Hybrid is an equipment type which is a mix of two of Melee, Magic, and Ranged, or all three. Typically, Hybrid armour is not created in a standard fashion, and as such is sometimes rare to see. Void equipment can be obtained from the Pest Control minigame, the Relic Helm is given as a final reward from the God Emissaries (with the icon and colours of the chosen god), and Culinaromancer gloves are bought from the Culinaromancer's chest, multiple tiers available depending on the number of Recipe for Disaster subquests completed. Entire suits of hybrid-style armour include the Dragonstone armour obtained from the Crystal triskelion, Obsidian armour created from Obsidian bars from the Fight Cauldron, and Warpriest armour of Saradomin or Zamorak from the Battle of Lumbridge.
This category contains pages and images related to Hybrid armour.
Mining cape -
Crystal equipment -
Completionist cape -
Firemaking cape -
Void Knight equipment -
Max cape -
Obsidian equipment -
Woodcutting cape
All items (774)
- Abyssal body
- Abyssal greaves
- Abyssal helm
- Aegis of devotion
- Agile legs
- Agile top
- Agility cape
- Agility cape (t)
- Agility master cape
- Akrisae the Doomed's equipment
- Akrisae's hood
- Akrisae's robe top
- Amulet of defence
- Amulet of fury
- Amulet of fury (t)
- Amulet of potency
- Amulet of souls
- Amulet of souls (or)
- Amulet of the forsaken
- Anima Core body of Sliske
- Anima Core helm of Sliske
- Anima Core legs of Sliske
- Anima Core of Sliske
- Anti-dragon shield
- Anti-dragon shield (Dungeoneering)
- Anti-dragon shield (mole)
- Anti-poison totem
- Ardougne cloak 1
- Ardougne cloak 2
- Ardougne cloak 3
- Ardougne cloak 4
- Armour of Trials
- Artisan's cape
- Artisan's helm
- Asylum doctor's ring
- Asylum surgeon's ring
- Atrocious rogue gloves
- Attack cape
- Attack cape (t)
- Attack master cape
- Attuned crystal body
- Attuned crystal boots
- Attuned crystal gloves
- Attuned crystal helm
- Attuned crystal legs
- Augmented Akrisae's robe skirt
- Augmented Akrisae's robe top
- Augmented Anima Core body of Sliske
- Augmented Anima Core legs of Sliske
- Augmented High Armour of Hanto cuirass
- Augmented High Armour of Hanto legguards
- Augmented Refined Anima Core Body of Sliske
- Augmented Refined Anima Core Legs of Sliske
- Backstab cape
- Bag of clues
- Basic decorative helm
- Basic decorative platebody
- Basic decorative platelegs
- Basic decorative shield
- Battle-mage armour
- Battle-mage boots
- Battle-mage gloves
- Battle-mage helm
- Battle-mage robe
- Battle-mage robe legs
- Berserker ring
- Berserker ring (i)
- Blood amulet of fury
- Blood necklace
- Blue cape
- Blue cape (tutorial)
- Book of Death
- Boots of Trials
- Bracers of Trials
- Bulwark of revenge
- Cape of Accomplishment
- Cape of legends
- Cinderbane gloves
- Clan Amlodd cape
- Clan Cadarn cape
- Clan Crwys cape
- Clan Hefin cape
- Clan Iorwerth cape
- Clan Ithell cape
- Clan Meilyr cape
- Clan Trahaearn cape
- Classic cape
- Combatant's cape
- Combatant's hood
- Completionist cape
- Completionist cape (t)
- Constitution cape
- Constitution cape (t)
- Constitution master cape
- Construction cape
- Construction cape (t)
- Construction master cape
- Cooking cape
- Cooking cape (t)
- Cooking master cape
- Corrupt rogue gloves
- Corrupted slayer helmet
- Corrupted slayer helmet (blue)
- Corrupted slayer helmet (green)
- Corrupted slayer helmet (red)
- Corrupted slayer helmet (yellow)
- Crafting cape
- Crafting cape (t)
- Crafting master cape
- Crystal amulet
- Crystal body
- Crystal boots
- Crystal equipment
- Crystal gloves
- Crystal helm
- Crystal legs
- Culinaromancer's gloves 1
- Culinaromancer's gloves 10
- Culinaromancer's gloves 2
- Culinaromancer's gloves 3
- Culinaromancer's gloves 4
- Culinaromancer's gloves 5
- Culinaromancer's gloves 6
- Culinaromancer's gloves 7
- Culinaromancer's gloves 8
- Culinaromancer's gloves 9
- Deathtouch bracelet
- Defence cape
- Defence cape (t)
- Defence master cape
- Detailed decorative helm
- Detailed decorative platebody
- Detailed decorative platelegs
- Detailed decorative shield
- Diamond ring (i)
- Divination cape
- Divination cape (t)
- Divination master cape
- Dragon Rider amulet
- Dragon Rider armour
- Dragon Rider body
- Dragon rider boots
- Dragon Rider cape
- Dragon Rider chaps
- Dragon rider gloves
- Dragon Rider helm
- Dragonbone gloves
- Dragonstone armour
- Dragonstone boots
- Dragonstone gauntlets
- Dragonstone greaves
- Dragonstone hauberk
- Dragonstone helm
- Dragonstone ring (i)
- Drinking Horn
- Dungeoneering cape
- Dungeoneering cape (t)
- Dungeoneering master cape
- Elite void knight robe (executioner)
- Elite void knight robe (guardian)
- Elite void knight robe (justiciar)
- Elite void knight top (executioner)
- Elite void knight top (guardian)
- Elite void knight top (justiciar)
- Emerald ring (i)
- Erethdor's grimoire
- Explosive barrel
- Exquisite shield
- Faithful shield
- Falador shield 1
- Falador shield 2
- Falador shield 3
- Falador shield 4
- Farming cape
- Farming cape (t)
- Farming master cape
- Firemaking cape
- Firemaking cape (t)
- Firemaking master cape
- First age tiara
- Fishing cape
- Fishing cape (t)
- Fishing master cape
- Fletching cape
- Fletching cape (t)
- Fletching master cape