This category contains items which can disassemble into Blade parts. This category is automatically added by Template:Disassemble.
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All items (539)
- Abyssal vine whip
- Abyssal vine whip (blue)
- Abyssal vine whip (green)
- Abyssal vine whip (white)
- Abyssal vine whip (yellow)
- Abyssal whip
- Abyssal whip (blue)
- Abyssal whip (green)
- Abyssal whip (white)
- Abyssal whip (yellow)
- Adamant 2h sword
- Adamant battleaxe
- Adamant claw
- Adamant dagger
- Adamant dart
- Adamant halberd
- Adamant hasta
- Adamant hatchet
- Adamant javelin
- Adamant knife
- Adamant longsword
- Adamant scimitar
- Adamant spear
- Adamant sword
- Adamant throwing axe
- Annihilation
- Armadyl godsword
- Armadyl godsword (passive)
- Armour gizmo
- Armour gizmo shell
- Attuned crystal chakram
- Attuned crystal dagger
- Attuned crystal halberd
- Augmented abyssal vine whip
- Augmented abyssal whip
- Augmented Annihilation
- Augmented Armadyl godsword
- Augmented Armadyl godsword (passive)
- Augmented attuned crystal dagger
- Augmented attuned crystal halberd
- Augmented attuned off-hand crystal dagger
- Augmented Balmung
- Augmented Bandos godsword
- Augmented Bandos godsword (passive)
- Augmented Blade of Avaryss
- Augmented Blade of Nymora
- Augmented chaotic claw
- Augmented chaotic longsword
- Augmented chaotic rapier
- Augmented chaotic spear
- Augmented crystal dagger
- Augmented crystal halberd
- Augmented crystal hatchet
- Augmented crystal off-hand dagger
- Augmented dragon hatchet
- Augmented Dragon Rider lance
- Augmented drygore longsword
- Augmented Drygore longsword (barrows)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (Blood)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (Ice)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (shadow)
- Augmented Drygore longsword (Third Age)
- Augmented drygore rapier
- Augmented Drygore rapier (barrows)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (Blood)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (Ice)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (shadow)
- Augmented Drygore rapier (Third Age)
- Augmented elite tetsu katana
- Augmented elite tetsu wakizashi
- Augmented enhanced Excalibur
- Augmented Guthan's warspear
- Augmented Jessika's sword
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (barrows)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (blood)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (Ice)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (shadow)
- Augmented Khopesh of Elidinis (Third Age)
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken (barrows)
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken (blood)
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken (Ice)
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken (shadow)
- Augmented Khopesh of Tumeken (Third Age)
- Augmented Korasi's sword
- Augmented lava whip
- Augmented Masuta's warspear
- Augmented mizuyari
- Augmented noxious scythe
- Augmented Noxious scythe (barrows)
- Augmented Noxious scythe (Blood)
- Augmented Noxious scythe (Ice)
- Augmented Noxious scythe (shadow)
- Augmented Noxious scythe (Third Age)
- Augmented off-hand chaotic claw
- Augmented off-hand chaotic longsword
- Augmented off-hand chaotic rapier
- Augmented off-hand drygore longsword
- Augmented Off-hand drygore longsword (barrows)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore longsword (Blood)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore longsword (Ice)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore longsword (shadow)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore longsword (Third Age)
- Augmented off-hand drygore rapier
- Augmented Off-hand drygore rapier (barrows)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore rapier (Blood)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore rapier (Ice)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore rapier (shadow)
- Augmented Off-hand drygore rapier (Third Age)
- Augmented off-hand ripper claw
- Augmented Off-hand Shadow glaive
- Augmented ripper claw
- Augmented Saradomin godsword
- Augmented Saradomin godsword (passive)
- Augmented Saradomin sword
- Augmented Shadow glaive
- Augmented Sunspear (melee)
- Augmented Sunspear (ranged)
- Augmented superior Morrigan's javelin
- Augmented superior Morrigan's throwing axe
- Augmented superior Vesta's longsword
- Augmented superior Vesta's spear
- Augmented tetsu katana
- Augmented tetsu wakizashi
- Augmented Thalassia's Revenge
- Augmented Wilderness sword 4
- Augmented Zamorak godsword
- Augmented Zamorak godsword (passive)
- Augmented Zamorakian spear
- Augmented Zaros godsword
- Augmented Zaros godsword (barrows)
- Augmented Zaros godsword (blood)
- Augmented Zaros godsword (shadow)
- Augmented Zaros godsword (Third Age)
- Balmung
- Bandos godsword
- Bandos godsword (passive)
- Banner (Arrav)
- Banner (Asgarnia)
- Banner (Dorgeshuun)
- Banner (Dragon)
- Banner (Fairy)
- Banner (Guthix)
- Banner (HAM)
- Banner (Horse)
- Banner (Jogre)
- Banner (Kandarin)
- Banner (Misthalin)
- Banner (Money)
- Banner (Saradomin)
- Banner (Skull)
- Banner (Varrock)
- Banner (Zamorak)
- Barb-tail harpoon
- Black 2h sword
- Black battleaxe
- Black claw
- Black dagger
- Black dart
- Black halberd
- Black hatchet
- Black knife
- Black longsword
- Black scimitar
- Black spear
- Black sword
- Blade of Avaryss
- Blade of Nymora
- Blessed hatchet
- Blurite sword
- Bone dagger
- Bone spear
- Brackish blade
- Brine sabre
- Bronze 2h sword
- Bronze battleaxe
- Bronze butter knife
- Bronze claw
- Bronze dagger
- Bronze dagger (Heart of Stone)
- Bronze dart
- Bronze fist flag
- Bronze halberd
- Bronze hasta
- Bronze hatchet
- Bronze javelin
- Bronze knife
- Bronze longsword
- Bronze scimitar
- Bronze spear
- Bronze sword
- Bronze throwing axe