attack flask
- Extreme defence
- Extreme defence flask
- Extreme invention
- Extreme magic
- Extreme magic flask
- Extreme ranging
- Extreme ranging flask
- Extreme strength
- Extreme strength flask
- Gatherer's potion
- Goblin potion
- Gorak claws
- Grand ranging potion
- Green blossom seed
- Green vine blossom
- Grimy aloe
- Grimy argway
- Grimy avantoe
- Grimy buckthorn
- Grimy cadantine
- Grimy erzille
- Grimy featherfoil
- Grimy fellstalk
- Grimy lantadyme
- Grimy lycopus
- Grimy magebane
- Grimy sagewort
- Grimy samaden
- Grimy shengo
- Grimy tarromin
- Grimy ugune
- Grimy valerian
- Grimy winter's grip
- Grimy wormwood leaf
- Grud's Herblore Stall
- Guam potion (unf)
- Guthix balance flask
- Guthix jadinko
- Guthix vine
- Guthix's gift
- Guthix's gift flask
- Harralander potion (unf)
- Healing potion
- Herb
- Herb tea mix
- Herb tea mix (2 guams and harralander)
- Herb tea mix (2 guams and marrentill)
- Herb tea mix (2 guams)
- Herb tea mix (guam and marrentill)
- Herb tea mix (guam)
- Herb tea mix (harralander and guam)
- Herb tea mix (harralander and marrentill)
- Herb tea mix (harralander)
- Herb tea mix (harralander, marrentill, and guam)
- Herb tea mix (marrentill)